

什么是虚拟桌面? (What are Virtual Desktops?)

A virtual desktop has a virtual space that is larger than the physical size of its monitor. Software accomplishes this feature through various means, which may be classified into two general approaches. A switchable virtual desktop makes copies of the desktop and allows the user to switch between them. The second approach to virtual desktops is to create a single virtual screen that is larger than the physical screen. The user may then pan or scroll to view the desired area of the virtual screen.

虚拟桌面的虚拟空间大于其监视器的物理大小。 软件通过各种方式实现此功能,可以将其分为两种通用方法。 可切换的虚拟桌面可复制桌面并允许用户在它们之间切换。 虚拟桌面的第二种方法是创建一个大于物理屏幕的虚拟屏幕。 然后,用户可以平移或滚动以查看虚拟屏幕的所需区域。

Desktop managers often classify desktop environments according to their degree of virtualization, typically for the purpose of comparing costs and benefits. Virtual desktops generally benefit a business, particularly when they are implemented on a large scale. These benefits include direct costs which you can estimate with relative ease, and indirect costs which are more difficult to quantify.

桌面管理人员通常根据其虚拟化程度对桌面环境进行分类,通常是为了比较成本和收益。 虚拟桌面通常使企业受益,特别是在大规模实施虚拟桌面时。 这些收益包括您可以相对轻松地估算出的直接成本,以及难以量化的间接成本。

分类目录 (Categories)

The categories of desktop environments include the following in increasing order of virtualization:


  • Typical traditional desktop

  • Best practices traditional desktop

  • Terminal services

  • Managed virtual desktop


A typical traditional desktop environment requires each user to manage 30 to 50 percent of the desktop software. This percentage may be even higher in environments where the users are able to install software themselves, which increases support costs.

典型的传统桌面环境要求每个用户管理30%到50%的桌面软件。 在用户能够自己安装软件的环境中,该百分比甚至更高,这会增加支持成本。

A best practices traditional desktop environment implements up to 95 percent of its software from a central location. This particularly includes distributed applications, software patches and anti-virus software.

传统桌面环境的最佳实践是从中央位置实施多达95%的软件。 这尤其包括分布式应用程序,软件补丁和防病毒软件。

A terminal services environment is the most conventional method of delivering applications to the desktop device from a remote location. This environment is most useful when other forms of desktop virtualization provide unacceptable performance due to bandwidth limitations. The virtualized applications typically use banks of servers, while the other applications are implemented by the end user.

终端服务环境是从远程位置将应用程序交付到桌面设备的最常规方法。 当其他形式的桌面虚拟化由于带宽限制而无法提供令人满意的性能时,此环境最有用。 虚拟化的应用程序通常使用服务器组,而其他应用程序则由最终用户实现。

A managed virtual desktop environment moves all memory, processing and storage from the desktop device to a centralized infrastructure. A user would then be able to access the virtual environment from any device set up by IT. This type of desktop environment is often used to transition a desktop environment to a cloud-based server.

托管虚拟桌面环境将所有内存,处理和存储从桌面设备移至集中式基础架构。 然后,用户将能够从IT设置的任何设备访问虚拟环境。 这种类型的桌面环境通常用于将桌面环境过渡到基于云的服务器。

虚拟桌面的好处 (Benefits of Virtual Desktops)

The primary benefits of a virtual desktop solution include the ability to save the desktop’s state, which is saved on a server that is connected to the facility’s local area network. This feature allows users to begin a new session without needing to restart applications and reopen files. The IT team is able support a fully virtualized environment from a centralized location, which reduces the support required of the desktop devices.

虚拟桌面解决方案的主要优点包括能够保存桌面状态,该状态保存在连接到该机构的局域网的服务器上。 此功能使用户可以开始新的会话,而无需重新启动应用程序和重新打开文件。 IT团队能够从集中的位置支持完全虚拟化的环境,从而减少了桌面设备所需的支持。

A virtual desktop environment has improved information security and requires less network bandwidth since the desktop is presented on the end user’s device. This desktop environment also has more efficient data recovery services, greater protection against disasters and improved information security. A virtual desktop also improves the user’s overall experience, which increases productivity.

虚拟桌面环境提高了信息安全性,并且由于桌面显示在最终用户的设备上,因此需要较少的网络带宽。 该桌面环境还具有更有效的数据恢复服务,更强的灾难防御能力和改进的信息安全性。 虚拟桌面还可以改善用户的整体体验,从而提高生产力。

虚拟桌面的成本效益分析 (Cost Benefit Analysis of Virtual Desktops)

Dell Services provides an analysis of the typical savings that a business can realize by converting a traditional desktop environment to a managed virtual desktop solution. These figures assume the facility has 1,000 desktops.

戴尔服务提供了企业将传统桌面环境转换为托管虚拟桌面解决方案可实现的典型节省的分析。 这些数字假设该设施具有1,000个台式机。

A managed virtual desktop solution will save a 1,000-desktop facility $300,000 per year by allowing the use of desktop devices that last longer and cost less. The savings in increased productivity will be approximately $294,000 per year. This savings come from better performance, including less downtime, shorter screen refreshes and faster logins. A savings of about $250,000 per year will come from a reduction in the number of calls to the help desk and fewer visits by technicians to the user’s desk. The reduced power consumption of virtual desktop devices will save an additional $60,000 per year. This analysis shows a total savings in internal costs of about $900,000 per year.

托管虚拟桌面解决方案允许使用使用寿命更长,成本更低的桌面设备,每年将为1,000个桌面设备节省300,000美元。 每年提高生产力所节省的费用约为294,000美元。 节省的钱来自更好的性能,包括更少的停机时间,更短的屏幕刷新和更快的登录。 由于减少了对服务台的呼叫次数,以及技术人员对用户服务台的访问次数减少,每年可节省约25万美元。 虚拟桌面设备功耗的降低将每年额外节省60,000美元。 该分析表明,每年内部成本总共节省约90万美元。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/multiply-your-business-with-virtual-desktops/






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