

Early in 2010 a forum staff member suggested to me that we do something to tap into the vast wealth of knowledge lying dormant in the SitePoint community. The answer was obvious – a collaborative book. A committee was formed and the project was up and running before I had time to stop and think. A year and a lot of work later, I am proud to be able to launch the fruits of our labor – a collaborative book by the SitePoint Community, which we have entitled Thinking Web: Voices of the Community.

2010年初,一位论坛工作人员向我建议,我们应该采取一些措施来利用SitePoint社区中沉寂的大量知识。 答案很明显–一本合作书。 在我没有时间停下来思考之前,成立了一个委员会,该项目已经启动并开始运行。 一年又经过大量工作,我为能够发掘我们的劳动成果而感到自豪-这是SitePoint社区合作编写的一本书,我们将其命名为“ 思考网:社区之声”

The digital book is free to download and you can find out what it’s all about by reading the outline below. I am proud to have been at the helm of the project and to call myself manager of the community from which it came.

电子书是免费下载的 ,您可以通过阅读下面的概述来了解它的全部内容。 我很荣幸能够担任该项目的负责人,并自称为项目社区的经理。

Preface – Sarah Hawk (Community Manager)

前言 –莎拉·霍克(Sarah Hawk)(社区经理)

Chapter 1 – Anatomy of a Website by Ralph Mason Ralph’s chapter looks at the building blocks of a website, from hosting through to favicons, with everything in between. If you are new to the world of web, then this is the article for you.

第1章– Ralph Mason撰写的网站剖析 Ralph的章节着眼于网站的构建块,从托管到网站图标,介于两者之间。 如果您是网络世界的新手,那么这是为您准备的文章。

Chapter 2 – Designing in the Dark by Alex Dawson Alex examines the ideas of web accessibility and talks you through the process of identifying your audience and ensuring that your sites meet their needs and expectations.

第2章–黑暗中设计 (Alex Dawson)Alex考察了Web可访问性的思想,并与您讨论了确定目标受众并确保您的网站满足其需求和期望的过程。

Chapter 3 – Everything Must Go by Alex Dawson Alex is back, this time discussing the concepts of web accessibility in more detail. If you want some practical advice to ensure that your sites work for everyone, then this is a must read.

第3章– Alex Dawson的所有必备条件 Alex回来了,这次更详细地讨论了Web可访问性的概念。 如果您想要一些实用的建议以确保您的网站适合所有人,那么这是必读的。

Chapter 4 – Going Freelance by John Borda You might be the best web developer in the world, but if no one knows that then it’s of very little use to you. John looks at some of the things that a freelancer can do in order to make a successful career in the cutthroat world of web development.

第4章–成为自由职业者 ,约翰·博尔达(John Borda)您可能是世界上最好的Web开发人员,但是如果没人知道,那么这对您没有多大用处。 John着眼于自由职业者可以做的一些事情,以便在网络开发的残酷世界中取得成功。

Chapter 5 – Successful PSD to HTML Freelancing by Paul O’Brien In this chapter, CSS expert Paul talks about the intricacies of quoting on and carrying out a PSD to HTML conversion job. He points out some of the pitfalls and explains how to avoid them.

第5章–成功的PSD到HTML的自由职业者Paul O'Brien在本章中,CSS专家Paul谈到了引用和执行PSD到HTML的转换工作的复杂性。 他指出了一些陷阱并解释了如何避免它们。

Chapter 6 – Write Email Markup That Doesn’t Explode in the Inbox by Coyote Holmberg If writing electronic newsletters is something that is on your radar then this article by Coyote will be invaluable. In it she discusses the dos and don’ts of writing HTML emails from the design stage right through to the sending.

第6章-编写不会在收件箱中爆炸的电子邮件标记作者:Coyote Holmberg如果编写电子新闻通讯已成为您的雷达,那么Coyote的这篇文章将是无价之宝。 在其中,她讨论了从设计阶段一直到发送,编写HTML电子邮件的注意事项。

Chapter 7 – Make Your Website Stand Out from the Crowd by Ursula Comeau Social media has become so commonplace that it can’t be ignored if you want your business to succeed and Ursula explains how important social media and blogging can be to your website and your online marketing strategy.

第7章–使您的网站在人群中脱颖而出Ursula Comeau社交媒体已变得非常普遍,如果您希望您的业务成功,就不能忽视,并且Ursula解释了社交媒体和博客对您的网站和您的网站有多么重要在线营销策略。

Chapter 8 – Information Organization and the Web by Sherry Curry You might have the most valuable information on the planet on your website, but if it is hard to navigate then the chances of people giving up before they ever get to it are great. Sherry talks about good strategies for organising and labeling your information so that it is accessible and easy to find.

第8章–信息组织和Web作者:Sherry Curry您可能在您的网站上拥有这个星球上最有价值的信息,但是如果难以导航,那么人们在放弃之前就放弃的机会很大。 Sherry谈论了组织和标记信息的良好策略,以便可以轻松访问和查找信息。

Chapter 9 – Using Vector Graphics to Build a Noughts & Crosses Game by Clive Wickham In this tutorial, Clive outlines how you can easily build a simple game of Noughts & Crosses using interactive vector graphics and explores two ways of presenting it, via SVG and HTML5 Canvas.

第9章–使用矢量图形来构建Noughts and Crosses游戏 ,作者Clive Wickham在本教程中,Clive概述了如何使用交互式矢量图形轻松地构建一个简单的Noughts and Crosses游戏,并探讨了两种显示方式,即SVG和HTML5。帆布。

Chapter 10 – Efficient Actionscript by Christian Snodgrass Christian examines a selection of some of the more useful Actionscript tips, tricks and techniques for use in mid-to-large projects.

第10章-克里斯蒂安·斯诺德格拉斯(Christian Snodgrass)撰写的《 有效的行动脚本》克里斯蒂安(Christian Snodgrass)研究了一些用于大中型项目的更有用的行动脚本技巧,窍门和技术。

Chapter 11 – Databases : The Basic Concepts by Nuria Zuazo Databases are a must for any dynamic site and some basic knowledge is necessary to make the most of your database. In this article, Nuria looks at some of the intricacies of the modern day database and how you can harness its power in your own sites.

第11章–数据库: Nuria Zuazo 的基本概念对于任何动态站点,数据库都是必不可少的,要充分利用数据库,必须具备一些基本知识。 在本文中,Nuria研究了现代数据库的一些复杂性,以及如何在自己的站点中利用其功能。

Chapter 12 – The Iceberg of TCP/IP by Robert Wellock Robert skims the surface of the massive subject that is TCP/IP and looks at a selection of protocols focusing on what is most relevant to web design or general home computing.

第12章 -Robert Wellock 的TCP / IP的冰山罗伯特(Robert Wellock)Robert略过TCP / IP的庞大主题,并着眼于一系列与Web设计或一般家庭计算最相关的协议。

If you are interested in reading more about this project; how it came about and what went down, then keep an eye out for the June issue of the Community Crier (out next week) or this blog in the coming week.

如果您有兴趣阅读有关该项目的更多信息; 它是如何产生的,什么是下降的,然后留意6月号的《 社区危机》 (下周出版)或下周的此博客。

Get your free copy now!


翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/thinking-web-voices-of-the-community/


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