

With the online industry at a halt, ebusiness economists struggle to reduce operational costs for their companies. For those dot coms that thrive on traffic, there is no doubt that efforts have been focused on reducing hosting and bandwidth costs. And many have asked themselves “Is co-location cheaper than a dedicated managed server?”

随着在线行业的停滞,电子商务经济学家努力降低其公司的运营成本。 对于那些在流量上蓬勃发展的网络公司而言,毫无疑问,努力集中在降低主机和带宽成本上。 许多人问自己:“主机托管比专用托管服务器便宜吗?”

什么是同一地点? (What is Co-Location?)

With co-location the Webmaster provides the server, and houses it in a data center or facility that links it to the Internet. Typically, the customer pays a housing fee (called a “rack fee”) in addition to the Internet uplink that runs directly into their server. Dedicated servers, on the other hand, are just that: you have a server dedicated and rented to you, which is managed by the data center or provider, but you do not have absolute ownership over the server.

通过主机托管,网站管理员可以提供服务器,并将其放置在将其链接到Internet的数据中心或设施中。 通常,除了直接在其服务器中运行的Internet上行链路之外,客户还要支付住宿费(称为“机架费”)。 另一方面,专用服务器就是这样:您拥有一台专用并出租给您的服务器,该服务器由数据中心或提供商管理,但是您对该服务器没有绝对所有权。

This is the reason why many favor co-location. After a year of paying a dedicated server, you’ve probably paid the server off 3-4 times over, and yet you have no ownership of the hardware. However, if you don’t expect to have a great deal of traffic, and you’d prefer the additional support that providers give, a dedicated server may just be the right way to go. Owning the server and being responsible for replacement hardware may be an unnecessary cost for your business. In the extremely competitive dedicated server market, you’re looking at $100 (low-end) to $500 per month for a good server. Nevertheless, if you already experience traffic growth and require more resources, possibly even an additional server, I would suggest you consider collocated server(s).

这就是为什么许多人偏向同一地点的原因。 在购买专用服务器一年后,您可能已将服务器购买了3-4倍,但您没有硬件所有权。 但是,如果您不希望流量很大,并且希望使用提供商提供的额外支持,则专用服务器可能是正确的选择。 拥有服务器并负责更换硬件可能对您的业务来说是不必要的成本。 在竞争激烈的专用服务器市场中,优质服务器的价格为每月100美元(低端)至500美元。 但是,如果您已经经历了流量增长并且需要更多资源,甚至可能需要额外的服务器,我建议您考虑并置服务器。

Co-location and dedicated servers compare to buying a home and paying property tax or renting an apartment. Both have their advantages, but they vary according to the situation. The only way to know what you are getting into is to sit down and do the math. Co-location is more expensive at the onset, and cheaper in the long run. Dedicated servers are more expensive in the long run, but cost less up front. If you feel that co-location is the best solution for your business, this article will explain how you can establish a reliable Web presence using co-location. This guide will cover the following:

托管和专用服务器与购买房屋,缴纳财产税或租公寓相比。 两者都有其优点,但根据情况而有所不同。 知道自己所学的唯一方法是坐下来进行数学运算。 主机代管在一开始就比较昂贵,从长远来看更便宜。 从长远来看,专用服务器价格更高,但前期成本更低。 如果您认为托管是您业务的最佳解决方案,那么本文将介绍如何使用托管来建立可靠的Web存在。 本指南将涵盖以下内容:

  1. Prices, benefits and disadvantages of operating systems.

  2. A briefing of server hardware prices and the suggested use for each.

  3. The recommended approach to selecting an ISP.

选择操作系统 (Selecting an Operation System)

There are several different Network Operating Systems available today, so finding one that satisfies your needs while complying with your budget can be a difficult task. I’ve chosen two of the more popular ones to discuss here: Windows NT and Linux.

今天有几种不同的网络操作系统可供使用,因此在满足预算的同时找到满足您需求的系统可能是一项艰巨的任务。 在这里,我选择了两个比较流行的主题:Windows NT和Linux。

Windows NT

Windows NT

The obvious difference between these two popular operating systems is that NT attempts to bring the familiar Windows interface to a server environment. NT allows Webmasters to operate their server by pointing and clicking, which has been a major contributor to the increased popularity of NT. Aside from the user-friendly interface, NT is ideal for sites that plan to run third-party developed software, and NT makes it especially easy to work with databases (Access, Oracle, SQL, DB2).

这两种流行的操作系统之间的明显区别是NT尝试将熟悉的Windows界面引入服务器环境。 NT允许网站管理员通过指向和单击来操作其服务器,这是NT日益流行的主要原因。 除了用户友好的界面外,NT还非常适合计划运行第三方开发的软件的站点,NT使使用数据库(Access,Oracle,SQL,DB2)特别容易。

Price: $300

价钱:$ 300



Linux, my personal favorite, is undeniably harder to learn, but it’s probably the most secure OS. You can expect a Linux machine to literally run for years without crashing. In addition, very few viruses have been found on Linux machines, and Linux runs very efficiently on almost all hardware. Linux sites usually run the free Apache Web server, and while it lacks the point-and-click tools that NT incorporates, the majority of experienced administrators prefer the flexibility that Linux gives by allowing you to work with the raw code.

我个人最喜欢的Linux无疑难以学习,但是它可能是最安全的OS。 您可以预期Linux机器实际上可以运行数年而不会崩溃。 此外,在Linux机器上几乎没有发现病毒,并且Linux在几乎所有硬件上都能非常高效地运行。 Linux站点通常运行免费的Apache Web服务器,尽管它缺少NT所包含的点击工具,但大多数有经验的管理员更喜欢Linux通过允许您使用原始代码而提供的灵活性。

Price: Free


选择服务器硬件 (Selecting Server Hardware)

Selecting the correct hardware for your server is as critical as picking an OS. The three most popular platforms in the industry are Sun, Intel, and Cobalt. Sun is acknowledged in the server business for its speed, efficiency, and its reliability; however, Intel does not stray far behind, and tends to be much more affordable for the average Webmaster.

为服务器选择正确的硬件与选择操作系统一样重要。 业界最受欢迎的三个平台是Sun,Intel和Cobalt。 Sun因其速度,效率和可靠性而在服务器行业广受认可。 但是,英特尔的发展步伐并不遥远,而且对于一般的网站管理员而言,价格往往要便宜得多。

Cobalt, owned by Sun Microsystems, has recently become a major player in server hardware. Cobalt is perfect for Webmasters who need to support many sites, and is the most inexpensive of the three. The Cobalt RaQ server is a great out-of-the box machine, but it is not recommended for high traffic sites.

Sun Microsystems拥有的Cobalt最近已成为服务器硬件的主要参与者。 Cobalt非常适合需要支持许多站点的网站管理员,并且是三个站点中最便宜的。 Cobalt RaQ服务器是一台出色的开箱即用机器,但不建议用于高流量站点。

I’ll presume you’re building your own server, having decided not to purchase an out-of the-box machine.


Networking Cards


The next step is to select your networking card. There are countless networking cards (NIC) available, but I don’t advise you opt for a cheap one. Your NIC is your connection to the Internet, and since you are co-locating (paying for the hardware yourself), you will experience some major downtime and expenses, in both labor and parts, if you’re forced to make a replacement.

下一步是选择您的网卡。 有无数的网卡(NIC),但我不建议您选择便宜的网卡。 NIC是您与Internet的连接,并且由于您位于同一地点(您自己购买硬件),因此如果被迫进行更换,则将在人工和零件上遇到大量的停机和开支。



Selecting the amount of memory for your server can vary with your plans, but I’d strongly recommend that you purchase at least 256MB. The server will store accessed Web pages in the memory, so the more memory you have, the more pages can be stored.

选择服务器的内存量可能会因计划而异,但我强烈建议您购买至少256MB。 服务器会将访问的网页存储在内存中,因此,您拥有的内存越多,可以存储的页面就越多。

Hard Drives


Hard drives also play a major role in performance. Hard drives generally come in speeds of 5400, 7200, 10,000, and 15,000 RPM. These numbers represent the speed at which the metal disks inside the hard drive rotate. Needless to say, the faster the rotation speed, the faster your server is able to access data.

硬盘在性能方面也起着重要作用。 硬盘驱动器的速度通常为5400、7200、10,000和15,000 RPM。 这些数字表示硬盘驱动器内金属磁盘旋转的速度。 不用说,旋转速度越快,服务器访问数据的速度就越快。

There are two types of hard drives – SCSI (Small Computer Systems Interface) pronounced “skuzzy” and IDE (Integrated Drive Electronics). The recommended hard drive for a Web server is 7200+RPM SCSI.

硬盘驱动器有两种类型:发音为“ skuzzy”的SCSI(小型计算机系统接口)和IDE(集成驱动器电子设备)。 Web服务器的推荐硬盘驱动器是7200 + RPM SCSI。

选择提供者 (Selecting a Provider)

Selecting your provider is undoubtedly the most important decision in this process, and should not be taken lightly.


While it may seem evident, the first step is to determine what your needs are. I suggest that you write down what you need from a host and what you don’t, and keep this list in front of you while you “listen” to the sales pitch. Otherwise, you may be sold on the small things providers are so aggressively marketing, without ensuring you get exactly what you need.

尽管这似乎很明显,但第一步是确定您的需求。 我建议您写下主机需要的内容和不需要的内容,并在“聆听”销售推销时将此列表放在您的面前。 否则,您可能会在供应商如此积极地进行营销的小物品上被出售,而不能确保获得所需的确切东西。

To begin your research, visit HostChart and Host Amigos. After finding a provider at HostChart, I recommend visiting HostAmigos to research the overall reputation of the provider(s) that interest you.

要开始您的研究,请访问HostChartHost Amigos 。 在HostChart找到提供商后,我建议访问HostAmigos,以研究您感兴趣的提供商的整体声誉。

Things to look at while searching for a provider include:




One obvious factor you should pay special attention to is the price. I do not suggest that you find the cheapest host, because the saying “you pay for what you get” definitely applies to Web hosting. You may be tempted to take the cheaper route, but having frequent downtime is very unprofessional, and will result in instant credibility loss among your users.

您应该特别注意的一个显而易见的因素是价格。 我不建议您找到最便宜的主机,因为“为购买的东西付费”这句话绝对适用于Web托管。 您可能会倾向于采用便宜的路线,但是频繁的停机时间是非常不专业的,并且会导致用户之间立即失去信誉。

Technical Support


Available technical support is another issue that should be taken seriously, and ought to play a major role in your decision. Most reputable hosts have 24/7 support via email and phone.

可用的技术支持是应该认真考虑的另一个问题,应该在您的决定中发挥重要作用。 大多数信誉良好的主机都通过电子邮件和电话提供24/7全天候支持。

Unfortunately, if you have a problem with your server hardware, support will not cover this. However, problems can arise with your connection, or when you’re setting up your server, and a quick response is crucial.

不幸的是,如果您的服务器硬件有问题,支持将不包含在此范围内。 但是,连接时或设置服务器时可能会出现问题,因此快速响应至关重要。



Another vital aspect I strongly urge you to look into is your host’s connection. You may have the best hardware for your server, but if your host cannot match this with a good connection to the Internet, you may experience downtime that results in loss of business. Good hosting companies have multiple connections to the Internet, and should also facilitate the use of on-site back up equipment in case of a power failure.

我强烈敦促您研究的另一个重要方面是主机的连接。 您可能拥有适合服务器的最佳硬件,但是如果主机不能通过与Internet的良好连接来匹配此硬件,则可能会遇到宕机时间,从而导致业务损失。 好的托管公司具有与Internet的多个连接,并且在出现电源故障的情况下还应该促进现场备份设备的使用。

5个问题要问房东! (5 Questions to Ask Your Host!)

To summarize the above information, I recommend you ask the following questions:


1. Do you provide 24/7 support? Via email, phone, etc.?

1.您是否提供24/7全天候支持? 通过电子邮件,电话等?

This is extremely important. A good method of testing the hosting company’s level of support is to call their support line and see if you can reach someone, or to simply them send an email inquiring about a hosting package and compare their response time to that of other companies.

这是非常重要的。 测试托管公司的支持水平的一种好方法是致电其支持热线,看看您是否可以与某人联系,或者简单地他们发送电子邮件询问托管服务包,并将其响应时间与其他公司的响应时间进行比较。

2. What type of back-up systems do you have in place?


In addition to this, you should ask what the fees for back-ups are, and how often they’re performed.


3. Do you provide a 30-day money back guarantee?


If you have paid a set-up fee, and end up switching hosts because you are unhappy with them, you may find yourself a few hundred dollars out of pocket. Also, most reputable hosts offer a 30-day money back guarantee incentive, which also shows their confidence in their own service.

如果您已经支付了安装费,并且由于对主机不满意而最终更换了主机,那么您可能会发现自己有几百美元。 此外,大多数信誉良好的主机提供30天退款保证激励措施,这也表明了他们对自己的服务的信心。

4. How many connections to the Internet do you currently have running in to your facilities?


Most reputable hosts will have at least two connections running into their data center. This is fairly important: in the case of a line getting cut you will not experience downtime.

大多数信誉良好的主机将在其数据中心中至少运行两个连接。 这是非常重要的:如果生产线被切断,您将不会遇到停机时间。

5. What is the turnaround time for server setup?


While this will certainly vary with the urgency of your project, I would not recommend a host that says it will take a week or longer to set you up. If they are that slow getting you online, it’s doubtful that they can provide you with adequate support.

虽然这当然会因项目的紧急程度而有所不同,但我不建议主持人说需要花费一周或更长时间来建立您的项目。 如果他们使您无法上网,那么他们能否为您提供足够的支持值得怀疑。

I’ve heard countless horror stories from Webmasters who received the dreaded call from their provider to tell them to cough up money they didn’t have for a NIC card, or hard drive. If your financial situation is equally precarious, go with a dedicated server. Having a dedicated server does not affect how others perceive your business, but having an unreachable homepage means instant credibility loss. If you’re still convinced that co-location is the option for you, take a very cautious approach in selecting your host, and in case of hardware failure, you can always leave a spare NIC card with your provider.

我听到过很多网站管理员的恐怖故事,这些网站管理员接到了提供商的可怕电话,告诉他们要为他们买不到NIC卡或硬盘的钱。 如果您的财务状况同样不稳定,请使用专用服务器。 拥有专用服务器不会影响其他人对您业务的看法,但是拥有无法访问的首页意味着立即失去信誉。 如果仍然确信托管是您的选择,请在选择主机时采取非常谨慎的方法,如果发生硬件故障,您始终可以将备用NIC卡留给提供商。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/leaning-towards-co-location/






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