

Remote work is not easy. It sounds like a dream (and it honestly is in a lot of ways), but there’s a darker side to remote work that one can’t understand until they’ve done it.

远程工作并不容易。 这听起来像是一个梦想(坦白地说,它在很多方面都存在),但是远程工作还有一个黑暗的方面,一个人在完成之前就无法理解。

Here’s the deal. People that work remotely often suffer from suboptimal mental health, and so you’re probably wondering, why on earth do they do it? Well, the fact is, while remote working comes with some very unique challenges, so does not working remotely. The difference is that remote work can offer the flexibility you need to build a lifestyle that suits you.

这是交易。 远程工作的人们通常会遭受心理健康欠佳的困扰,因此您可能想知道,为什么他们要这么做呢? 好吧,事实是,尽管远程工作面临一些非常独特的挑战,但并不是远程工作。 不同之处在于远程工作可以提供您建立适合自己的生活方式所需的灵活性。

Find your next remote job with SitePoint Remote, where we handpick the best remote jobs for developers, designers and digital professionals.

通过SitePoint Remote找到您的下一个远程工作,我们将为开发人员,设计师和数字专业人士精心挑选最佳的远程工作。

people sitting at table with laptop

Indeed, remote work isn’t a silver bullet for burnout or wanderlust, but if you do happen to try it out and eventually wind up succumbing to loneliness, or a lack of motivation or productivity (as many remote workers do), at least you’ll have the opportunity to change things up and make things better.


In the eyes of many, it’s the lesser of two evils.


That being said, attempting to diagnose what your mind and body needs isn’t that easy. What might work one day might not work on another day, and what might work for one individual might not work for another individual. Humans are complex, and in the case of remote work, everyday productivity tricks often don’t cut it.

话虽这么说,试图诊断出您的身心需求并不容易。 一天可能有用的东西可能在另一天不起作用,并且可能对一个人有用的东西可能对另一个人不起作用。 人类很复杂,在远程工作的情况下,日常工作效率的窍门常常无法解决。

Let’s take a look.


“我感到孤独” (“I feel lonely”)

Loneliness is a big issue (maybe the biggest?) for freelance remote workers and digital nomads in foreign countries, but it can also affect those that work in distributed teams (especially when some team members aren’t remote, as one can feel like an outsider at work using this setup). Let’s look at the solutions.

对于国外的自由远程工作者和数字Nomad民而言,孤独感是一个大问题(也许是最大的问题),但它也会影响到在分布式团队中工作的人员(尤其是当某些团队成员不处于远程状态时,因为他们可能会感觉像使用此设置工作的局外人)。 让我们看一下解决方案。

利用协同工作空间 (Utilize co-working spaces)

Co-working spaces aren’t for everyone. If you teach English, it’s obviously a no-no (not because of the noise, but because the noise would be distracting to other remote workers). If you’re only required to dive into the odd video call, though, many co-working spaces include a few hours of “booth time”.

共享办公空间并不适合所有人。 如果您教英语,那显然是不行(不是因为吵闹,而是因为吵闹会分散其他远程工作人员的注意力)。 但是,如果您只需要参加奇怪的视频通话,那么许多共同工作空间都包含几个小时的“展位时间”。

Throw in super-fast Wi-Fi, free coffee, daily events, and a likeminded crowd, joining a co-working space is like joining a community, and some co-working spaces (such as Hubud) and Dojo Bali) are literally famous! Good vibes = a huge motivation boost.

投入超快速的Wi-Fi,免费咖啡,日常活动和志同道合的人群,加入共同工作空间就像加入社区一样,并且某些共同工作空间(例如HubudDojo Bali )确实很有名。 ! 良好的共鸣=巨大的动力推动力

happy co-workers sitting with laptops on comfy chairs

在酒吧和咖啡馆工作 (Work from bars and cafés)

Cafés and bars work well too. The noise and seating options might be a tad unpredictable, and when going to a new place one has to find the Wi-Fi password, but all in all the experience is very much the same. It’s still fairly easy to meet other people, as it’s likely that you won’t be the only regular customer.

咖啡厅和酒吧也很好。 噪音和座位选择可能有点难以预测,到一个新的地方时,必须找到Wi-Fi密码,但总的来说,体验几乎是一样的。 结识其他人仍然很容易,因为您可能不是唯一的常规客户。

Pro-tip: download Wi-Fi Map app to get the Wi-Fi passwords of networks near you!

专家提示:下载Wi-Fi Map应用可获取您附近网络的Wi-Fi密码!

My favourite café — October Coffee Gaya, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia) 我最喜欢的咖啡馆-马来西亚哥打京那巴鲁October Coffee Gaya)

实际上有时会遇到你的团队 (Actually meet up with your team sometimes)

2019 saw a remote work trend where distributed teams would get together every now and then, sometimes even for a yearly retreat somewhere exotic. Like … why not? Put the idea forward right now!

2019年出现了远程工作趋势,分散的团队会不时地聚集在一起,有时甚至每年在异国情调的地方撤退。 像……为什么不呢? 立即提出想法!

在工作中说出来; 没有人告诉你你不能 (Speak up at work; nobody’s telling you that you can’t)

In semi-distributed teams it can feel like those that work remotely are being left out, with much of the action happening in-office and “remotes” having to make do with email memos. It’s one of those things that just happens. It’s rarely intentional, so if you want to be part of the team, be a part of the team!

在半分布式团队中,感觉像是那些远程工作的团队被遗漏了,大部分动作发生在办公室内,而“远程处理”则与电子邮件备忘有关。 这只是发生的事情之一。 这很少是故意的,因此,如果您想成为团队的一分子,那就成为团队的一分子吧!

“我感到焦虑” (“I feel anxious”)

Anxiety is such a tricky thing to unravel, especially when we assume that it’s the root cause of why we’re feeling a certain way. Problems can cause anxiety, sure, but also, out-of-nowhere anxiety can cause problems, which makes it a bit hard to find out where our interactions with anxiety are actually happening in what I like to call the “mental health customer journey”.

焦虑是一件很难解决的事情,尤其是当我们认为这是为什么我们有某种感觉的根本原因时。 问题可能会导致焦虑,当然,到处都是焦虑会导致问题 ,这使得在我称之为“心理健康客户之旅”的过程中很难发现我们与焦虑的互动实际上正在发生的地方。

Where did our anxiety actually begin? 🤔

我们的焦虑实际上从哪里开始? 🤔

In my experience, the best way to overcome anxiety is to be mindful about it. That is, when you feel anxious, find a quiet spot to think and try to unravel the reason why — as opposed to “powering through”, intentionally or unintentionally trying to distract yourself with unproductive habits like checking emails and social media, or searching the Web for generic productivity advice that’ll probably only work as a temporary solution.

以我的经验,克服焦虑的最好方法就是多加注意。 也就是说,当您感到焦虑时,找到一个安静的地方进行思考并尝试阐明其原因-相对于“强力推动”,有意或无意地分散诸如检查电子邮件和社交媒体或搜索在Web上获得通用的生产力建议,该建议可能只能用作临时解决方案。

FYI: it’s possible to have multiple anxieties at once!


太多工作 (Too much work)

Annoyingly, the freedom that we acquire from a remote work lifestyle can be a curse as well as a blessing — for example, when “work whenever I want” turns into “working all the damn time”.


Woman working on laptop at outdoor table

Dealing with an overload of work (especially when dealing with burnout as well) is the worst. The solution is obviously to take some time off (and I think you know that already!), but often enough that just isn’t possible. It’s a catch-22 situation.

处理过多的工作(尤其是在处理倦怠时)是最糟糕的。 解决方案显然是要花些时间(我想您已经知道了!),但是通常这是不可能的。 这是22种情况。

The trick is to allow yourself just 30 minutes off. Plan it beforehand so that every second counts, and you’ll be surprised at how amazing you feel afterwards, whether you wind up taking a nature walk or just sitting in a coffee shop (not working!).

诀窍是让自己休息30分钟。 事先计划好每一秒,无论您是自然漫步还是坐在咖啡店( 工作!),您都会对之后的感觉感到惊讶。

As your work output becomes more efficient, increase this 30-minute break by five or ten minutes every day and eventually you’ll realize that you’re actually doing more work with less time.


Unfortunately, productivity “hacks” rarely work long-term. Instead, one has to make regular, healthy lifestyle choices.

不幸的是,生产力“骇客”很少能长期发挥作用。 相反,必须选择规律,健康的生活方式。

分心太多 (Too many distractions)

There’s having too much work to do, and then there’s having a normal amount of work but with too many distractions (maybe even more distractions than you’d have had back in the office 😅). Yikes!

有太多的工作要做,然后有正常的工作量,但会分心(可能比您回到办公室时分心得多)。 kes!

I’m sure you’ve heard these productivity tips before:


  • delete social media

  • turn off notifications

  • turn off Wi-Fi (when you can)

  • stop checking your emails and devices

  • use a noise app (like Noizio)

    使用噪音应用(例如Noizio )

  • try the Pomodoro Technique


While these productivity tips are all totally valid, the thing with distractions and procrastination is that we often find new things to distract ourselves with. It’s just habitual.

虽然这些生产力技巧都是完全有效的,但让人分心和拖延的事情是,我们经常会发现一些新的事物来分散自己的注意力。 这只是习惯。

Have you tried these things?


  • closing your open tabs

  • deleting your bookmarks

  • unsubscribing from emails

  • removing apps from your dock

  • relocating desktop files and folders

  • totally deleting or consolidating your apps


Consider deleting some apps and subscriptions or moving all todos and notes into a single app (or even a simple markdown file). You’ll find that you spend more time working and less time reorganizing (and worrying about) your todos this way. Personally, I keep all files in the cloud and have only Dropbox + email + my todo file in the dock. Out of sight, out of mind!

考虑删除某些应用程序和订阅,或者将所有待办事项和注释移到单个应用程序(甚至是简单的markdown文件)中。 您会发现您会花费更多的时间在工作上,而花费在组织(和担心)这种待办事项上的时间却更少。 就个人而言,我将所有文件保留在云中,而坞站中只有Dropbox +电子邮件+我的待办事项文件。 眼不见,心不烦!

A very white room — almost with no distinguishing features

您的工作量超出您的想象 (You have more work than you think)

You could probably cut your todo list in half. Like, right now.

您可能会将待办事项清单减半。 就像,现在。

The thing with freedom is that we think we have more time than we actually do, and often (over excitedly) we add things to do our todo list that later on just become a burden when we no longer feel excited to do them. Do a little spring cleaning …

自由的事情是,我们认为自己比实际拥有的时间更多,而且经常(兴奋地)添加事情来做待办事项清单,后来当我们不再为做事而感到兴奋时,这就会成为负担。 做一点Spring大扫除...

  • Which todos are fun but have no real outcome?

  • Which todos had a purpose, but don’t anymore?


  • Which todos are small and can be completed right now?

  • Which todos can be consolidated with other todos?


Chuck them away (or complete them today) and don’t look back.


Again, consider consolidating everything into a single list and throwing away Wunderlist, Trello, and whatever else it is you’re using to managing various tasks in way too many different apps.


结论 (Conclusion)

Remote work is fun, but it can also be very … not fun. We tend to think of freedom as a good thing, but unfortunately, we’re hardwired to make bad life choices, and often use this freedom to bombard ourselves with cognitive load that doesn’t really do us any favors at all. With good intentions, of course, but still.

远程工作很有趣,但它也可以很...... 好玩。 我们倾向于认为自由是一件好事 ,但遗憾的是,我们硬做出错误的人生选择,并经常使用这种自由与认知负荷并没有真正对我们有什么好处可言炮轰自己。 当然有良好的意愿,但仍然如此。

After a while, it can seem like mo’ freedom/mo’ problems, but in reality these problems are usually self made. Being a remote worker grants freedom, sure, but it also requires a lot of self-discipline. Otherwise we’re just wasting our freedom by using our time unwisely and not being mindful about what our mind and body need. And to be honest, this applies non-remotes as well.

过了一会儿,看起来好像是mo'自由/ mo'问题,但实际上,这些问题通常是自发的。 当然,成为一名远程工作者会赋予自由,但这也需要很多自律。 否则,我们只是在不明智地利用我们的时间而浪费我们的自由,而不是在意我们的身心需要。 老实说,这也适用于非远程处理。

In any case, the trick is to keep control.


For many, remote work is the dream. It’s also challenging — it requires assumptions to be tested and a whole new array of skills to be learned. We recommend The Art of Working Remotely, a guide that will show you how to set up the optimal workspace and adopt practices for success in the remote workplace.

对于许多人来说,远程工作是梦想。 这也具有挑战性-需要测试假设并学习一系列全新的技能。 我们建议您使用《远程工作的艺术》一书 ,该指南将向您展示如何设置最佳工作空间并采用在远程工作场所成功的做法。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/productive-remote-work-when-your-mental-health-says-no/






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