


Today a new search engine launched called Cuil. Because of the resumes of the company’s founders — two are former Google employees — comparisons with Google have been fast and furious. Take a sample of this mornings headlines covering the launch: Search site aims to rival Google (BBC), New search engine takes aim at Google (CNET), Cuil Launches — Can This Search Start-Up Really Best Google? (Search Engine Land), Cuil joins Google, others in search for better search (LA Times), etc.

今天,一个名为Cuil的新搜索引擎启动了。 由于公司创始人的简历-两名是Google的前雇员-与Google的比较是快速而激烈的。 从今天上午的头条新闻中抽取样本进行介绍:搜索网站旨在与Google(BBC)竞争,新的搜索引擎针对Google(CNET),Cuil推出–该搜索初创公司是否真的是最好的Google? (搜索引擎领域),Cuil加入Google以及其他人在搜索中寻求更好的搜索(《洛杉矶时报》),等等。

Fair or not, the the bar has been set super high by the media. So far, Cuil hasn’t seemed to have impressed many people, myself included. Results seem less relevant for many searches than on Google, and the site has been experiencing loads of technical problems in the few hours since its launch. The latter is forgivable — many high profile startups trip on launch day — but the first isn’t a great sign. Worse than Google won’t beat Google. Just as good as Google won’t beat Google. Even a little bit better than Google isn’t going to beat Google.

公平与否,媒体已将门槛定得很高。 到目前为止,Cuil似乎并没有给很多人留下深刻的印象,包括我在内。 对于许多搜索而言,搜索结果的相关性似乎不如在Google上重要,而且自启动以来的数小时内,该网站就遇到了许多技术问题 。 后者是可以原谅的-许多知名的初创公司在发布之日就旅行了-但第一个并不是一个好兆头。 更糟糕的是,谷歌不会击败谷歌。 就像Google不会击败Google一样好。 甚至比Google好一点也不会击败Google。

In order to beat Google on technology, you have to introduce some vast improvements to get people to switch. When Powerset launched in May, I put the site through a quick head-to-head with Google. The results were that for most queries, Powerset didn’t do a markedly better job of producing better results than Google. “If Google remains ‘good enough,’ Powerset will have a hard time convincing people to switch,” I wrote. Or in other words, unless your technology is vastly superior to Google’s, most people won’t be bothered to switch.

为了在技术上领先于Google,您必须进行一些重大改进以使人们转换。 当Powerset在5月启动时,我与Google进行了快速的面对面交流 。 结果是,对于大多数查询,Powerset在产生更好的结果方面没有比Google做得更好。 我写道: “如果Google保持'足够好',Powerset将很难说服人们进行转换。” 换句话说,除非您的技术大大优于Google的技术,否则大多数人都不会费心切换。

Cuil’s technology gimmick is the size of its index: 121 billion pages as opposed to Google’s estimated 40 billion or so.

Cuil的技术诀窍就是其索引的规模:1,210亿页,而Google 估计为400亿左右。

Cuil also touts a better ranking algorithm based on “content and relevance” rather than “superficial popularity metrics” — a direct shot at Google’s PageRank. But their major selling point, their big “wow” factor, is their huge search index. The problem, though, is that competing with Google isn’t just a matter of competing with them on technology anymore. Google has become so deeply ingrained in the psyche of web users that getting them to switch to a new search engine is like trying to get people to use some type of plastic building blocks that aren’t LEGO.

Cuil还吹捧一种基于“内容和相关性”而不是“表面流行度指标”的更好排名算法-直接在Google的PageRank上拍摄。 但是,他们的主要卖点,巨大的“哇”因素是巨大的搜索索引。 然而,问题在于,与Google竞争不再只是与他们在技术上竞争的问题。 Google已经深深地根植于网络用户的心理之中,以至于让他们切换到新的搜索引擎就像是试图让人们使用不是LEGO的某种塑料构件。

击败Google的4种方法 (4 Ways to Beat Google)

Google isn’t invincible, but to unseat them from the search throne you have to do more than create a search engine that’s just mildly better at producing relevant results.


1. Create Far Superior Technology


The first way to beat Google, and the path that most search startups gunning for the big dog take, is to beat them on technology. But as I said earlier, to do that you have to be vastly better. I mean vastly superior. Cuil hasn’t impressed so far, and neither did Powerset. Yahoo! is trying to head down this road as well by opening up their search results pages to outside developers in the hope that the result will look better than Google’s offering.

击败Google的第一种方法,以及大多数搜索初创公司争夺大狗的道路,都是在技术上击败他们。 但是,正如我之前所说,要做到这一点,您必须变得更好。 我的意思是非常优越。 到目前为止,Cuil还没有留下深刻的印象,Powerset也没有。 雅虎! 正尝试通过向外部开发人员开放其搜索结果页来走这条路,希望结果看起来比Google的产品更好。

However, for most queries, for most people, Google works well enough. It is rare that I can’t find what I need on Google — sometimes it takes a few refinements of my query, but generally Google comes through in the end. The same could be said for Live or Yahoo!, but Google still manages to get about 75% of my searches. Is their search tech that much better than Yahoo!’s or Microsoft’s? Nope. But it used to be, and in the time that it was I got used to relying on it, so now it is up to the other guys to come up with something better enough to make me want to switch. It hasn’t happened yet.

但是,对于大多数查询而言,对于大多数人而言,Google的运行情况已经足够好。 我很少在Google上找不到我需要的东西-有时需要对查询进行一些细化,但总的来说Google才是最后的选择。 对于Live或Yahoo!也可以这样说,但是Google仍然设法获得了我搜索量的75%。 他们的搜索技术是否比Yahoo!或Microsoft的搜索技术好得多? 不。 但是它曾经是,在我习惯的时候,所以现在由其他人来提出足以使我想要切换的更好的东西了。 还没有发生。

2. Disrupt Their Ad Market Stranglehold


“Google doesn’t make money on search – it makes money on advertising,” said ReadWriteWeb’s Alex Iskold a few weeks ago. And that’s an important point to consider because a second way to dethrone Google is to hurt it in the pocket book.

几周前, ReadWriteWeb的Alex Iskold说: “ Google在搜索上没有赚钱,在广告上却赚钱。” 这是要考虑的重要点,因为要废除Google的第二种方法是在袖珍书中对其加以伤害。

My former colleague Emre Sokullu suggested a way for Microsoft to do that in February. Sokullu’s plan called for Microsoft to split up their ad business into three parts: inventory, placement, and parameters, and then allow any third party to sell ads or services on any part of that open ad supply chain. The idea was to create a buying and selling environment that would be more open and attractive than what Google offers, and allow smart third party developers to come up with new and more effective ways to serve and target ads (in the same way that Yahoo! is hoping third party developers will come up with better ways to serve search results). That’s the sort of plan that is just crazy enough to work, and if it did it would have a serious impact on Google’s business.

我的前同事埃姆雷·索库鲁( Emre Sokullu) 提出了一种让微软在二月份做到这一点的方法。 索库鲁的计划要求微软将其广告业务分为三个部分:库存,展示位置和参数,然后允许任何第三方在该开放广告供应链的任何部分上出售广告或服务。 这个想法是要创造一个比Google提供的交易环境更开放和更具吸引力的买卖环境,并允许聪明的第三方开发人员提出新的更有效的方式来投放和定位广告(与Yahoo!希望第三方开发人员能够提出更好的方法来提供搜索结果)。 这种计划简直太疯狂了,无法运作,如果实施的话,将会严重影响Google的业务。

3. Get to New Markets Before They Do


There will be 900 million mobile search users by 2011 accounting for $2.3 billion in ad revenue. Mobile web usage is exploding and beating Google to mobile search would be a huge win for anyone looking to unseat the kind of the search market.

到2011年, 移动搜索用户将达到9亿,广告收入将达到23亿美元。 移动网络的使用正在爆炸式增长,并且对任何想要超越搜索市场的人来说,击败Google到移动搜索将是一个巨大的胜利。

Unfortunately for would-be challengers Google already dominates mobile search as it does web search. However, less than half of mobile searches rate their Google experience an 8-10 on a scale out of 10 according to Nielsen Mobile. So there is a lot of room for technology improvements in mobile search, more so than in web search.

不幸的是,对于那些可能成为挑战者的人来说, 谷歌已经像网络搜索一样主导了移动搜索。 但是,根据尼尔森移动公司(Nielsen Mobile)的数据,只有不到一半的移动搜索将其Google体验评为8-10,而满分为10。 因此,与网络搜索相比,移动搜索中还有很多技术改进的空间。

4. Be Mediocre, But Be Persuasive


The final way to beat Google is to just pull in more eyeballs. This is where beating Google becomes less of a technology issue and more of a PR issue — it’s also the least likely path to beating Google. Microsoft, even though they’re in a distant third place, may be the best suited to attack Google in this manner.

击败Google的最后方法是吸引更多眼球。 在这里,击败Google不再是技术问题,而是更多的PR问题-这也是击败Google的可能性最小。 微软尽管排在第三位,但可能是最适合以这种方式攻击Google的公司。

As we noted last week, Live search is coming to Facebook this fall, which is a way for Microsoft to get in front of 80 million users with the flick of a switch. Even though Microsoft’s search technology is just “good enough” — or not good enough to get people to switch based solely on tech — if they can get their search box in front of enough eyeballs they could start pulling users away from Google. Unlikely, but plausible.

正如我们上周指出的那样, 实时搜索将于今年秋天进入Facebook ,这是Microsoft只需轻轻一点,即可吸引8000万用户的一种方式。 即使Microsoft的搜索技术“足够好”(或者不足以使人们完全依靠技术进行转换),如果他们可以将搜索框置于足够的关注范围之内,也可以开始将用户从Google撤离。 不太可能,但似乎合理。







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