

In this week's roundup, Excel skills, make hyperlinks, dashboards, and more.


Excel Roundup http://blog.contextures.com/
1.下拉列表符号 (1. Drop Down List Symbols)

Drop down lists on a worksheet make it easy to enter data. For a bit of fun, you can use symbols, instead of words. I used heart symbols ♥ ♥ in my Excel Valentine card, and you could use happy faces, or other symbols in your worksheet.

工作表上的下拉列表使输入数据变得容易。 有点有趣,您可以使用符号代替单词。 我在Excel Valentine卡中使用了心脏符号♥♥ ,并且可以在工作表中使用笑脸或其他符号。

Or, start working on your St. Patrick's Day cards – use Alt + 5 (number keypad), to insert shamrock symbols ♣ ♣ ♣.

或者,开始使用圣帕特里克节贺卡–使用Alt + 5(数字键盘)插入三叶草符号♣♣

2. Excel技巧 (2. Excel Skills)

Can an Excel beginner acquire "strong Excel skills" before a job interview? That's the question that started this reddit thread, and it's an interesting read. But remember, it is reddit, so don't read if you're offended by an off-colour comment or three.

Excel初学者可以在面试之前掌握“强大的Excel技能”吗? 这就是启动这个reddit线程的问题,这是一个有趣的读物。 但是请记住,它是reddit,所以如果您被一或三个不彩色的注释所冒犯,请不要阅读。

3. Excel培训 (3. Excel Training)

Instead of faking your Excel skills, you can work on improving them! Here are a few upcoming courses.

您可以尝试改善它们,而不用假装您的Excel技能! 这是一些即将开设的课程。

  • Data Analysis: Chandoo's new course, 50 Ways to Analyze Your Data, will start on February 24th. It's not for everyone though, you need at least intermediate or higher level of Excel knowledge. The online course has 50 videos, covering vital skills like data analysis, data science, visualization of outputs, modeling business problems and finding best solutions. You can go at your own pace, and watch the videos in any order. To get all the details, click here.

    数据分析: Chandoo的新课程“ 50种分析数据的方法”将于2月24日开始。 但是,它并不适合所有人,您至少需要中级或更高级别的Excel知识。 在线课程有50个视频,涵盖了至关重要的技能,例如数据分析,数据科学,输出可视化,建模业务问题以及寻找最佳解决方案。 您可以按照自己的步调,以任何顺序观看视频。 要获取所有详细信息, 请单击此处

  • Free Webinars: Mynda Treacy is offering two free one-hour webinars -- 1) How to Build Excel Dashboards, and 2) Dashboards with Power Query and Power Pivot. Get the details, and sign up for a date and time that is convenient for you.

    免费的网络研讨会: Mynda Treacy提供了两个免费的一小时的在线研讨会 -1)如何构建Excel仪表盘,以及2)带有Power Query和Power Pivot的仪表盘。 获取详细信息,并注册一个方便的日期和时间

  • Excel Dashboards: Mynda has also opened registration for her acclaimed Excel Dashboard course, and you'll get 20% off, if you sign up by Feb 18th. The course is a great investment, and you can read my review for more information. Bonus: Get my upcoming product,  dashboard tools (est. Feb 22), with coupon code DebraD

    Excel Dashboards: Mynda还开放了她备受赞誉的Excel Dashboard课程的注册,如果您在2月18日之前注册,您将获得20%的折扣。 该课程是一项巨大的投资,您可以阅读我的评论以获取更多信息。 奖励:获得即将推出的产品, 仪表板工具 ( 预计 2月22日),使用优惠码DebraD

4.创建超链接 (4. Create Hyperlinks)

To make it easy for people to find files, Ben J. Kusmin shows how to create a list of hyperlinks on a worksheet. The file path information is entered in one cell, and a formula combines that with the file names.

为了使人们更容易找到文件,Ben J. Kusmin演示了如何在工作表上创建超链接列表 。 在一个单元格中输入文件路径信息,并且公式将其与文件名结合在一起。

5.财务模型 (5. Financial Models)

On the Sophisticated Finance blog, Robert Harker has collected the links to his articles on Excel and Financial Models. The articles were written a few years ago, but the information is timeless.

Robert Harker在Sophisticated Finance博客上收集了他在Excel和Financial Models上文章的链接。 这些文章是几年前写的,但是信息是永恒的。

6.清理您的数据 (6. Clean Your Data)

How much time do you spend cleaning data in Excel? If your answer is "Too much!", take a look at this list of top Excel data cleansing techniques, by John Michaloudis. There's also a link to his podcast interview with master data cleanser, Oz du Soleil.

您花费多少时间在Excel中清理数据? 如果您的答案是“太多!”,请查看John Michaloudis撰写的这份Excel数据清理技术排行榜。 还有一个链接指向他对主数据清洗器Oz du Soleil的播客采访。

Note: If you're reading it in Firefox, you can tap the Reader View icon in the Address Bar, to see the text in a big dark font, instead of the tiny grey font in the blog's default view.


7. Excel幽默 (7. Excel Humour)

Finally, for a bit of spreadsheet humour, you can see what people are saying about Excel, in my weekly collection of tweets. Here's one of my favourite tweets from this week's collection.

最后,对于电子表格的一些幽默,您可以在我的每周推文集中看到人们对Excel 的评价 。 这是本周收藏中我最喜欢的推文之一。

This week's best Excel tweets http://exceltheatre.com/blog/
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翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2016/02/15/excel-roundup-20160215/






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