

In this week's roundup, find errors, lock slicers, plan for the holidays, use keyboard shortcuts, and much more.


Excel Roundup http://blog.contextures.com/
1.隐藏基于日期的公式结果 (1. Hide Formula Results Based on Date)

In a list that has dated items, you can hide formula results based on those dates. In my activity tracking file, only the items from today or earlier are shown, and the result in other rows is an empty string, so the cell looks blank. You can download the sample file, to see how it works.

在包含日期项目的列表中,您可以根据这些日期隐藏公式结果 。 在我的活动跟踪文件中,仅显示了今天或更早的项目,其他行的结果为空字符串,因此该单元格看起来为空白。 您可以下载示例文件,以查看其工作方式。

2.假期计划者 (2. Holiday Planner)

If you like to plan ahead, you're already thinking about the upcoming holiday season. To help you stay organized, I've updated my Excel Holiday Planner Template, and you can download the new version.

如果您想提前计划,您已经在考虑即将到来的假期。 为帮助您保持井井有条,我更新了我的Excel Holiday Planner模板, 您可以下载新版本

Even if you don't plan for the holidays, you'll get some Excel ideas from the template, such as creating a Gantt chart from an hourly schedule, and comparing prices at different stores, to decide where to shop first.


3.课堂上的Excel (3. Excel in the Classroom)

A teacher in Australia used Excel with her Year 3 students, who are learning to collect, organize and represent data. They sorted all the clothing items in the school's Lost and Found basket, created tables, and showed the results in charts. A new generation of Excel lovers in the making!

一位澳大利亚的老师和3年级的学生一起使用Excel ,他们正在学习如何收集,组织和表示数据。 他们对学校“失物招领”篮子中的所有衣物进行了分类,创建了表格,并将结果显示在图表中。 新一代Excel爱好者正在制作中!

4. Excel的改进 (4. Excel Improvements)

The Microsoft Excel team has a UserVoice site, where you can suggest improvements for future versions of Excel. Then, other people can vote for your suggestions, and they promise to "do our best to respond to every suggestion that gets at least 20 votes."

Microsoft Excel团队有一个UserVoice网站 ,您可以在其中提出对Excel未来版本的改进建议。 然后,其他人可以对您的建议投赞成票,他们承诺“将尽力回应至少获得20票的每条建议”。

Ken Puls would like to have an improved PivotTable Field list, with more room to move the fields around. You can read about it on his blog, then vote for his suggestion.

肯·普尔斯(Ken Puls)希望改进数据透视表字段列表,使其具有更多移动字段的空间。 您可以在他的博客上阅读有关内容 ,然后投票支持他的建议。

5.快捷方式和切片器 (5. Shortcuts and Slicers)

Are you a mouser or a keyboarder? Somehow, I missed International Keyboard Shortcut Day last week, but you can read about it on Dick Kusleika's Daily Dose of Excel blog. If you missed it too, perhaps you could use keyboard shortcuts for one hour while you're working in Excel this week.

您是鼠标手还是键盘手? 不知何故,我错过了上周的“国际键盘快捷键日”,但是您可以在Dick Kusleika的Excel每日剂量博客中阅读有关它的信息。 如果您也错过了它,也许本周在Excel中工作时可以使用键盘快捷键一小时。

I don't think that keyboard shortcuts work too well with Slicers, but Mike Alexander gives a quick and easy tip for locking your Slicers, so people can't move them around on the worksheet. I'd never noticed that setting either.

我认为键盘快捷键不能与Slicers一起使用,但是Mike Alexander提供了一个快速简便的技巧来锁定您的Slicers ,因此人们无法在工作表上四处移动它们。 我也从未注意到这种设置。

6.检查错误 (6. Checking for Errors)

Your spreadsheets don't have any errors, I'm sure, but if you inherit one from someone else, you might want to check for problems before you start using it. On the Journal of Accountancy blog, you'll find a few tips to help you get started with debugging that workbook.

我敢肯定,您的电子表格没有任何错误,但是如果您从其他人那里继承一个电子表格,则可能需要在开始使用之前检查问题。 在“会计学杂志”博客上,您会找到一些提示,以帮助您开始调试该工作簿

7. Excel课程 (7. Excel Courses)
  • If you use Excel for data analysis, there is a new free online course from edX -- Statistical Thinking for Data Science and Analytics. It starts December 14, 2015, and runs for 5 weeks. The course is led by 6 professors from Columbia University, and you'll need to invest 7-10 hours effort per week. The prerequisites are high school math, and some exposure to computer programming.

    如果您使用Excel进行数据分析,那么edX会提供一门新的免费在线课程- 数据科学和分析的统计思维 。 它将于2015年12月14日开始,持续5周。 该课程由哥伦比亚大学的6位教授主持,您每周需要投入7到10个小时的精力。 先决条件是高中数学,以及一定的计算机编程知识。

  • Ben Kusmin has released a new New York CLE-accredited course – Excel Essentials for Busy Lawyers (beginner/intermediate).

    本·库斯敏(Ben Kusmin)发布了新的纽约CLE认证课程– 忙律师的Excel基础知识 (初学者/中级)。

8. Excel幽默 (8. Excel Humour)

We've seen Excel music videos before, but this is a first – an Excel poem, from Brian Bilston's Poetry Laboetry. (Thanks to Mark Lowe!)

我们之前已经看过Excel音乐视频,但这是第一篇- 布莱恩·比尔斯顿(Brian Bilston)的《诗歌实验室》中的一首Excel诗 。 (感谢Mark Lowe!)

Finally, for a bit of spreadsheet humour, you can see what people are saying about Excel, in my weekly collection of tweets. Here's one of my favourite tweets from this week's collection.

最后,对于电子表格的一些幽默,您可以在我的每周推文集中看到人们对Excel 的评价 。 这是本周收藏中我最喜欢的推文之一。

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若要通过电子邮件获取Excel新闻和提示,请为Contextures Excel新闻通讯添加名称。

翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2015/11/09/excel-roundup-20151109/






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