

In this week's roundup, avoid nested IF formulas, understand circular references, see bad charts, and much more.


Excel Roundup http://blog.contextures.com/
1.当心嵌套的IF公式 (1. Beware of Nested IF Formulas)

This week I wrote about the IF function, and how it can lead to some complex and messy nested IF formulas. The IF function is invaluable, but don't abuse it, if another function could do the job better.

本周,我写了有关IF函数以及它如何导致一些复杂且混乱的嵌套IF公式的文章 。 IF函数是无价的,但如果另一个函数可以做得更好,请不要滥用它。

2.循环参考 (2. Circular References)

If you've used Excel for more than a few weeks, you've probably seen a Circular Reference warning at some point. A circular reference is usually created accidentally, but some people use them intentionally, for finance or engineering problems. Charles Williams takes a look at circular references, explains why they calculate slowly, and why you should avoid them.

如果您已经使用Excel超过几个星期,则有时可能会看到“循环引用”警告。 循环引用通常是偶然创建的,但是出于财务或工程问题,有些人故意使用它们。 查尔斯·威廉姆斯(Charles Williams )研究了循环引用 ,解释了为什么它们计算缓慢,以及为什么要避免使用它们。

3.不良图表分析 (3. Bad Chart Analysis)

In her "Bad Chart Thursday" post, Melanie Mallon has problems with a recent chart from economist Paul Krugman (New York Times). At first glance, she wasn't sure what the chart is trying to show, and she recommends that "when your chart could be easily misread by reasonable people", clearer labels and a title should be added.

梅兰妮·马隆(Melanie Mallon)在她的“星期四坏图”帖子中, 对经济学家保罗·克鲁格曼 ( Paul Krugman) (纽约时报)的最新图表存有疑问。 乍一看,她不确定图表要显示什么,她建议“当合理的人很容易误读您的图表时”,应添加更清晰的标签和标题。

4. Office 2016版本 (4. Office 2016 Release)

Office 2016 will be released tomorrow, September 22nd, and Microsoft's Excel Team have outlined which Business Analytics tools are included in the different Office plans. It's been very confusing in past versions, so I hope it's easier to find what you need in Office 2016.

Office 2016将于明天(9月22日)发布,并且Microsoft的Excel团队概述了哪些Business Analytics工具包含在不同的Office计划中。 在过去的版本中,这非常令人困惑,因此,我希望在Office 2016中更轻松地找到所需的内容。

5.图表实用程序3.0版 (5. Charting Utility Version 3.0)

Jon Peltier has released Version 3.0 of his Excel Charting Utility. There is a $10 discount if you buy before September 30th, and additional discounts if you want to upgrade from a previous version. If you build Excel charts more than occasionally, you need this!

Jon Peltier已发布了他的Excel Charting Utility的3.0版 。 如果您在9月30日之前购买,可以享受$ 10的折扣,如果您想从以前的版本升级,可以享受额外的折扣。 如果您偶尔创建Excel图表,则需要此功能!

6.使用Excel追溯时间 (6. Back in Time With Excel)

Next Wednesday, September 30th, it will be Excel's 30th anniversary -- it was first released on Sept. 30, 1985.


Do you remember when you started using Excel? Was it decades ago, or just this year? Was it exciting or painful? What were you working on?

您还记得开始使用Excel的时候吗? 是几十年前还是今年? 是令人兴奋还是痛苦? 你在忙什么

If you'd like to share your earliest memories of Excel (with or without your name), please email me your story, and I'll try to include it in an Excel anniversary compilation for my blog on September 30th. (edited if necessary).

如果您想分享自己对Excel的最早回忆(不管您有没有名字), 请给我发送您的故事 ,我将在9月30日为我的博客编写Excel周年纪念汇编。 (必要时进行了编辑)。

7.嘟嘟你的Excel号角 (7. Toot Your Excel Horn)

Do you understand data, and know how to make it sing? Can you create a beautiful chorus of charts? Geek Ergo Sum usually keeps quiet, but recently took a few minutes to toot his own horn about his "Excel-lent skills". Maybe you can relate!

您了解数据,并且知道如何唱歌吗? 您可以创建漂亮的图表合唱吗? 极客Ergo Sum通常保持安静,但最近花了几分钟来吹嘘自己的“卓越技能 ”。 也许你可以联系!

8. ModelOff纽约聚会 (8. ModelOff New York Meetup)

If you're in the New York area, you can register for the free ModelOff New York Meetup, for a panel discussion and networking.


  • When: Thursday 1st October from 7:00pm onwards.

  • Where: NYSSA, 1540 Broadway #1010 (near 45th/7th Ave), NYC

  • Cost: FREE. Drinks and finger food provided.

    费用:免费。 提供饮料和手抓食物。
  • Registration is essential – ModelOff NY Meetup Registration Page

    注册是必不可少的– ModelOff NY聚会注册页面

9. Excel幽默 (9. Excel Humour)

Finally, for a bit of spreadsheet humour, you can see what people are saying about Excel, in my weekly collection of tweets. Here's one of my favourite tweets from this week's collection. It's wrong though – a pivot table is the solution to every Excel problem! 😉

最后,对于电子表格的一些幽默,您可以在我的每周推文集中看到人们对Excel 的评价 。 这是本周收藏中我最喜欢的推文之一。 但是,这是错误的–数据透视表是解决每个Excel问题的方法! 😉

翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2015/09/21/excel-roundup-20150921/






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