

In this week's roundup, look for formula inconsistencies, save time with keyboard shortcuts, use online Power BI and many more tips.

在本周的综述中,查找公式不一致之处,使用键盘快捷键节省时间,使用在线Power BI和更多提示。

If you read or wrote any other interesting Excel articles recently, or have upcoming Excel events, please let me know. Thanks!

如果您最近阅读或撰写了其他有趣的Excel文章,或者即将举行Excel活动,请告诉我。 谢谢!

Weekly Excel Roundup http://blog.contextures.com/
1.上下文帖子 (1. Contextures Posts)

In case you missed them, here are the articles that I posted recently:


  • Fix an Excel table that doesn't expand automatically, when you add new data. This is easy to fix, if you know where to look!

    修复添加新数据时不会自动展开的Excel表 。 如果您知道要看的地方,这很容易修复!

  • For a humorous peek at what other people are saying about spreadsheets, read the latest collection of Excel tweets, on my Excel Theatre blog.

    要幽默地窥视其他人对电子表格的看法,请在我的Excel Theater博客上阅读最新的Excel推文集

2.选择一个图表系列 (2. Select a Chart Series)

If there is a small series in a chart, it can be difficult to select, if you want to format it. I've always used the Ribbon commands to select them, but Chandoo shares a keyboard shortcut, that is much quicker.

如果图表中有一个小序列,则要对其进行格式化可能很难选择。 我一直使用功能区命令来选择它们,但是Chandoo 共享了一个键盘快捷键 ,这要快得多。

On the Data Hero blog, Paxton Gray calculated how much time you can save by using keyboard shortcuts in Excel.

在Data Hero博客上,Paxton Gray计算了使用 Excel中的键盘快捷键可以节省多少时间

3. Power BI预览 (3. Power BI Preview)

Power BI Preview is a new (and free) website from Microsoft, where you can try the Power Query, Power Pivot and Power View tools, outside of Excel. It was quick and easy to sign up, and available in a long list of countries.

Power BI Preview是Microsoft的一个新的(免费的)网站,您可以在Excel之外尝试使用Power Query,Power Pivot和Power View工具。 可以快速,轻松地进行注册 ,并且可以在许多国家/地区使用。

A tutorial on the website will help you get started, and to learn more about it, before you register, read Jon Acampora's overview, and watch his video demonstration.

网站上的教程将帮助您入门,并进一步了解它,然后再注册,请阅读Jon Acampora的概述并观看他的视频演示。

4.使用数据表进行计算 (4. Use Data Tables for Calculations)

Christo Kritzinger, a 2014 ModelOff finalist, shows how to use Excel's Data Tables for bond calculations. You could use the same technique for other types of calculations.

2014年ModelOff决赛入围者Christo Kritzinger展示了如何使用Excel的数据表进行债券计算 。 您可以对其他类型的计算使用相同的技术。

5.查找用户定义的函数 (5. Lookup User Defined Functions)

Doug Jenkins has written a couple of Lookup User Defined Functions (UDFs), after reading Jeff Weir's post on VLOOKUP speed. He compares the speed of these UDFs to formulas that use VLOOKUP or INDEX/MATCH.

在阅读了Jeff Weir关于VLOOKUP speed的文章之后,Doug Jenkins编写了一些Lookup用户定义函数 (UDF)。 他将这些UDF的速度与使用VLOOKUP或INDEX / MATCH的公式进行了比较。

6.更好的电子表格模型 (6. Better Spreadsheet Models)

On the Excel TV blog, Jordan Goldmeier explains how to create better spreadsheet models.  This is a summary of one of his presentations at the recent PASS BA Conference.

在Excel TV博客上,Jordan Goldmeier解释了如何创建更好的电子表格模型 。 这是他在最近的PASS BA会议上的演讲摘要之一。

Also on the Excel TV blog, Rick Grantham shares guidelines for effective dashboards.

同样在Excel TV博客上,Rick Grantham分享了有效仪表板的指南

7. Excel Online提示 (7. Tips for Excel Online)

In two short videos, Microsoft shares 6 tips for working with Excel Online. The first video covers number formatting, and the second video has tips for creating sums.

在两个简短的视频中,Microsoft分享了使用Excel Online的 6个技巧。 第一个视频介绍数字格式,第二个视频介绍创建总和的技巧。

8. Excel告上法庭 (8. Excel Goes to Court)

Actual Excel files are being used as evidence in trials now, instead of printouts. In his Excel Esquire blog, Ben J. Kusmin explains how to check the formulas in a workbook, to look for inconsistencies.

现在,实际的Excel文件正在用作试验的证据,而不是打印输出。 Ben J. Kusmin在他的Excel Esquire博客中解释了如何检查工作簿中的公式以查找不一致之处。

9. Excel商业智能 (9. Excel Business Intelligence)

The PASS Excel BI Virtual Chapter runs free online sessions related to Excel Business Intelligence. The next session is June 18, 2015, and discusses Risk Assessment, using Power BI and Excel. It doesn't look like the sessions are recorded, so you'll have to register for the live event, if you're interested.

PASS Excel BI虚拟章节运行与Excel商业智能有关的免费在线会话。 下届会议是2015年6月18日,讨论使用Power BI和Excel进行风险评估 。 看起来好像没有录制会话,因此,如果您有兴趣,则必须注册现场活动。

10.建筑师的职能 (10. Functions for Architects)

Even if you're not an architect, it helps to know the 12 Excel formulas that Michael Kilkelly says every architect should know. He recommends named ranges too.

即使您不是建筑师,也可以了解Michael Kilkelly所说的每个建筑师都应该知道的12个Excel公式 。 他也建议命名范围。

Of course, Excel can be used for baseball statistics too. In an entertaining article, Kimbo Smash uses "Advanced Statistics" to analyze stats for the Baylor University baseball team.

当然,Excel也可以用于棒球统计 。 在一篇有趣的文章中,Kimbo Smash使用“高级统计”来分析贝勒大学棒球队的统计数据。

Weekly Excel Roundup http://blog.contextures.com/

翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2015/05/04/excel-roundup-20150504/






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