

In this week's roundup, see how to choose a chart type, check formula speed, work with pivot table source data, and many more tips.


If you read or wrote any other interesting Excel articles recently, or have upcoming Excel events, please let me know. Thanks!

如果您最近阅读或撰写了其他有趣的Excel文章,或者即将举行Excel活动,请告诉我。 谢谢!

Weekly Excel Roundup http://blog.contextures.com/
1.上下文帖子 (1. Contextures Posts)

In case you missed them, here are the articles that I posted recently:


  • For a humorous peek at what other people are saying about spreadsheets, read the latest collection of Excel tweets, on my Excel Theatre blog.

    要幽默地窥视其他人对电子表格的看法,请在我的Excel Theater博客上阅读最新的Excel推文集

2.功率图 (2. Power Map )

On his Above the Law blog, Jeff Bennion shows how to use Power Map to illustrate child car seat complaint data, over a 10 year period, for a court case.

杰夫·本尼翁(Jeff Bennion)在他的法律之上博客中,展示了如何使用Power Map来说明法院案件在10年内的儿童汽车安全座椅投诉数据

3.选择一个图表类型 (3. Choose a Chart Type)

If you're not sure which chart type will work best for your data, use Ann Emery's Chart Choosing Tool. Click a filter at the top, such as "Do-able in Excel", to see the chart types in that category. It doesn't look like you can apply multiple filters though.

如果不确定哪种图表类型最适合您的数据,请使用Ann Emery的图表选择工具 。 单击顶部的过滤器,例如“在Excel中可用”,以查看该类别中的图表类型。 虽然看起来您不能应用多个过滤器。

And speaking of charts, have you ever seen a chocolate bar chart, like the example that Andy Kirk shows?

说到图表,您是否见过像Andy Kirk所示的示例的巧克力条形图

4.计算项目 (4. Calculated Items)

Mynda Treacy explains how to create a calculated item in a pivot table, and gives a couple of examples of how to use this feature.

Mynda Treacy解释了如何在数据透视表中创建计算项目 ,并提供了一些有关如何使用此功能的示例。

5.电源查询更新 (5. Power Query Updates)

There were 11 updates to Power Query this month, and you can read the details on Microsoft's Excel Team blog. The best news is that it's now supported for all Excel 2013 desktop SKUs.

本月对Power Query进行了11次更新,您可以在Microsoft的Excel Team博客上阅读详细信息 。 最好的消息是,现在所有Excel 2013桌面SKU都支持它。

And remember, Ken Puls and Miguel Escobar have a new online Power Query course. When you register, use coupon code DEBRA to get 10% off

请记住,Ken Puls和Miguel Escobar 开设了新的在线Power Query课程 。 注册时,使用优惠券代码DEBRA可获得10%的折扣

6. Office 2016预览 (6. Office 2016 Preview)

Gašper Kamenšek has been testing the public preview of Office 2016, and shares his 3 favourite new features. It's more colourful than Excel 2013 too!

GašperKamenšek已测试了Office 2016的公开预览,并分享了他最喜欢3个新功能 。 它也比Excel 2013更加丰富多彩!

7.计时Excel公式 (7. Timing Excel Formulas)

Charles Williams looks at the reasons for timing Excel calculations, and explains what you should be measuring.

查尔斯·威廉姆斯(Charles Williams)研究了计时Excel计算的原因,并解释了您应该测量的内容。

8. Excel中的斐波那契时钟 (8. Fibonacci Clock in Excel)

Apparently, the Fibonacci clock, that uses squares to tell time, is becoming popular on the Internet. Would you want to do that much arithmetic, to know if you're late for a meeting? If you like the concept, Teylyn shows how to build one in Excel, without any programming.

显然,使用正方形表示时间的斐波那契时钟在互联网上正变得越来越流行。 您是否想做那么多运算,以知道您开会迟到了吗? 如果您喜欢这个概念,Teylyn展示了如何在Excel中构建一个 ,而无需进行任何编程。

9.检查日期 (9. Check Dates)

Chandoo shows how to use conditional formatting to check if a date was entered in a cell. A red X appears beside the cell, if you enter text, and an exclamation mark is shown, if the cell is empty.

Chandoo展示了如何使用条件格式检查是否在单元格中输入了日期 。 如果输入文本,则在单元格旁边会出现一个红色的X,如果该单元格为空,则会显示一个感叹号。

翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2015/05/18/excel-roundup-20150518/






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