

In the past, I highly recommended the Excel newsgroups as a place to go for help. Earlier this month, Microsoft shut down their newsgroup servers, where thousands of people every month had gone to post their Excel questions, and the Excel newsgroups disappeared.

过去,我强烈推荐Excel新闻组作为寻求帮助的地方。 本月初,微软关闭了他们的新闻组服务器,每月有成千上万的人张贴他们的Excel问题,Excel新闻组消失了。

在新闻组中学习 (Learning in the Newsgroups)

Over the past several years, I spent lots of time in those newsgroups, reading and answering questions. I was able to help people, and learned lots from the questions and answers that were posted there.

在过去的几年中,我在这些新闻组中花费了大量时间,阅读和回答问题。 我能够帮助人们,并且从那里发布的问题和答案中学到了很多东西。

The people who visited the newsgroups on a regular basis might have noticed the announcements about the impending shutdown. But most people probably visited the newsgroups only a few times a year, when they needed help. They didn't see the shutdown coming!

定期访问新闻组的人可能已经注意到有关即将关闭的公告。 但是,大多数人可能需要帮助时,每年只访问新闻组几次。 他们没有看到关闭即将到来!

It's not like going to your favourite store, and finding a "We've Moved" sign, with helpful directions to the new location. No, it's like going to that store, and finding out that the building has magically disappeared overnight. There's no clue as to what happened, or where to find them.

这并不像去您最喜欢的商店,并找到一个“我们已经搬家”标志,以及前往新位置的有用指导。 不,这就像去那家商店,然后发现那栋建筑在一夜之间神奇地消失了。 关于发生了什么或在哪里找到它们没有任何线索。

您现在要去哪里? (Where Do You Go Now?)

Since the newsgroups disappeared, several people have emailed me, to find out where they went, and where to get Excel help now.


微软论坛 (Microsoft Forums)

One option is to use the web-based forums that Microsoft has set up:


[update 2010/07/01] There's a list of deleted newsgroups, and links to their related web-based forums here:

[update 2010/07/01]这里有一个已删除的新闻组的列表,并在这里链接到它们相关的基于Web的论坛:



To post a question or answer in the Microsoft forums, you'll need to register, and sign in, using a Microsoft Windows Live ID. After you've registered, and set up a profile, you can follow Ron de Bruin's step-by-step instructions for setting up and using the Community Forums NNTP Bridge.

要在Microsoft论坛中发布问题或答案,您需要使用Microsoft Windows Live ID注册并登录。 注册并设置个人资料后,您可以按照Ron de Bruin的分步说明设置和使用社区论坛NNTP Bridge。

The bridge lets you connect to the forums with a newsreader, like Outlook Express or Thunderbird, which I prefer over the web interface.

通过网桥,您可以通过新闻阅读器(例如Outlook Express或Thunderbird)连接到论坛,我更喜欢通过Web界面阅读新闻。

公开新服务器 (Public New Servers)

If you don't like web-based forums, you can use a public news server, like https://www.aioe.org/ to access the Excel newsgroups. Even though Microsoft pulled the plug at its end, other servers carry the newsgroups, so there will still be some traffic, although much less than previously.

如果您不喜欢基于Web的论坛,则可以使用公共新闻服务器,例如https://www.aioe.org/来访问Excel新闻组。 即使Microsoft在结束时拔掉了插头,其他服务器也会承载新闻组,因此仍然会有一些流量,尽管比以前少了很多。

Google网上论坛搜索 (Google Groups Search)

If your search skills are good, you can use Google to find an answer to your Excel questions, with either a general search, or a newsgroup search. If nothing turns up there, the Microsoft Knowledgebase is another good place to search for Excel solutions.

如果您的搜索技能很好,则可以使用Google来通过常规搜索或新闻组搜索来找到Excel问题的答案。 如果没有任何结果, Microsoft知识库是另一个搜索Excel解决方案的好地方。

在Twitter上寻求帮助 (Cry for Help in Twitter)

As Twitter becomes more popular, people even post their Excel questions and comments there. There are examples every weekday in my Excel Twitter posts.

随着Twitter变得越来越流行,人们甚至在此处发布他们的Excel问题和评论。 我的Excel Twitter帖子中每个工作日都有示例。

获得良好的结果 (Get Good Results)

If you're posting a questions in one of the forums or newsgroups here are a few suggestions for getting the best results:


  • search the forum first, to see if your question has already been answered

  • some forums have multiple sections for questions -- read the overviews, and select the best venue for your question

  • in your question, provide context, such as what version of Excel and operating system, any error messages, etc., and show some sample data, if possible

  • explain what you've tried so far, and other suggested solutions that didn't solve the problem (include links to those suggestions, if possible)

  • check back frequently, to read any replies and answer any follow up questions

  • even if you're frustrated, stay calm and polite, and remember to thank the people who helped, or tried to help you


其他Microsoft资源 (Other Microsoft Resources)

There are plenty of training resources on the Microsoft site, including some for Office 365.

Microsoft网站上有很多培训资源,其中包括一些有关Office 365的培训资源。

您的建议 (Your Recommendations)

When I posted about finding Excel help last summer, commenters recommended Stackoverflow.com as a good place to get Excel help. There are other Excel forums too, like the Excel User Group, which is run by Excel MVP Nick Hodge.

去年夏天,当我发布有关寻找Excel帮助的文章时,评论者建议Stackoverflow.com作为获得Excel帮助的好地方。 还有其他Excel论坛,例如由Excel MVP Nick Hodge运行的Excel用户组。

[updated 2010/07/01] You can also ask questions on the Excel-L list: https://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/excel-l.html .

[2010年7月1日更新]您还可以在Excel-L列表上提问: https : //peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/excel-l.html

Where are you finding or providing Excel help these days, now that the Microsoft newsgroup servers have been shut down? Please share your suggestions in the comments.

现在,由于Microsoft新闻组服务器已关闭,您现在在哪里寻找或提供Excel帮助? 请在评论中分享您的建议。

翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2010/06/30/the-excel-newsgroups-disappeared/






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