

Do you have your party plans finalized? Remember, tomorrow, October 17th, is Spreadsheet Day, in honour of the date that VisiCalc was first shipped.

你的派对计划了吗? 请记住,明天(10月17日)是电子表格日 ,以纪念VisiCalc首次发货的日期。

Last year, the theme was spreadsheets for students, and I posted a student time tracker in which you can plan your projects and track your class and lab hours.

去年,主题是面向学生的电子表格 ,我发布了一个学生时间跟踪器 ,您可以在其中计划项目并跟踪上课时间和实验时间。


In 2010, I posted my top 5 Excel tips, that I had seen posted on Excel blogs over the previous year. One of those tips was Jon Peltier's tutorial on making vertical bullet graphs.

在2010年,我发布了我的前5个Excel技巧 ,这是我在上一年在Excel博客上看到的。 这些技巧之一是Jon Peltier的制作垂直项目符号图的教程。


2012年最重要的5个Excel技巧 (Top 5 Excel Tips for 2012)

This year, I'm going back to the top 5 theme. Every week, in my Excel News email, I link to interesting articles that I've found on other blogs. Some are simple tips, others are more complicated, and some are food for thought.

今年,我将回到前5个主题。 每周,我都会在Excel News电子邮件中链接到其他博客上有趣的文章。 有些是简单的提示,有些则更复杂,有些是值得深思的。

Below, in no particular order, are my favourites from those articles. And if you're not on my Excel News mailing list, please add your name, by using the form at the top right.

以下是这些文章中我的最爱(按顺序排列)。 如果您不在我的Excel News邮件列表中,请使用右上角的表单添加您的姓名。

VBA按值和标签的图表条件格式 (VBA Conditional Formatting of Charts by Value and Label)

Jon Peltier, who creates time-saving Excel chart utilities, shared his technique for building charts with conditional formatting that is based on the values and labels.

创建节省时间的Excel图表实用程序的 Jon Peltier分享了他的技术,该技术使用基于值和标签的条件格式来构建图表

In the screen shot below, the Beta bar is dark red, because its value is high, and the Alpha bar is very light blue, because its value is low.



强制客户端启用宏 (Force Clients to Enable Macros)

If you're creating automated workbooks for other people to use, you might run into problems if those people don't click the button to enable the macros. That macro warning can be easy to overlook, or it might not even appear, if security level is set to High.

如果要创建供其他人使用的自动化工作簿,那么如果这些人没有单击按钮来启用宏,则可能会遇到问题。 如果安全级别设置为“高”,则该宏警告可能很容易忽略,甚至可能不会出现。

[Bacon Bits blog is no longer online]

[Bacon Bits博客不再在线]

Mike Alexander, in his Bacon Bits blog, explains how he solves the problem, by Forcing Your Clients to Enable Macros. Users can't miss the giant message in his workbooks, and they can't do any work until they enable macros.

迈克·亚历山大(Mike Alexander)在他的“培根钻头”博客中,通过强迫客户启用宏来说明他如何解决该问题。 用户不能错过他的工作簿中的重要信息,并且在启用宏之前他们无法做任何工作。


谁说丝带很硬? (Who Says the Ribbon Is Hard?)

Bob Phillips convinces us that it's easy to make dynamic changes to the Excel Ribbon. In his article, Bob explains how to use Excel VBA to change the Ribbon commands.

鲍勃·菲利普斯(Bob Phillips)认为,对Excel功能区进行动态更改很容易。 Bob在他的文章中解释了如何使用Excel VBA更改Ribbon命令

He shares his sample code, and you can click the link to download his sample workbook. The link opens as an Excel Web App, so click the File tab, then click Download a Copy, to save a copy on your computer.

他共享了他的示例代码,您可以单击链接来下载他的示例工作簿。 该链接将作为Excel Web App打开,因此请单击“文件”选项卡,然后单击“下载副本”,以将副本保存在计算机上。

创建交互式销售图表 (Create an Interactive Sales Chart)

Chandoo posts hundreds of great Excel tips on his blog, so it was hard to pick just one for this list of favourites. However, I finally selected this interactive sales chart example, because it incorporates several useful techniques.

Chandoo在他的博客上发布了数百个出色的Excel技巧,因此很难从这个收藏夹中选择一个。 但是,我最终选择了此交互式销售图表示例,因为它结合了几种有用的技术。


You can use Chandoo's example to build your own dashboard with a dazzling interactive chart. Download the sample file, and poke around in the code, to see how it works.

您可以使用Chandoo的示例来构建具有令人眼花interactive乱的交互式图表的仪表板。 下载示例文件,然后在代码中四处浏览以查看其工作方式。

Microsoft Excel检查表模板 (Microsoft Excel Check List Template)

On his Clearly and Simply blog, Robert Mundigl has created an Excel template for a structured Checklist. It gives you the option to check and uncheck by double clicking.

Robert Mundigl在他的Clearly and Simply博客上,为结构化清单创建了Excel模板。 它使您可以选择通过双击来检查和取消检查。

That's a feature that many people like, so you can use download the Microsoft Excel Check List Template and use the same technique in your workbooks.

这是许多人喜欢的功能,因此您可以使用下载Microsoft Excel Check List Template并在工作簿中使用相同的技术。


您最喜欢的Excel技巧是什么? (What Are Your Favourite Excel Tips?)

It was tough to pick a top 5 Excel tips, and I'm sure there are many other tips that you found. If you have favourite articles from the past year, please share a link in the comments below.

很难选择最重要的5个Excel技巧,而且我敢肯定您发现了许多其他技巧。 如果您有过去一年中最喜欢的文章,请在下面的评论中分享一个链接。

Happy Spreadsheet Day!


翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2012/10/16/spreadsheet-day-2012/






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