css 实现计数器_使用CSS计数器自动对图进行编号

css 实现计数器

css 实现计数器


When writing articles, blog posts, tutorials, magazine entries or anything else, you will often want to include some images, charts, photographs, or even videos and code snippets to illustrate your content.


That being said, you will most likely want to attach some kind of caption to these elements, and perhaps number them so your readers can keep track of your thoughts.


And that’s exactly what we are going to do in today’s tutorial: combining the usage of the <figure> element with CSS counters to make your inserted elements (especially images) sexy as hell!


图元素 (The figure element)

The <figure> element is intended to be used along with the <figcaption> element to mark up images, illustrations, photos, diagrams and code snippets among other things. Here is what the spec says about this element:

<figure>元素旨在与<figcaption>元素一起使用,以标记图像,插图,照片,图表和代码片段。 规格说明如下:

The figure element represents a unit of content, optionally with a caption, that is self-contained, that is typically referenced as a single unit from the main flow of the document, and that can be moved away from the main flow of the document without affecting the document’s meaning.


Here is the basic markup for a figure:


	<img src="path/to/your/image.jpg" alt="" />
	<figcaption>Here is the legend for your image<figcaption>

Here are a few notes regarding the figure element:


  • The <figcaption> element is optional


  • You can only have one <figcaption> element in a <figure> element

    <figcaption>元素中只能有一个<figcaption> <figure>元素

  • You can embed as many other elements as you want in a <figure> element


  • When dealing with an image, you can leave the alt attribute empty if you include a <figcaption> to prevent screen readers from reading twice the same content

    处理图像时,如果包含<figcaption> ,则可以将alt属性保留为空,以防止屏幕阅读器阅读两次相同的内容

For more information about the <figure> element, I recommend you this great article from HTML5Doctor. There is also this entry at Mozilla Developer Network and of course the official specification.


例子 (Examples)

For example, if you want to show a snippet of code, you can do it this way with the <figure> element:


	<code>body { background: white; }</code>
	<figcaption>Some illustrated code with figure<figcaption>

Basically, instead of adding your images this way:


… you can do something like this:


浏览器支持(Browser support)

The <figure> is part of the “new” HTML5 elements, which are not understood by a range of old browsers including Internet Explorer 8. Since you don’t want to make your layout explode because of this tutorial, I’d recommend you include a polyfill to support these elements.

<figure>是“新” HTML5元素的一部分,包括Internet Explorer 8在内的许多旧版浏览器都无法理解<figure> 。由于您不想由于本教程而导致布局爆炸,因此建议您包括一个支持这些元素的填充。

The most known and used polyfill for HTML is html5shiv which you can embed directly from the Google CDN by adding this line into your files:

用于HTML的最著名和最常用的polyfillhtml5shiv ,您可以通过将以下行添加到文件中来直接从Google CDN嵌入:

<!--[if IE lte 8]><script src="http://html5shiv.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/html5.js"></script><![endif]-->

Note, how we use IE-specific conditional comments to prevent other browsers and IE versions greater than 8 from loading this script.


If you wish to know the story behind the html5shiv polyfill, please read this wonderful blog post from Paul Irish.

如果您想了解html5shiv polyfill背后的故事,请阅读Paul Irish撰写的精彩博客文章

CSS计数器 (CSS Counters)

CSS Counters have to be one of the most unknown CSS properties in the whole range of properties there is. It makes automatic numbering possible exclusively through CSS, without the help of neither HTML nor JavaScript.

CSS计数器必须是整个属性范围内最未知CSS属性之一。 它使通过CSS进行自动编号成为可能,而无需HTML和JavaScript的帮助。

This module relies on two properties and one value:


  • counter-reset which is used to initialize and reset one or several counters

    counter-reset ,用于初始化和重置一个或多个计数器

  • counter-increment which is used to increment one or several counters

    counter-increment ,用于递增一个或几个计数器

  • counter() is a valid value for ::before and ::after pseudo-elements, accepting a counter name as parameter in order to display its value


Pretty straight forward, isn’t it? Basically, you initialize a counter with the name you want to the value you want (mostly 0) and you tell a given selector to increment this counter at each occurrence. This counter can then be displayed using CSS generated content and the style and location can be specified with the :before and :after pseudo-elements.

很简单,不是吗? 基本上,您使用想要的名称将计数器初始化为所需的值(通常为0),并告诉给定的选择器在每次出现时递增该计数器。 然后可以使用CSS生成的内容显示此计数器,并可以使用:before:after伪元素指定样式和位置。

The most basic implementation of a CSS counter has to be this one:


/* 1. We initialize the counter */
body {
	counter-reset: myAwesomeCounter;

/* 2. We tell each occurrence of this element to increment the counter */
.myAwesomeElement {
	counter-increment: myAwesomeCounter;

/* 3. We display the value of the counter before the element */
.myAwesomeElement:before {
	content: counter(myAwesomeCounter);

Note: I lied when I said “2 properties and 1 value”, there is also a counters() value which is almost never used. Please refer to this entry at MDN for more information about it.

注意:当我说“ 2个属性和1个值”时,我撒谎了,还有一个counters()值几乎从未使用过。 在MDN上参考此条目,以获取有关它的更多信息。


Back to our case, shall we? We want to number our images so that they are prefixed by “Fig. 1 – …”, “Fig. 2 – …” and so on, right? Let’s do it simply.

回到我们的情况,我们可以吗? 我们希望对图像进行编号,以便它们以“ Fig。 1 –…”,“图2 –…”等等,对吧? 让我们简单地做吧。

.article {
	counter-reset: figures;

.figure {
	counter-increment: figures;

.figure figcaption:before {
	content: 'Fig. ' counter(figures) ' - ';

Those 3 lines of CSS are enough to number our figures automagically. Isn’t that awesome?

这三行CSS足以自动为我们的数字编号。 那不是很棒吗?

包装一切 (Wrapping everything)

基础(The basics)

Now that we know how to use both the <figure> element and CSS Counters, it is time to make what we wanted to do: embellish our blog posts.


But before jumping into the code, wouldn’t it be cool if we could easily make floated or centered figures, just by adding a simple class? Sure, it would be. Let’s do this!

但是在跳入代码之前,如果仅通过添加一个简单的类就可以轻松制作浮动或居中的图形,这不是很酷吗? 当然可以。 我们开工吧!

We will start by giving our figures some decent styles. Nothing too fancy, something simple and elegant enough to make a kind of frame to your images.

我们将从为人物提供一些体面的风格开始。 没什么花哨的东西,简单而优雅的东西足以为您的图像制作一种框架。

.figure {
	padding: 0.9em;
	border: 3px solid #f5bca8;
	background: #fff;
	margin: 0 auto 1em;

In order to horizontally center images and prevent them from breaking out of their container (the <figure> element), we need to add some rules to them (could as well be <video> or something else).

为了使图像水平居中并防止它们脱离容器( <figure>元素),我们需要向它们添加一些规则(也可以是<video>或其他)。

.figure img {
	margin: 0 auto;
	display: block;
	max-width: 100%;

Now the caption! We make it stand out a bit, change the typography and center it horizontally. But frankly the styling is up to you. Just remember a caption should be removed without too much hassle, so don’t write a wall of text.

现在标题! 我们将其突出一点,更改版式并将其水平居中。 但坦率地说,样式取决于您。 只需记住标题应该没有太多麻烦就被删除,所以不要在墙上写下文字。

.figure figcaption {
	font-weight: 700;
	text-transform: uppercase;
	letter-spacing: 2px;
	font-size: 0.8em;
	padding: .5em;
	text-align: center;
	color: #fff;
	background: #f5bca8;


Great, we still haven’t implemented the counter to number our figures. As we’ve seen in the previous section, it is very easy to do.

太好了,我们仍然没有实现对数字进行计数的计数器。 正如我们在上一节中所看到的,这很容易做到。

.article {
	counter-reset: figures;

.figure figcaption {
	counter-increment: figures;

.figure figcaption:before {
	content: 'Fig. ' counter(figures) ' - ';

If you don’t necessarily want to number your images, you can limit this to a given class on the parent element. Perhaps you’ll give your wrapper a .numbered-figures class so that it enables image numbering. Easy enough:

如果您不必为图像编号,则可以将其限制为父元素上的给定类。 也许您将给包装器一个.numbered-figures类,以便它启用图像编号。 很简单:

.numbered-figures 							{ counter-reset: figures; }
.numbered-figures .figure figcaption 		{ counter-increment: figures; }
.numbered-figures .figure figcaption:before { content: 'Fig. ' counter(figures) ' - '; }


We have the basics for our system, but we still haven’t set up a way to have floated figures across the page. We will then make two classes:

我们具有系统的基础知识,但仍未设置在页面上浮动数字的方法。 然后,我们将进行两节课:

.figure-left {
	float: left;
	margin: 0 1em .5em 0;
	width: -webkit-min-content;
	width: -moz-min-content;
	width: min-content;

.figure-right {
	float: right;
	margin: 0 0 .5em 1em;
	width: -webkit-min-content;
	width: -moz-min-content;
	width: min-content;

For those of you who do not know min-content, it is a valid value for width, min-width, max-width, height, min-height and max-height among other properties include flexbox and grid layout.

对于不知道min-content ,它是widthmin-widthmax-widthheightmin-heightmax-height等其他属性的有效值,其中包括flexbox和grid布局。

In our case, we want the figure element to be as small as possible; basically, we want it to wrap around the image. Because <figure> is a block-level element, it stretches to the width of its parent (100%). We could set it to float: left or display: inline-block to make it collapse to the widest piece of content but if the caption happens to be wider than the image we have a problem.

在我们的例子中,我们希望图形元素尽可能小。 基本上,我们希望它围绕图像。 因为<figure>是块级元素,所以它会拉伸到其父级的宽度(100%)。 我们可以将其设置为float: leftdisplay: inline-block以使其折叠到最宽的内容,但是如果标题恰好比图像宽,则我们有问题。

We could hard code the width to the figure element depending on the image, but it is inflexible and non-responsive. That’s why we introduce the min-content value. To put it simple, it tells the <figure> element to reduce its width so that the image fits inside it perfectly even if the caption has to wrap.

我们可以根据图像将宽度硬编码为图形元素,但它不灵活且无响应。 这就是为什么我们引入min-content值。 简而言之,它告诉<figure>元素减小其宽度,以便即使字幕必须环绕,图像也可以完美地适合其内部。

This value is supported by Firefox 3+ with the -moz- prefix and Chrome 18+ with the -webkit- prefix. The unprefixed version is currently not supported by any browser but might be in the future so we leave it.

带有-moz-前缀的Firefox 3+和带有-webkit-前缀的Chrome 18+支持此值。 当前未支持任何浏览器的非前缀版本,但将来可能会支持,因此我们将其保留。

Non-supportive browsers behave as expected: no width is set, the floated <figure> element wraps around the widest element, either the image or the caption.


Note: there are other values similar to min-content like max-content, fit-content and available. Please refer to this entry at MDN or the working draft of CSS Intrinsic & Extrinsic Sizing Module Level 3for further information about these.

注意:还有其他类似于min-content值,例如max-contentfit-contentavailable 有关这些的更多信息,请参考MDN上的该条目CSS本质和外部调整模块级别3的工作草案。

Last but not least, we need to change/remove the max-width value on images for floated figures. Either you want images to have their own size, and you need to set max-width to none, or you want to set a maximum width (which I recommend) and you define whatever you want:

最后但并非最不重要的一点是,我们需要更改/删除浮动图形图像的最大宽度值。 您想要图像具有自己的大小,或者需要将max-width设置为none ,或者您想要设置最大宽度(我建议),然后定义所需的内容:

.figure-right img,
.figure-left img {
	max-width: 300px; /* Adjust to suit your needs */

小屏幕(Small screens)

To make sure floated figures don’t behave oddly on small screens, we need to override a couple of styles to make them full-width and horizontally centered. If you’re building your site using a mobile first approach, you’ll do it the other way but it doesn’t matter really.

为确保浮动的数字在小屏幕上不会出现异常现象,我们需要覆盖几种样式以使其全角且水平居中。 如果您要使用移动优先的方法来构建网站,则可以采用另一种方法,但这并不重要。

@media (max-width: 767px) {
	.figure-right {
		float: none;
		margin: 0 0 1em 0;
		width: 100%;

	.figure img {
		max-width: 100%;


Using this is easy as a pie. Either you want an horizontally centered figure in which case you simply have to use the .figure class. Or — most likely — you want to float the figure either on the left or on the right in which case you have to use both the .figure class and a variation class (e.g .figure-left).

使用它很容易。 您需要一个水平居中的图形,在这种情况下,您只需使用.figure类。 或者-最有可能-您想在左侧或右侧浮动图形,在这种情况下,您必须同时使用.figure类和变体类(例如.figure-left )。

最后的话(Final words)

That’s pretty much it guys, the only thing left to do is to implement this on your site. Please have a look at the associated demo to see what it looks like or see it live on my own site.

伙计们,差不多了,剩下要做的就是在您的网站上实现它。 请查看相关的演示,以查看其外观或在我自己的网站上看到它。

Thanks for reading and happy coding!


翻译自: https://tympanus.net/codrops/2013/05/02/automatic-figure-numbering-with-css-counters/

css 实现计数器

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### 回答1: CSS的counter计数器是一种非常有用的技巧,用于在网页中实现自动计数和编号的功能。通过使用计数器,我们可以方便地对网页元素进行编号,比如列表、章节标题等。 首先,我们需要定义一个计数器。可以使用counter-reset属性来定义计数器并初始化它的值。例如,如果我们想要创建一个从1开始的计数器,可以这样写: ``` body { counter-reset: counterName 1; } ``` 这里的counterName是我们给计数器起的名字,可以自定义。1表示计数器的初始值。 接下来,我们可以在需要计数的元素中使用counter-increment属性来递增计数器的值。例如,如果我们想要在每个列表项前显示它的编号,可以这样写: ``` ul li:before { counter-increment: counterName; content: counter(counterName) ". "; } ``` 这里的counter-increment用于递增计数器的值,content用于显示计数器的值。我们使用了counter()函数来获取计数器的值,并在后面加上了一些文字(比如点号和空格)来实现编号的显示效果。 我们还可以根据需要在不同的元素中使用不同的计数器。只需要给不同的计数器起不同的名字,并在对应的元素中使用相应的计数器名字即可。 总的来说,CSS的counter计数器是一种非常灵活和强大的技巧,可以用于各种需要进行自动计数和编号的场景。通过定义计数器、递增计数器使用counter()函数来获取计数器的值,我们可以轻松地实现网页元素的编号效果。 ### 回答2: 计数器(counter)是CSS中的一个功能强大的特性,可以用于在HTML文档中创建计数器,然后在样式规则中使用这些计数器来生成序号或标记。以下是使用计数器(counter)的一些技巧: 1. 创建一个计数器使用 `counter-reset` 属性可以创建一个计数器,并可以为其设定一个初始值。例如,可以创建一个以1为初始值的计数器: ```css .container { counter-reset: my-counter 1; } ``` 2. 更新计数器的值: 使用 `counter-increment` 属性可以更新计数器的值。可以在选择器中的任何位置使用这个属性。例如,每当 `li` 元素出现时,可以将计数器的值增加1: ```css li { counter-increment: my-counter; } ``` 3. 在内容中引用计数器的值: 使用 `content` 属性可以在样式规则中引用计数器的值,并将其插入到生成的内容中。可以使用计数器的名称作为 `content` 的值。例如,将计数器的值作为新的内容插入到列表项前面: ```css li::before { content: counter(my-counter) ". "; } ``` 4. 在不同的元素中使用多个计数器: 可以在同一个文档中使用多个不同的计数器,并为它们设定不同的初始值。这样可以为不同的元素生成不同的序号或标记。例如,可以为不同的标题元素创建不同的计数器: ```css h1 { counter-reset: h1-counter 1; } h2 { counter-reset: h2-counter 1; } ``` 5. 控制计数器的显示方式: 使用 `counter()` 函数可以对计数器的显示方式进行自定义。可以指定计数器的名称,以及任何显示格式。例如,可以将计数器的值格式化为罗马数字: ```css .container::after { content: counter(my-counter, upper-roman); } ``` 总结而言,计数器(counter)是CSS中一项非常实用的黑魔法技巧。通过创建、更新和引用计数器的值,可以在样式规则中生成序号或标记,并且可以通过自定义显示格式来控制计数器的外观。 ### 回答3: CSS中的计数器(counter)是一种非常强大的工具,可以用来计数、标记和显示元素的编号或序号。它可以通过一些技巧来实现各种有趣的效果。 首先,使用counter-reset属性来定义计数器并将其重置为指定的起始值。例如,可以使用"counter-reset: section 0;"来将名为"section"的计数器重置为0。 然后,可以通过counter-increment属性来递增计数器的值。例如,使用"counter-increment: section;"来递增名为"section"的计数器的值。 接下来,在需要显示计数器的地方,可以使用content属性来显示计数器的值。例如,使用"content: counter(section);"来在伪元素的内容中显示名为"section"的计数器的值。 可以进一步利用计数器实现复杂的效果。例如,可以使用:before伪元素和content属性来在每个元素前面显示计数器的值,从而实现自动标号的效果。例如,使用"content: counter(section) '. ';"来在每个元素前面显示名为"section"的计数器的值,并跟随一个点号。 此外,还可以使用counter()函数获取和修改计数器的当前值。例如,可以使用"counter(section)"来获取名为"section"的计数器的当前值,并将其用作其他属性的值。 总的来说,计数器CSS中非常强大且灵活的工具,可以用来实现各种复杂的效果。熟练掌握计数器使用技巧,可以让我们的CSS代码更加精细和有趣。




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