

Data has become one of the most valuable resources for business, providing key insights about the company and its market. However, with so much data available for analysis, the need for effective data management is becoming increasingly important. Here are some the steps you can take to ensure your company is using best practice when it comes to managing your data.

数据已成为企业最有价值的资源之一,可提供有关公司及其市场的关键见解。 但是,由于有大量数据可用于分析,因此有效的数据管理需求变得越来越重要。 您可以按照以下步骤来确保公司在管理数据时采用最佳实践。

1. 知道您要使用数据做什么 (1. Know what you want to use data for)

Today, companies are gathering enormous quantities of data. Much of that, however, will never be used. To make data management easier, it is important to know what you want from your data so that you keep that which helps meet your objectives and get rid of that which does not. This will help reduce storage costs and make it easier to organise and manage what data is kept. If you have data which is not useful at present but which you want to keep in case it becomes useful in the future, you can always condense it and store it separately.

如今,公司正在收集大量数据。 但是,绝大部分都不会使用。 为了简化数据管理,重要的是要了解数据中想要的内容,以便保留有助于实现目标的内容,并消除不满足需求的内容。 这将有助于降低存储成本,并使组织和管理所保留的数据更加容易。 如果您有目前不可用的数据,但是想要保留以防将来使用,则可以随时对其进行压缩并分别存储。

There are many things you may wish to use your data for. These include data-driven decision-making, automation and processing improvement, customer journey mapping and personalisation, audience targeting, product recommendations and so forth. Knowing what your objectives are will help ensure you only gather and collect the data that you need.

您可能希望将数据用于很多事情。 这些包括数据驱动的决策,自动化和处理改进,客户旅程映射和个性化,目标受众定位,产品推荐等。 了解您的目标将有助于确保您仅收集和收集所需的数据。

2. 安全和合规是关键优先事项 (2. Security and compliance are key priorities)

All companies are obliged to comply with data protection regulations, such as GDPR, and this means compliance should be foremost on your list of priorities. Failure to comply or implement stringent security measures can have devastating consequences. Under GDPR, businesses can be fined up to €40 million or 4% of annual global revenue, whichever is the greatest. For British Airways, this was an eye-watering €204.6 million. On top of any fines, there are also reputational damage and case actions to consider. 

所有公司都必须遵守数据保护法规,例如GDPR,这意味着合规性应该放在您的优先事项清单上。 不遵守或执行严格的安全措施可能会造成毁灭性后果。 根据GDPR,企业可被处以最高4000万欧元或全球年度收入的4%的罚款,以金额最大者为准。 对于英国航空公司来说,这是令人4.6目结舌的2.046亿欧元。 除罚款外,还应考虑声誉受损和案件诉讼。

Working with the right hosting provider, implementing robust security policies and using secure data management software can help your data to be more secure.


3. 数据质量至关重要 (3. Data quality is vital)

The quality of the insights your data can provide is based upon the quality of the data you are using. While the first step to improving quality is to limit data to that which meets your company’s goals, it is also vital that data is accurate and up-to-date. Inaccurate or out-of-date information can provide  misleading insights and lead to companies making the wrong decisions. For this reason, cleansing data should be something undertaken regularly.

您的数据可以提供的见解的质量取决于您所使用的数据的质量。 虽然提高质量的第一步是将数据限制在满足公司目标的范围内,但确保数据的准确性和最新性也至关重要。 不正确或过时的信息可能会提供误导性的见解,并导致公司做出错误的决定。 因此,清理数据应该定期进行。

Quality can also be improved by ensuring that employees know how to accurately gather and input data or that systems which collect data automatically are configured to do so correctly.


4. 消除重复数据 (4. Eradicate duplicate data)

Not only does duplicate data means you’ll pay for more storage than you need; there’s also the chance that it will be counted twice during any analysis and will, thus, skew the accuracy of any report generated using it. As there are various ways to receive duplicate data, companies need to put processes in place to discover and prevent it from being inputted into the data management system.

重复数据不仅意味着您将为超出所需的存储空间付费; 也有可能在任何分析期间对它进行两次计数,从而使使用它生成的任何报告的准确性均出现偏差。 由于有多种接收重复数据的方法,因此公司需要制定适当的流程以发现并防止将其输入到数据管理系统中。

5. 管理对数据的访问 (5. Managing access to data)

There are two important things to consider when looking at access to data. The first is that, for data analytics to be effective, team members need access to all relevant datasets. This is incredibly difficult to achieve when it is stored in departmental silos where access is restricted to departmental members. Unifying data in a centralised repository, like a data warehouse, removes silos and ensures everyone can have the big picture. It also means data security can be centrally managed. 

在查看数据访问时,有两点要考虑的重要事项。 首先,为了使数据分析有效,团队成员需要访问所有相关的数据集。 当将其存储在部门筒仓中时,很难做到这一点,而部门筒仓只能访问部门成员。 统一集中式存储库(如数据仓库)中的数据,可以消除孤岛,并确保每个人都能拥有全局。 这也意味着可以对数据安全性进行集中管理。

The second consideration is balancing security with ease of access. This means setting up logical access control where permission to access data and tools is granted on an individual basis depending on the employee’s needs. Not only does this ensure employees only use data they have the authorisation to access; it also means that if their accounts are hacked, hackers won’t have unlimited access to the company’s entire data or its applications.  

第二个考虑因素是在安全性和易于访问之间取得平衡。 这意味着要设置逻辑访问控制,其中根据员工的需要分别授予访问数据和工具的权限。 这不仅可以确保员工仅使用他们有权访问的数据; 这也意味着,如果他们的帐户被黑客入侵,黑客将不会无限制地访问公司的全部数据或应用程序。

6. 确保可以恢复数据 (6. Make sure data can be recovered)

Data loss can happen for a whole host of reasons, including human error, malware, hardware failure, natural disasters, hacking and so forth. While losing personal data can get the company into hot water over compliance, all the other data your company relies on will have significant value too. Losing that data can put a company out of business. To ensure it doesn’t happen, having a remote backup system in place is crucial.

数据丢失的发生可能有多种原因,包括人为错误,恶意软件,硬件故障,自然灾害,黑客攻击等。 虽然丢失个人数据可能会使公司陷入过度合规的境地,但您公司依赖的所有其他数据也将具有重要价值。 丢失数据可能会使公司倒闭。 为了确保不会发生这种情况,拥有远程备份系统至关重要。

Ideally, you should schedule automated backups to be taken at the intervals which the company needs. For the increasing numbers of businesses who receive data continuously, this will mean having continuous backups taking place, so that, if the worst happens, you have as much recent data as possible to restore. Cloud storage is often the best solution as it is scalable, secure, integrity tested, can be encrypted and is easily accessed for restoration.   

理想情况下,您应该安排在公司需要的时间间隔进行自动备份。 对于越来越多的不断接收数据的企业来说,这意味着要进行连续备份,因此,如果发生最坏的情况,则要恢复的数据越多越好。 云存储通常是最好的解决方案,因为它具有可伸缩性,安全性,经过完整性测试,可以加密并且易于访问以进行恢复。

7. 选择合适的托管服务提供商 (7. Choose the right hosting provider)

The hosting provider plays a vital role in ensuring good data management. They will provide and manage the infrastructure needed and implement a range of stringent security measures including firewalls, encryption, intrusion protection, backup services, etc. Those opting for a cloud solution will also benefit from the scalability and payment model of cloud when it comes to storage and processing capacity. Crucially, however, is choosing a host that understands your goals and your needs and which can supply the expertise and computing environment your data management requires.

托管服务提供商在确保良好的数据管理中起着至关重要的作用。 他们将提供和管理所需的基础架构,并实施一系列严格的安全措施,包括防火墙,加密,入侵防护,备份服务等。那些选择了云解决方案的人还将受益于云的可扩展性和支付模式。存储和处理能力。 但是,至关重要的是选择一个主机,该主机应了解您的目标和需求,并且可以提供数据管理所需的专业知识和计算环境。

结论 (Conclusion)

Effective data management is essential for businesses to make the best use of big data analytics and the insights it provides. Knowing what you want to use that data for, improving its quality, eradicating duplications and making it easier to access are key elements in that management strategy. So, too, are ensuring the data is secure, setting up logical access, making remote backups and choosing the right hosting provider.

有效的数据管理对于企业充分利用大数据分析及其提供的见解至关重要。 了解该数据的用途,提高其质量,消除重复并使其易于访问是该管理策略的关键要素。 因此,还要确保数据安全,设置逻辑访问权限,进行远程备份并选择合适的托管服务提供商。

To find which of our hosting solutions best suits your data management needs, visit eukhost.com


翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/7-steps-to-better-data-management/






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