

To do things effectively, you have to choose the best tools for the job, which is why tradespeople carry an assortment of tools. That same maxim also applies to IT infrastructure; you don’t need to be tied to public cloud, private cloud or a dedicated server, instead, you can create a hybrid cloud environment that uses each of these for the tasks they are best suited. Unifying these infrastructures into a single system gives enterprises the ability to create a high-performance architecture which is more reliable, secure and cost-effective. Here, we’ll look at why you should consider a hybrid cloud solution.

为了有效地做事,您必须选择最适合工作的工具,这就是商人使用各种工具的原因。 同样的道理也适用于IT基础架构。 您无需绑定到公共云,私有云或专用服务器,而是可以创建一个混合云环境,将这些环境中的每一个用于最适合的任务。 将这些基础架构统一到一个系统中,使企业能够创建更可靠,安全和具有成本效益的高性能架构。 在这里,我们将探讨为什么您应该考虑使用混合云解决方案。

1.灵活性 (1. Flexibility)

The different components of a hybrid cloud infrastructure give enterprises the ability to place workloads where they are most effective. For example, you can use the dedicated server element to undertake high-performance tasks, use the private cloud element for the storage and processing of sensitive data and use public cloud to achieve rapid deployment and scaling, while benefitting from its pay per use billing.

混合云基础架构的不同组件使企业能够将工作负载放置在最有效的位置。 例如,您可以使用专用服务器元素来执行高性能任务,使用私有云元素来存储和处理敏感数据,并使用公共云来实现快速部署和扩展,同时受益于按使用付费计费。

In this way, hybrid cloud setups enable enterprises to segment their architecture, logically and physically, to meet their exact needs.


2. 提高安全性 (2. Improved security )

For enterprises within the UK and EU, regulations such as MiFID II and GDPR mean there is an increased need for tighter security and stricter management of personal data. There are also much harsher penalties for companies which do not comply, with fines of up to 20 million euros or 4% of global turnover.

对于英国和欧盟内的企业而言,诸如MiFID II和GDPR之类的法规意味着对更严格的安全性和更严格的个人数据管理的需求日益增加。 对于不遵守规定的公司,将处以更严厉的罚款,最高可处以2000万欧元或全球营业额4%的罚款。

With this in mind, a major concern that has prevented companies from adopting cloud technology is the security surrounding multi-tenancy. This is where the users’ data is isolated from each other but they still share the same software application and database.

考虑到这一点,阻止公司采用云技术的主要问题是围绕多租户的安全性。 这是用户的数据相互隔离的地方,但是他们仍然共享相同的软件应用程序和数据库。

One of the benefits of hybrid cloud is that dedicated servers and network devices can be used to isolate applications or restrict access. In addition, hardware can be configured in a way that enables dedicated servers and cloud servers to communicate over a private network and thus creating a secure, integrated environment.  

混合云的好处之一是专用服务器和网络设备可用于隔离应用程序或限制访问。 另外,可以以使专用服务器和云服务器能够通过专用网络进行通信的方式配置硬件,从而创建一个安全的集成环境。

By enhancing security in this way, enterprises are more able to meet the stringent compliance requirements demanded by auditors.


3. 即付即用 (3. Pay as You Go agility  )

While a hybrid setup may require dedicated server elements, the cloud elements provide the scalability and agility needed to handle peak periods, traffic surges and batch jobs, and improve speed to market. And, of course, these on-demand resources are all billed on a pay per use basis.

尽管混合设置可能需要专用的服务器元素,但云元素提供了处理高峰期,流量激增和批处理作业以及提高上市速度所需的可伸缩性和敏捷性。 当然,这些按需资源都是按使用付费的方式计费的。

It is even possible to use hybrid systems so that mission-critical applications that demand high performance are run on dedicated servers but, in times of high demand, additional capacity is provided by cloud servers in order to handle traffic spikes.


4. 使用最合适的操作系统 (4. Use the most appropriate OS )

In order to cater for the differing needs of enterprises, the majority of public cloud providers offer customers a range of OS to choose from. This can be valuable for those with legacy applications and those wanting to trial new software. Indeed, the ability to deploy cloud servers at speed has been seized on by innovators for R&D and for getting finished projects launched quickly.

为了满足企业的不同需求,大多数公共云提供商都为客户提供了多种操作系统供您选择。 对于那些使用旧版应用程序的人和想要试用新软件的人来说,这可能是有价值的。 实际上,创新者已经抓住了快速部署云服务器的能力,以进行研发和快速启动完成的项目。

5. 一站式服务 (5. One stop shop)

Using a single provider for your hybrid cloud can mitigate a number of problems. Firstly, by reducing the number of vendors you are working with, it makes it easier to manage relationships, especially as the single vendor will have a complete overview of your requirements and can understand how each part works in relation to the other. This is perhaps critical if there are issues that require urgent vendor technical support, as a single vendor has the authority to work across the entire environment. With multiple vendors, each responsible for a separate element, this can be a complex and perhaps lengthy process that requires different teams to work together.  

为混合云使用单个提供商可以缓解许多问题。 首先,通过减少与您合作的供应商的数量,可以更轻松地管理关系,特别是因为单个供应商将全面了解您的需求,并且可以了解各个部分之间的相互关系。 如果存在需要紧急供应商技术支持的问题,这可能至关重要,因为单个供应商有权在整个环境中工作。 对于多个供应商,每个供应商负责一个单独的元素,这可能是一个复杂的过程,可能需要很长时间,需要不同的团队一起工作。

结论 (Conclusion)

As you can see from reading this article, hybrid cloud architectures provide enterprises with the ability to run their applications in the most appropriate environments. Applications which need flexible resources and quick deployment can use public cloud servers; those that demand high performance can be run on dedicated servers; and sensitive data can be securely stored on a private cloud or isolated server. By unifying these separate entities into a single hybrid cloud solution, you can balance workloads effectively, increase efficiency, security and innovation, and operate cost-effectively. If you are considering hybrid cloud or cloud hosting check out our cloud hosting packages or call us on 0800 8620380.  

从阅读本文可以看到,混合云体系结构使企业能够在最合适的环境中运行其应用程序。 需要灵活资源和快速部署的应用程序可以使用公共云服务器; 那些需要高性能的服务器可以在专用服务器上运行; 敏感数据可以安全地存储在私有云或隔离的服务器上。 通过将这些单独的实体统一为一个混合云解决方案,您可以有效地平衡工作负载,提高效率,安全性和创新性,并以具有成本效益的方式运营。 如果您正在考虑混合云或云托管,请查看我们的云托管软件包或致电0800 8620380与我们联系。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/5-key-reasons-enterprises-should-opt-for-a-hybrid-cloud-solution/






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