
When upgrading to a hosted dedicated server, it is important to remember that not all dedicated servers are the same and neither are the hosting solutions offered by service providers. As it can be difficult to know the key features to look for when finding a provider, we’ve put together this list of those we think are the most essential. Hopefully, they will give you a clearer insight into what to look for.

升级到托管专用服务器时,请记住并非所有专用服务器都相同,服务提供商也不提供托管解决方案,这一点很重要。 由于很难找到寻找提供者时要寻找的关键功能,因此我们汇总了我们认为最重要的功能列表。 希望他们能为您提供更清晰的了解。

1.操作系统选择 (1. Operating system choices)

One of the factors in choosing a dedicated hosting solution is the freedom to have your own choice of operating system. The applications you need for your business may require a specific type of operating system, such as a Windows Server OS or one of the different Linux distributions. In some circumstances, the software you run may only be compatible with a legacy OS version. Make sure that the provider you go with enables you to run the OS you need.

选择专用托管解决方案的因素之一是可以自由选择自己的操作系统。 业务所需的应用程序可能需要特定类型的操作系统,例如Windows Server OS或不同的Linux发行版之一。 在某些情况下,您运行的软件可能仅与旧版OS版本兼容。 确保与您一起使用的提供程序使您能够运行所需的操作系统。

2.服务器配置 (2. Server configuration)

It’s not just the choice of operating system that is important. Another key requirement is the ability to have total control over your server so that you can configure it to meet your needs. You may, for example, need full root SSH / RDP root access.

重要的不只是操作系统的选择。 另一个关键要求是能够完全控制服务器,以便可以对其进行配置以满足您的需求。 例如,您可能需要完全根SSH / RDP根访问权限。

3.硬件选择 (3. Hardware choices)

As dedicated servers can be expensive, always look for a hosting provider that offers plenty of hardware options. This way, you get a hardware setup that has the capacity and performance capabilities you require, without having to pay for something that is far more powerful than you need.

由于专用服务器可能很昂贵,因此请始终寻找提供大量硬件选项的托管服务提供商。 这样,您将获得具有所需容量和性能功能的硬件设置,而不必支付远远超出所需功能的费用。

Ideally, you should have a range of options over the CPU model, number of cores and speed, the size of RAM, the type of RAM (e.g., DDR3 or DDR4), hard disk capacity, hard disk type (HDD or SSD), bandwidth and RAID.


4.控制面板选项 (4. Control panel options)

Great control panels make it much easier to manage your server and the applications which you run on it. While vanilla control panels may be sufficient for some companies’ needs, many benefit from using cPanel & WHM (for Linux servers only) or Plesk (now for both Windows and Linux servers).

出色的控制面板使管理服务器及其上运行的应用程序变得更加容易。 尽管普通的控制面板可能足以满足某些公司的需求,但使用cPanel&WHM(仅适用于Linux服务器)或Plesk(现在适用于Windows和Linux服务器)使许多人受益。

Easy to navigate and with a wide range of incredibly powerful, built-in management tools, cPanel and Plesk are industry leading control panels used by millions of businesses across the globe.


5.安全性 (5. Security)

If your server is hacked, your IT operations could be taken offline and your company put at a standstill. If there is a data breach, there’s also the risk of huge fines, reputational damage and customer legal action. This is why 60% of hacked companies go out of business within 6 months.

如果您的服务器被黑客入侵,则您的IT运营可能会脱机,并且公司将陷入停顿。 如果发生数据泄露,还可能面临巨额罚款,声誉受损和客户诉讼的风险。 这就是为什么60%的被黑公司在6个月内倒闭的原因。

With this in mind, security should be a decisive factor when choosing a dedicated hosting provider. You should consider everything from the location and physical security of the datacentre to the range of security features your host provides as part of your package and as additional services.

考虑到这一点,在选择专用托管服务提供商时,安全性应该是决定性因素。 您应该考虑所有方面,从数据中心的位置和物理安全性到主机作为软件包一部分和其他服务提供的安全性功能。

You should look for next-generation firewalls, intrusion prevention, web app security, DDoS protection, and malware and virus prevention. In addition, they should also provide SSL certificates, dedicated IP addresses and spam filtering.

您应该寻找下一代防火墙,入侵防护,Web应用程序安全性,DDoS保护以及恶意软件和病毒防护。 此外,它们还应提供SSL证书,专用IP地址和垃圾邮件过滤。

6.服务器管理 (6. Server management)

Outsourcing server management to your service provider not only makes things easier; it could also save you significantly in the long run. This service will include such things as OS updates, patching, application installation and server monitoring. Server monitoring constantly checks the health of your server and its performance to ensure it remains in top condition.

将服务器管理外包给您的服务提供商不仅使事情变得简单。 从长远来看,它也可以为您节省很多。 该服务将包括操作系统更新,修补,应用程序安装和服务器监视等内容。 服务器监控会不断检查服务器的运行状况及其性能,以确保其始终处于最佳状态。

7.高可用性 (7. High availability)

If your server runs critical applications, you cannot afford for it to go offline. The consequences could be disastrous. This is why it is essential that you choose a host that can guarantee high availability – i.e., that your server will stay online for 99.95% of the time or higher. If this is not good enough for you, here at eUKhost we can offer 100% uptime, guaranteed by SLA. This is because our N+1 datacentre model means we have a redundant backup of everything waiting to take over if a failure happens.

如果您的服务器运行关键应用程序,那么您将无法使其脱机。 结果可能是灾难性的。 这就是为什么必须选择能够保证高可用性的主机的原因,即,您的服务器将在99.95%或更高的时间内保持在线状态。 如果这对您来说还不够好,那么在eUKhost,我们可以提供SLA保证的100%正常运行时间。 这是因为我们的N + 1数据中心模型意味着我们可以对发生故障时等待接管的所有事物进行冗余备份。

8.一流的技术支持 (8. First class technical support)

There may be times when your IT team needs your service provider’s technical support to carry out a task or to troubleshoot an issue. This support should be an inclusive part of your contract with the provider and, very importantly, be available 24/7 by phone, email, live chat or ticket. After all, if your dedicated server goes offline on Friday night, you don’t want to wait until Monday before it gets fixed.

有时您的IT团队需要您的服务提供商的技术支持来执行任务或解决问题。 此支持应成为您与提供商之间合同中的一部分,并且非常重要的是,可以通过电话,电子邮件,实时聊天或票证全天候24/7获得支持。 毕竟,如果您的专用服务器在星期五晚上离线,则您不希望等到星期一之前将其修复。

Technical support differs entirely from customer support. By technical, we mean having a specialist IT team available that can provide solutions at the point of contact. They will have the necessary expertise and be actively able to deal with any problem.

技术支持与客户支持完全不同。 从技术上讲,我们意味着拥有一支专业的IT团队,可以在联系点提供解决方案。 他们将拥有必要的专业知识,并能够主动处理任何问题。

Aside from person to person assistance, a good hosting provider will also publish a range of helpful online resources for their customers, such as knowledge bases, tutorials, technical forums and ‘how-to’ blog posts.


结论 (Conclusion)

Dedicated servers offer companies a high-performance, large storage solution for hosting their applications. However, to get the best from your dedicated server, you need to consider a number of options, such as your choice of operating system, hardware and control panel, your freedom to configure the server as required, the security, server management and technical support put in place by a provider and the guaranteed uptime offered.

专用服务器为公司提供了用于承载其应用程序的高性能,大型存储解决方案。 但是,为了从专用服务器中获得最好的收益,您需要考虑多种选择,例如,选择操作系统,硬件和控制面板,自由配置所需的服务器,安全性,服务器管理和技术支持。由提供商实施并提供保证的正常运行时间。

If you are considering moving to a dedicated hosting solution, check out our range of dedicated servers.


翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/7-essential-features-of-dedicated-server-hosting/

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