如何为您的网站设置和使用Google Analytics(分析)

Having a website without having a detailed understanding of how well it performs is like working in the dark. As a small business owner, you need to understand how many visitors you have, who they are, where they come from and, most importantly, how they behave when they visit you. To find this information and more, the best solution for webmasters is Google Analytics; a free, feature-packed, analysis tool from the world’s major search engine.

没有详细了解网站性能的网站就像在黑暗中工作。 作为一家小型企业主,您需要了解您有多少游客,他们是谁,他们来自哪里,以及最重要的是,他们在访问您时的行为。 要找到这些信息以及更多信息,对于网站管理员来说,最好的解决方案是Google Analytics(分析); 来自世界主要搜索引擎的免费,功能丰富的分析工具。

In this post, we’ll explain how to install Google Analytics and how to find the information you need to see if your site is performing well.

在这篇文章中,我们将说明如何安装Google Analytics(分析)以及如何查找所需信息,以查看您的网站是否运行良好。

如何安装Google Analytics(分析) (How to install Google Analytics)


开设免费的Google Analytics(分析)帐户 (Open a free Google Analytics account)

You can set up Google Analytics very simply.  Firstly, you need to register for a free account by visiting analytics.google.com.

您可以非常简单地设置Google Analytics(分析)。 首先,您需要访问analytics.google.com来注册免费帐户。


为您的网站设置分析 (Set up analytics for your website)

Once you have created your analytics account, the next stage is to set up Google Analytics for your website. The set up begins with the screen below:

创建分析帐户后,下一步就是为您的网站设置Google Analytics(分析)。 设置从以下屏幕开始:

Set up analytics for your website

Completing this section is fairly straightforward. The one thing you do need to check carefully is the URL. Some websites use www and some do not. Whichever you have opted to use on your site, make sure you use the same version here.

完成本节非常简单。 您需要仔细检查的一件事是URL。 有些网站使用www,有些则不使用。 无论您选择在网站上使用哪个版本,请确保在此处使用相同的版本。

Underneath this section, you’ll find a section about sharing data with Google. Enabling this helps Google to provide better analytics services, so unless you have a specific desire not to share, it can be helpful if you do.

在本部分的下面,您将找到一个有关与Google共享数据的部分。 启用此功能可帮助Google提供更好的分析服务,因此,除非您有特定的不共享的愿望,否则您将很有帮助。


获取您的跟踪ID (Getting your tracking ID)

The tracking ID or tracking code is what allows Google to analyse your traffic. You can get your ID simply clicking on the blue ‘Get Tracking ID button at the bottom of the page’. Copy the ID and paste is somewhere where you can use it later.

跟踪ID或跟踪代码使Google能够分析您的流量。 您只需单击蓝色的“页面底部的获取跟踪ID”按钮即可获取ID。 复制ID并将其粘贴在以后可以使用的位置。

Getting your tracking ID

For your tracking to work, the code needs to be installed on every page of your website. This doesn’t mean you have to manually add it to each individual page – there are far easier ways to do this. If you used a CMS, such as WordPress, to create your website, you can add the code easily by using a plugin such as Google Analytics by Monster Insights. For other types of website, it is usually done by adding the code to your website’s header which, as it appears on every page, means you only need to add it once. If you don’t have a plugin you can use, check out Google’s own help page on how to set up tracking.

为了使跟踪正常工作,需要在网站的每个页面上安装代码。 这并不意味着您必须手动将其添加到每个单独的页面中–这样做的方法要简单得多。 如果您使用WordPress等CMS创建网站,则可以使用Monster Insights的Google Analytics(分析)之类的插件轻松添加代码。 对于其他类型的网站,通常是通过将代码添加到网站标题中来完成的,因为它出现在每个页面上,这意味着您只需要添加一次即可。 如果您没有可以使用的插件,请查看Google自己的有关如何设置跟踪的帮助页面


启用增强功能 (Enabling enhanced features)

Two additional features you’ll want to enable are demographics and in-page analytics. Demographics will give you a clear understanding of the gender and age range of your visitors whilst in-page analytics will show you how visitors interact with specific features, such as calls to action and links, on individual pages. You can find the enable buttons for these in your admin area’s account settings. If you want to use these, enable them before installing the code on your website!

您要启用的两个附加功能是人口统计和页内分析。 人口统计信息将使您清楚地了解访问者的性别和年龄范围,而页内分析将向您展示访问者如何与特定功能交互,例如各个页面上的号召性用语和链接。 您可以在管理区域的帐户设置中找到这些按钮的启用按钮。 如果要使用它们,请在网站上安装代码之前启用它们!

Enabling enhanced features Once you have installed Google Analytics on your website, the final stage is to make sure it is working correctly. In Google Analytics, go to the top menu and click on ‘Admin’. In the central column, ‘Property’, you will see ‘.JS Tracking Info’ near the top of the list. Click on this and then click ‘Tracking Code’ when it appears underneath.

If your tracking is working, this information will be displayed:


If your tracking is working, this information will be displayed

If it says you are not receiving traffic either your tracking code is not working properly or your website is offline. If your account is new, then click on the ‘Send test traffic’ button.

如果显示您没有收到访问量,则可能是您的跟踪代码无法正常工作,或者您的网站处于离线状态。 如果您是新帐户,请点击“发送测试点击量”按钮。


如何检查您的网站分析 (How to check your website analytics)

Once you have set up your tracking, Google will begin collecting data on your visitors. In this next section, we’ll look at the key information that you will need to look at to see how well your website is performing.

设置完跟踪后,Google便会开始收集有关访问者的数据。 在下一部分中,我们将查看您需要查看的关键信息,以查看您的网站的运行情况。


新来访者 (New and returning visitors)

By using cookies, Google is able to tell whether visitors to your website are new or returning visitors. Knowing how many you get of each can be important for different reasons. If you are a new business or have just launched a new product or marketing campaign, you may be looking for an increase in new visitors. If you are a website that thrives on repeat sales, then obviously, you will be looking to increase the number of returning visitors.

通过使用Cookie,Google可以判断您网站的访客是新访客还是回头访客。 出于不同的原因,知道每种中的多少可能很重要。 如果您是新企业,或者刚刚发起了新产品或市场营销活动,则可能希望增加新访客。 如果您的网站蓬勃发展,可以实现重复销售,那么显然,您将寻求增加回头客的数量。

You can find this information in your Reporting section under Audience > Behaviour > New vs Returning.



New and returning visitors

客层 (Demographics)

Understanding who visits your website is vital to the success of your business. If you sell to a specific segment of the market, you want to make sure that you are attracting the right people. Checking your demographic data can help shed light on lots of potential issues, for example, when your PPC ads attract the wrong people to your site.

了解谁访问您的网站对于您的业务成功至关重要。 如果您将产品销售到特定市场,则需要确保吸引合适的人。 检查人口统计数据可以帮助您发现许多潜在问题,例如,当您的PPC广告吸引了错误的用户到您的网站时。

For other websites, demographics data can cause real shifts in the business because you discover the people who visit your website were not those you thought. By changing the website to meet the needs of the people who actually visit, you can increase the likelihood of converting them into customers.

对于其他网站,人口统计数据可能会导致业务发生真正的变化,因为您发现访问您网站的人不是您想像的人。 通过更改网站以满足实际访问者的需求,您可以增加将他们转换为客户的可能性。

You can find the demographic data by going to Reporting > Audience > Demographics > Overview.


You can find the demographic data by going to Reporting > Audience > Demographics > Overview You can get further information by clicking on Audience > Interests > Overview, too.

 You can get further information by clicking on Audience > Interests > Overview, too.

The information in this section can help you identify which market sectors these visitors are most interested in and what they have a personal interest in. This is ideal information for both marketing and for those websites that use blogs for content marketing.



观众获取 (Audience acquisition)

As a website owner, it is important to know how your visitors got to your site. Understanding your metrics can help you know if you are ranking well on search engines and whether your social media and marketing campaigns are working well. You can find this out by clicking on Reporting > Behaviour > Overview.

Audience acquisition

作为网站所有者,了解访问者如何到达您的网站很重要。 了解指标可以帮助您了解您在搜索引擎上的排名是否良好以及社交媒体和市场营销活动是否运作良好。 您可以通过单击报告>行为>概述来找到答案。

The information provided here can tell you what percentage of your visitors come from which channel and how the traffic from each channel interacts with your site. It is possible to drill down even further, for example, you can analyse your organic traffic to see which search engine you are performing best on.

此处提供的信息可以告诉您,来自哪个频道的访问者百分比以及每个频道的流量如何与您的网站进行交互。 可以进行更进一步的深入研究,例如,您可以分析自然流量,以查看在哪个搜索引擎上表现最佳。


行为 (Behaviour)

Perhaps the most important section is Behaviour. This can give you a wide range of information about how visitors interact with your site. It can tell you which page customers land on and which they leave on, how long they spend on your site, how many pages they read before leaving. You can even see the behaviour flow which shows how they move through your site – which is excellent data to help you assess the performance of calls to action and sales funnels.

也许最重要的部分是行为。 这可以为您提供有关访问者如何与您的网站进行交互的广泛信息。 它可以告诉您客户登陆哪个页面,他们离开哪个页面,他们在您的网站上停留了多长时间,离开之前阅读了多少页面。 您甚至可以查看行为流,该行为流显示了它们如何在您的网站中移动–这是出色的数据,可帮助您评估号召性用语和销售渠道的效果。


结论 (Conclusion)

The insights which Google Analytics provides are exceptionally valuable to businesses that want to have clear and relevant information about the performance of their website. The examples given above are just the tip of the iceberg in terms of what Google Analytics can do. Taking advantage of it can help you identify strengths and weaknesses and give you a far sharper picture of who your visitors are and how they behave when on your website. And with all this excellent data being free, you’d be crazy not to use it.

Google Analytics(分析)提供的见解对于希望获得有关其网站性能的清晰且相关信息的企业特别有价值。 就Google Analytics(分析)可以做的事情而言,上面给出的示例只是冰山一角。 利用它可以帮助您识别优点和缺点,并更清晰地了解访问者是谁以及访问者在网站上的行为。 由于所有这些出色的数据都是免费的,因此您不使用它会很疯狂。

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翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/how-to-set-up-and-use-google-analytics-for-your-website/





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