Google Analytics(分析)可以改善您的网站的5种方法

5 Ways Google Analytics Can Improve Your Website

Google Analytics(分析)可以改善您的网站的5种方法

Google Analytics is one of the most valuable free tools available for website owners, providing detailed data about traffic and visitors which can be used to evaluate how your content performs and attracts new visitors. In this post, we’ll look at some of the key metrics Google Analytics provides and show how these can be used to improve your website.

Google Analytics(分析)是可供网站所有者使用的最有价值的免费工具之一,它提供了有关流量和访问者的详细数据,可用于评估您的内容的效果和吸引新访问者的方式。 在本文中,我们将介绍Google Analytics(分析)提供的一些关键指标,并展示如何使用这些指标来改善您的网站。

1. Use traffic data to identify underperforming channels


Google Analytics’ acquisition data shows you how much traffic you have acquired from each of the different channels. These are: organic traffic, e.g. visitors who have found you from search engines; direct traffic, e.g. visitors who typed your URL into their browser; referral traffic, those who have clicked on links on other sites; and social traffic, i.e., those who have come from social media platforms.

Google Analytics(分析)的获取数据显示了您从各个不同渠道获取的流量。 这些是:自然流量,例如从搜索引擎找到您的访客; 直接流量,例如访问者在浏览器中输入了您的URL; 引荐点击量,那些点击了其他网站上的链接的人; 和社交流量,即那些来自社交媒体平台的人。

It is also possible to analyse these sources more deeply, for example, you can check your social media data to see whether you got more traffic from Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, or see how much organic traffic comes from Google, Bing and Yahoo. You can also look at the medium that visitors use to find your site. This can tell you about the performance of your advertising campaigns by identifying the ads that send you the most traffic.

也可以更深入地分析这些来源,例如,您可以检查自己的社交媒体数据以查看是否从Facebook,Twitter或Instagram获得了更多流量,或者查看有多少自然流量来自Google,Bing和Yahoo。 您还可以查看访问者用来查找您的网站的媒介。 通过确定能够为您带来最多流量的广告,可以告诉您广告系列的效果。

With all this valuable information at your fingertips, it makes it much easier to understand where your website’s strengths and weaknesses lie. You might, for example, find that you perform well on search engines but that you need to put more effort into increasing your social media traffic.

借助所有这些有价值的信息,您可以轻松了解网站的优势和劣势。 例如,您可能会发现自己在搜索引擎上的表现不错,但需要付出更多的努力来增加社交媒体流量。

2. Find which pages get the most visitors


Equally important to understanding where your visitors come from is knowing what pages they go to on your website. And it is possible, using the behaviour report, to see this in detail.

了解访问者的来源也很重要,那就是知道他们访问您网站上的哪些页面。 而且,可以使用行为报告来详细查看此情况。

By looking at the Site Content > All Pages data, you’ll get a ranked list showing which pages get the most visits over your chosen timescale. You can also drill down further by using the ‘secondary dimension’ tool to discover where the visitors for each page comes from.

通过查看“网站内容”>“所有页面”数据,您将获得一个排名列表,显示哪些页面在您选择的时间范围内获得了最多访问量。 您还可以使用“次级维度”工具进一步深入了解每个页面的访问者来自何处。

The importance of this data is that it enables you to get a better understanding of your website’s content. For example, if pages are not getting much organic traffic it hints that you might need to look at your SEO or rewrite the content to make it more useful to your visitors. Looking at your most successful content and figuring out why it attracts traffic well, can help you make improvements across your site.

此数据的重要性在于,它使您能够更好地了解网站的内容。 例如,如果页面没有得到太多的自然流量,则表明您可能需要查看SEO或重写内容以使其对访问者更有用。 查看最成功的内容并弄清楚为什么它能很好地吸引流量,可以帮助您在整个网站上进行改进。

3. How low is your bounce rate?


The bounce rate is the term used to describe the percentage of visitors who only visit one page before leaving. Whilst no web page will ever get a 0% bounce rate, some types of pages, such as product pages, are more likely to get high bounce rates. If someone wants something specific, they’ll quickly scoot off back to Google if they don’t find what they’re looking for.

跳出率是用来描述在离开前仅访问一页的访问者所占百分比的术语。 尽管没有网页的跳出率会达到0%,但是某些类型的页面(例如产品页面)的跳出率却更高。 如果某人想要特定的东西,如果找不到所需的东西,他们会Swift将其重新引导回Google。

High bounce rates, however, are a cause for concern, especially on your homepage or key landing pages. If this is the case, it’s an indication that you may need to make improvements to the content or the design in order to get visitors to move to other parts of your website.

但是,跳出率高是一个令人担忧的原因,尤其是在您的主页或关键登录页面上。 如果是这种情况,则表明您可能需要对内容或设计进行改进,以使访问者转移到网站的其他部分。

It could be that your content is not relevant, that the page isn’t attractive or easy to read, there may annoying popups, or the page may even load too slowly for the user to hang around. Whilst Google Analytics can’t tell you what the problem is, it’s very good at showing that there is a problem.

可能是您的内容不相关,页面不吸引人或不易阅读,可能会令人讨厌的弹出窗口,甚至页面加载速度太慢而导致用户无法浏览。 虽然Google Analytics(分析)无法告诉您问题出在哪里,但是它非常擅长显示问题所在。

4. Find issues from analysing session data


Two other great metrics that Google Analytics provides you with are the average number of pages per session and the average time on page.

Google Analytics(分析)为您提供的另外两个重要指标是每个会话的平均页面数和平均页面停留时间。

The pages per session data shows you how many pages the average user visits when they land on your website. Depending on the nature of your site, you’ll have an idea of how many pages you would like each visitor to see. If you’ve an eCommerce site or blog, for example, you’ll want a visitor to visit lots of pages, if your site has only a couple of service pages then, obviously, you’ll be looking at a smaller figure.

每个会话的页面数据显示了平均用户访问您的网站时访问的页面数。 根据您网站的性质,您将了解希望每个访问者看到多少页面。 例如,如果您有一个电子商务网站或博客,则希望访问者访问许多页面,如果您的站点只有几个服务页面,那么显然,您会看到一个较小的数字。

The importance of this data is that it will tell you if you are meeting your optimum figure. If you sell a hundred different types of men’s shoes and the average visitor only looks at two or three pages, then that could indicate a range of issues: poor product selection or availability, high prices, lack of detailed product information, etc. Further drilling down may point to a more precise answer.

此数据的重要性在于,它会告诉您是否达到最佳数值。 如果您出售一百种不同类型的男鞋,并且平均访客只看两三页,那可能表示一系列问题:产品选择或可用性差,价格高,缺乏详细的产品信息等。进一步钻探向下可能指向更精确的答案。

The time on page data (found in the behaviour section) tells you how much time the average visitor stays on each page. This can be very useful in understanding how well visitors engage with your content and if they actually read all the page. If you know it takes three or four minutes to read the page and that the average visitor only spends 30 seconds, then it is obvious that there is something stopping your content getting read. It could indicate boring or badly written content, information being hard to find or something off-putting being mentioned part way through.

页面停留时间数据(可在“行为”部分找到)可以告诉您平均访问者在每个页面停留的时间。 这对于了解访问者与您的内容的互动程度以及他们是否实际阅读了所有页面非常有用。 如果您知道阅读该页面需要三到四分钟,并且平均访问者只花费30秒,那么很明显,有些东西会阻止您的内容被阅读。 它可能表示内容无聊或写得不好,信息很难找到或在部分途中提到了令人反感的内容。

5. Use behaviour flow to discover conversion barriers


If you run an online business, there will be a sales pathway that you want your customers to take as they go through your website, for example, homepage > product category page > individual product page > shopping basket > order details > payment page.


Using Google Analytics’ behaviour flow tool, you will be able to see how visitors actually move through your site: where they land, what pages they visit as they move and where they exit the site. You’ll also see what proportions move from A to B to C, etc., so that you’ll understand the drop-off rates at each stage of the buying process.

使用Google Analytics(分析)的行为流程工具,您将能够查看访问者实际上是如何在您的网站中移动的:他们的着陆位置,他们在移动过程中访问的页面以及离开站点的位置。 您还将看到从A到B再到C再到C的比例如何变化,以便您了解购买过程每个阶段的退货率。

Although it is natural to see a drop-off of visitor numbers as they head towards the payment page, one of the biggest benefits of this tool is that it clearly shows where the biggest drop-off points are. Understanding where these are can help you eradicate barriers to sales or other goals. For example, if you have a large drop-off between the order details and payment page, it could be that you have an issue with the checkout process. Perhaps you are asking for too much information or your delivery pricing is not clear.

尽管很自然地看到访问者前往付款页面的人数下降,但是此工具的最大好处之一是它清楚地显示了最大的下降点在哪里。 了解这些位置可以帮助您消除销售障碍或其他目标。 例如,如果您在订单明细和付款页面之间有一个很大的落差,则可能是您的结帐流程存在问题。 也许您要求的信息太多,或者交货价格不清楚。

Although it is up to you to determine the cause, the data will tell you if there is an obstacle at that point in the process which prevents users completing the sale. Removing that obstacle is a clear way to improve your conversion rates.

尽管由您自己确定原因,但数据会告诉您过程中是否存在阻碍用户完成销售的障碍。 消除障碍是提高转换率的明确方法。



Google Analytics is a fantastic tool for helping businesses improve their websites. It’s not designed to give all the answers, but it does provide an insight into where traffic comes from and how visitors behave when on-site. From this, you can understand what is working well and learn which areas need to be improved upon.

Google Analytics(分析)是帮助企业改善网站的绝佳工具。 它并非旨在给出所有答案,但确实可以洞悉流量来自何处以及访客在现场时的行为。 从中,您可以了解什么是行之有效的,并了解哪些方面需要改进。

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