

If you want to improve your website’s search result ranking, then you need to take a closer look at your loading time. Site speed has become increasingly important to search engines; they want to provide their users with the best results they can and sending them to a site that loads slowly doesn’t add up to a good user experience. Unfortunately, WordPress is a platform that can have speed issues – so, in this article, we’re going to show you several ways to make your WordPress site load faster.

如果您想提高网站的搜索结果排名,则需要仔细查看您的加载时间。 网站速度对搜索引擎变得越来越重要。 他们希望为用户提供最佳结果,并将其发送到加载缓慢的网站并不能带来良好的用户体验。 不幸的是,WordPress是一个可能存在速度问题的平台-因此,在本文中,我们将向您展示几种加快WordPress网站加载速度的方法。

为什么加快WordPress的重要性 (Why speeding up WordPress is important)

Search engines down rank slow websites because users find them frustrating. If a page loads slowly, visitors head straight for the back button and go elsewhere. The expectation is that, regardless of the device accessing the site, the page will load almost instantaneously. Google is so concerned with this that it now allows owners to test their site speed and provides them with an overview of what is causing their loading time issues.

搜索引擎降低了慢速网站的排名,因为用户发现它们令人沮丧。 如果页面加载缓慢,则访问者会直接进入后退按钮,然后转到其他位置。 期望的是,无论设备访问该站点如何,该页面几乎都会立即加载。 Google对此非常关注,现在它允许所有者测试其网站速度 ,并向他们概述造成加载时间问题的原因。

So, how do we speed up WordPress?


1.检查您使用的主机套件是否正确 (1. Check you are using the right hosting package)

One of the biggest causes of a slow website can be using shared hosting. When you use shared hosting, you are sharing the resources of a server with many other websites. Whilst this can be fine for smaller websites, sites that have increasing traffic and bandwidth requirements may find the performance of their site is affected by other sites on the server.

网站运行缓慢的最大原因之一是使用共享主机。 使用共享主机时,您正在与许多其他网站共享服务器的资源。 尽管这对于较小的网站可能很好,但是流量和带宽要求不断增加的网站可能会发现其网站的性能受到服务器上其他网站的影响。

VPS (Virtual Private Servers) offer a cost effective solution for smaller websites. They can be purchased for just a little more than shared hosting but provide many of the features of a dedicated server.

VPS(虚拟专用服务器)为小型网站提供了一种经济高效的解决方案。 可以购买它们,而不是共享主机,但它们提供了专用服务器的许多功能。

2.确保您的虚拟主机允许您启用gzip压缩 (2. Make sure your web host allows you to enable gzip compression)

Gzip compression can reduce the size of the data your website sends by up to 90% and so dramatically speeds up loading time whilst reducing a visitor’s data usage. Using gzip is highly recommended by Google; however, some web hosts do not allow their customers to use it – especially on shared hosting plans. Check carefully that you web host does.

Gzip压缩可以将您的网站发送的数据大小减少多达90%,因此可以极大地加快加载时间,同时减少访问者的数据使用量。 Google强烈建议使用gzip。 但是,某些Web主机不允许其客户使用它,尤其是在共享主机计划中。 仔细检查您的网络托管服务商是否这样做。

A.使用轻量级主题 (A. Use a lightweight theme)

If your WordPress theme has lots of features built in to it, it will need more resources to allow those features to function. This can increase the amount of data needed to be sent to visitors in order for your website to function on their devices – hence slowing it down.

如果您的WordPress主题内置了许多功能,它将需要更多资源才能使这些功能发挥作用。 这样可以增加发送给访问者的数据量,以使您的网站在他们的设备上正常运行,从而减慢其速度。

Obviously, there are some features which you will want your website to have, but many themes come ‘feature packed’. If your theme has lots of features that you do not use, then it might be preferential to move to a lighter theme to improve your site speed.

显然,您希望网站具有一些功能,但是许多主题“功能包装”。 如果您的主题具有许多您不使用的功能,那么可能会优先使用较轻的主题以提高站点速度。

B.清除未使用的插件 (B. Clear out your unused plugins)

Plugins are an incredibly useful way to add functionality to your WordPress theme, but each one you install will have its own script that will slow down the speed of your website. Over time, you will notice that you will stop using some of your plugins or will replace them with better ones. To speed up your website, deactivate the ones you no longer use and delete them completely.

插件是向WordPress主题添加功能的一种非常有用的方法,但是您安装的每个插件都有自己的脚本,这会减慢网站的速度。 随着时间的流逝,您会注意到您将停止使用某些插件或将其替换为更好的插件。 为了加快网站速度,请停用不再使用的网站,然后将其完全删除。

Always consider how necessary a plugin is before installing it; if you can live without it, then from a speed perspective, it is best not to install it at all.

在安装之前,请务必考虑插件的必要性。 如果您可以没有它,那么从速度的角度来看,最好不要安装它。

3.安装一个缓存插件 (3. Install a caching plugin)

If you imagine your website as a piece of flat-packed furniture that has to be sent to the visitor and constructed on their browser, then caching is the process of prebuilding some of the flat-packed elements so that it speeds up the time a browser needs to construct the website at the other end.  There are a number of caching plugins that you can install that will help you significantly improve the performance of your WordPress site, in particular, W3 Total Cache and WP Super Cache.

如果您将网站想象成一件扁平家具,必须发送给访问者并在其浏览器上构建,则缓存是预构建某些扁平元素的过程,从而可以加快浏览器的运行时间需要在另一端建立网站。 您可以安装许多缓存插件,这些插件可以帮助您显着提高WordPress网站的性能,特别是W3 Total CacheWP Super Cache

4.利用内容交付网络(CDN) (4. Take advantage of a content delivery network (CDN))

Although the internet works at blistering speed, information still has to travel long distances to get to your visitors and the longer it has to travel, the more time it takes to load. A content delivery network stores the static elements of your website, images, Javascript and CSS, etc., on servers around the world making sure that when someone visits your site the server closest to your visitor is the one that sends the static data – as a result, the process is speeded up.

尽管互联网以惊人的速度运行,但信息仍必须经过很长的距离才能到达您的访问者,并且传播时间越长,加载时间就越长。 内容交付网络将您网站的静态元素,图像,Javascript和CSS等存储在世界各地的服务器上,以确保当有人访问您的站点时,离您的访客最近的服务器就是发送静态数据的服务器-结果,该过程得以加快。

Content delivery networks are not free, however, some web hosts have CDN services included in their packages. There are also CDN plugins which can be used.

内容交付网络不是免费的,但是,某些Web主机的软件包中包含CDN服务。 也可以使用CDN插件。

5.加快图像优化 (5. Speed up with image optimisation)

Images are large files and if you have a lot of them on your web site they can significantly impact on your site speed. This can be a real problem for some websites, especially ecommerce sites with lots of product images.

图片是大文件,如果您的网站上有很多图片,它们可能会对您的网站速度产生重大影响。 对于某些网站,尤其是带有大量产品图片的电子商务网站,这可能是一个真正的问题。

Image optimisation is the process of reducing the size of the images on your website. This can be done in a number of ways; firstly by using a compressed file format, such as .jpeg or .png files and secondly by keeping the image density small – 72 dpi is the ideal size for internet images. You can also help by uploading images that are the correct dimensions for your website so that WordPress doesn’t need to resize them.

图片优化是缩小您网站上图片大小的过程。 这可以通过多种方式来完成。 首先,使用压缩文件格式(例如.jpeg或.png文件),其次通过使图像密度保持较小– 72 dpi是Internet图像的理想尺寸。 您也可以通过上传适合您网站尺寸的图片来帮助您,这样WordPress无需调整它们的大小。

Obviously, it can be time consuming to optimise every image, so you can save time by adding a plugin such as WP-SmushIt which will automate the optimisation for you as you upload images to your site.


6.帮助您的首页更快加载 (6. Help your homepage load faster)

Your homepage is likely to be your most visited page so it’s important that this page loads as quickly as possible. There are a few easy tweaks you can do to help. If you have posts on your homepage, make sure you display excerpts instead of full posts and keep the number of posts you display fairly small – having twenty full posts on your homepage with images will really slow it down.

您的首页可能是访问量最高的页面,因此尽快加载此页面很重要。 您可以通过一些简单的调整来提供帮助。 如果您的主页上有帖子,请确保您显示摘录而不是完整的帖子,并保持显示的帖子数量相当少–主页上有20个带有图像的完整帖子,确实会减慢速度。

Secondly, try to get rid of the sidebar on your homepage as all the widgets will slow down the load time. If you can’t do this, use a custom sidebar plugin so that you can have fewer widgets on your homepage than on other pages.

其次,尝试摆脱首页上的侧边栏,因为所有小部件都会减慢加载时间。 如果您无法执行此操作,请使用自定义的侧边栏插件,这样您的首页上的小部件可以少于其他页面。

Finally, try to eliminate any other heavy or unnecessary content on your homepage. You are unlikely to need sharing buttons or video on your homepage and features like sliders can be slow to load – especially if you have lots of images rotating.

最后,请尝试消除首页上其他任何繁琐或不必要的内容。 您不太可能需要在首页上共享按钮或视频,并且滑块之类的功能加载速度可能较慢-尤其是当您旋转大量图像时。

7.加快图像加载速度 (7. Speed up by staggering image loading)

When it comes to judging page load times, it’s important that what appears on the screen is what loads first – this means that the top of a web page, what is referred to as ‘above the fold’ needs to be delivered first.


One way to achieve this is to use a lazy load plugin such as jQuery Image Lazy Load. These plugins are useful because they load all the images above the fold but the ones below do not load until the visitor begins to scroll down. By staggering the loading of the images, it means the rest of the website can load quicker – thus speeding up the initial load time of the website.

实现此目的的一种方法是使用惰性加载插件,例如jQuery Image Lazy Load 。 这些插件非常有用,因为它们会加载首屏上的所有图像,但是下面的图像直到访客开始向下滚动时才会加载。 通过错开图片的加载,这意味着网站的其余部分可以更快地加载-从而加快了网站的初始加载时间。

8.保持数据库优化 (8. Keep your database optimised)

Your WordPress database stores pretty much everything you do – some of this is vital to the health of your website but other things can be unnecessary data bloat that just slows down your website. This includes things like post revisions and spam comments. If you are working on a post and constantly click on ‘Save Draft’ as you work, you may accumulate hundreds of post revisions over time. Using a database optimiser plugin, such as WP-Optimize, you can keep your database leaner and more efficient – helping to speed up the website for your users.

您的WordPress数据库几乎存储了您所做的所有事情-其中一些对您网站的健康至关重要,但其他事情可能是不必要的数据膨胀,只会减慢您的网站速度。 这包括发布修订和垃圾评论等内容。 如果您正在处理帖子,并且在工作时不断单击“保存草稿”,则随着时间的推移,您可能会积累数百个帖子修订。 使用数据库优化程序插件(例如WP-Optimize) ,可以使数据库更精简和更高效-有助于加快用户的网站访问速度。

结论 (Conclusion)

These eight tips will help you improve your website speed and thus make it more likely that your pages and posts will rank higher in search results. They are also quite easy to implement and use. There are some more advanced methods to speeding up your WordPress site too, but for a WordPress beginner, these are an ideal way to make a start.

这八个技巧将帮助您提高网站速度,从而更有可能使您的页面和帖子在搜索结果中的排名更高。 它们也很容易实现和使用。 也有一些更高级的方法可以加快WordPress网站的速度,但是对于WordPress初学者来说,这是一个理想的起点。

If you require dedicated WordPress hosting, take a look at our WordPress Hosting page. Our affordable packages are packed with useful features and backed up with expert WordPress support and first-class security.

如果您需要专用的WordPress托管,请查看我们的WordPress 托管页面。 我们负担得起的软件包包含有用的功能,并由专家WordPress支持和一流的安全性支持。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/8-easy-tips-for-speeding-up-your-wordpress-site/


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