

Once your WordPress website is installed, you’ll be eager to start creating great content for your readers, but before you start, there are some important administrative tasks to complete. The first of these is to configure your WordPress settings.

一旦安装了WordPress网站,您就会渴望为读者创建出色的内容,但是在开始之前,需要完成一些重要的管理任务。 首先是配置WordPress设置。

These settings control many of the ways your website operates and it’s vital to get the right configuration for your business needs. Thankfully, most of the default settings won’t need changing, but there some which you will need to customise.

这些设置控制着您网站的许多运作方式,而对于您的业务需求而言,获取正确的配置至关重要。 值得庆幸的是,大多数默认设置都不需要更改,但是其中一些您需要自定义。

To get started, we suggest that you log into your WordPress admin panel, find the ‘Settings’ tab in the left-hand menu and click on it. When you do, it will expand, showing you the different settings areas you can control: General Settings, Writing, Reading, Discussion and Permalinks. We will begin with the General Settings.

首先,我们建议您登录WordPress管理面板,在左侧菜单中找到“设置”标签,然后单击它。 完成后,它将展开,向您显示可以控制的不同设置区域:“常规设置”,“写作”,“阅读”,“讨论”和“永久链接”。 我们将从常规设置开始。

配置WordPress常规设置 (Configuring WordPress General Settings)

When you open your General Settings panel, you’ll notice that much of the information is already completed for you as you will have inputted it during your WordPress installation. However, this is the place where you can make changes if you need to.

当您打开“常规设置”面板时,您会注意到许多信息已经为您完成,因为您将在WordPress安装过程中输入这些信息。 但是,在这里可以根据需要进行更改。

Wordpress general settings

Site Title:This is the name of your website (not the web address) and what you write here usually appears in the header of your website if you choose not to upload a logo or header image.

网站标题 :这是您网站的名称(而不是网址),如果您选择不上传徽标或标题图片,那么您在此处写的内容通常会显示在网站标题中。

Tagline:This is a short phrase, motto, company slogan or description of your business. It usually appears in the header, too, under the site title. You can choose to leave this box empty.

口号这是一个简短的短语,座右铭,公司口号或您的业务描述。 它通常也显示在网站标题下的标题中。 您可以选择将此框留空。

WordPress Address (URL):When you created your site you will have made a choice about using www. or not in the site’s web address. The choice you made on installation will appear here. You should not change this once you have made your decision. However, if you obtain an SSL certificate for your website and change the URL from ‘http’ to ‘https’, you should also change that information here.

WordPress地址(URL):创建网站时,您已经选择使用www。 或不在网站的网址中。 您在安装时所做的选择将显示在此处。 做出决定后,您不应更改此设置。 但是,如果您获得了网站的SSL证书并将URL从“ http”更改为“ https”,则也应该在此处更改该信息。

Site Address (URL): For the vast majority of users, this will be exactly the same as the WordPress Address (URL). The option is there because some (technically advanced) users choose to host their website files and WordPress files in different directories on their server.

网站地址(URL):对于绝大多数用户,这将与WordPress地址(URL)完全相同。 之所以选择该选项,是因为某些(技术先进)用户选择将其网站文件和WordPress文件托管在其服务器上的不同目录中。

Email Address:  WordPress can be set up to send you email notifications on many things: security issues, new comments, new subscribers, etc. This is where you enter the email address you want that information to be sent.


For security reasons, use an email address that doesn’t have your website’s domain name in it, i.e. if the website is joebloggs.com, don’t use a ‘joeblogs.com email address. This is because, if you forget your password, this is the address it will be sent to, and using an email from your own domain can make it easy for hackers to guess at.

出于安全原因,请使用不包含您网站域名的电子邮件地址,即,如果网站是joebloggs.com,请不要使用“ joeblogs.com”电子邮件地址。 这是因为,如果您忘记了密码,这就是它将被发送到的地址,并且使用来自您自己域的电子邮件可以使黑客更容易猜测。

Membership:  By default, this is left blank as members can be given access to the admin panel. However, if you are setting up a membership site (where people have to log in to access information) then you will need to check this box.

成员资格:默认情况下,此字段为空,因为可以授予成员访问管理面板的权限。 但是,如果您要设置一个会员网站(人们必须在该网站上登录才能访问信息),则需要选中此框。

New User Default Role: You should leave this set at ‘subscriber’. This gives members only limited access and they will not be allowed to post content or make any changes to the website. If you plan to have members, you will most likely use a membership plugin which will enable you to control exactly what your members can and cannot do.

新用户默认角色:您应将此设置保留为“订户”。 这仅给成员有限的访问权限,并且不允许他们发布内容或对网站进行任何更改。 如果您打算拥有成员,则很可能会使用成员资格插件,该插件将使您能够精确控制成员可以做什么和不能做什么。

The important role in this list is the ‘administrator’. The administrator has full control of the WordPress admin panel and can make all the changes they wish – including deleting and creating other administrators. You should make sure that only highly trusted members of your team are given administrative access.

此列表中的重要角色是“管理员”。 管理员可以完全控制WordPress管理面板,可以进行所需的所有更改,包括删除和创建其他管理员。 您应确保仅向团队中高度信任的成员授予管理权限。

Timezone: Set the timezone to the one where your website is based. If in the UK, set it to London.

时区:将时设置为您的网站所在的时区。 如果在英国,则将其设置为伦敦。

Date and Time Formatting: Here you can choose your preferred format. Take into consideration where your primary audience will be based and use the formats that are the most acceptable to them. Remember in the UK we use day/month/year whilst in the US, they use month/day/year:

日期和时间格式 :您可以在此处选择首选格式。 请考虑您的主要受众群体所处的位置,并使用最可接受的格式。 请记住,在英国,我们使用日/月/年,而在美国,则使用月/日/年:

25/12/2015 Vs 12/25/2015

2015年12月25日2015年 12月25日

Week Starts: This gives you the option, when analysing data created on WordPress, to choose the start and end point for weekly analysis.


Language: You will have chosen this option during the WordPress install. It controls what language the WordPress admin is presented to you. It can also affect some spell checkers you install, so choose carefully between UK and US English.

语言:在WordPress安装期间,您将选择此选项。 它控制WordPress管理员向您显示的语言。 它还可能会影响您安装的某些拼写检查器,因此请在英国英语和美国英语之间谨慎选择。

配置WordPress书写设置 (Configuring WordPress Writing Settings)

Writing settings allow you to configure the interface you use when writing new posts.


WordPress writing settings

Default Post Category: As you begin to add more and more posts to your website, you will want to put them into categories so that visitors can find them easily. The ‘Uncategorized’ setting means that when you begin a new post, WordPress won’t automatically decide which category it appears in, you will have to make that decision yourself. The only reason to change this setting would be if the vast majority of your posts were going to be in one category.

默认帖子类别:当您开始向网站中添加越来越多的帖子时,您将需要将它们放入类别中,以便访问者可以轻松找到它们。 “未归类”设置意味着当您开始撰写新文章时,WordPress不会自动决定它出现在哪个类别中,您必须自己做出决定。 更改此设置的唯一原因是,如果您的绝大多数帖子都属于一个类别。

Default Post Format: There are a number of post formats you can choose from in WordPress, such as asides, galleries and quotes. The vast majority of content, however, will be written as standard posts – for this reason, leave this default as it is.

默认帖子格式:您可以在WordPress中选择多种帖子格式,例如边距,画廊和引号。 但是,绝大多数内容将以标准帖子的形式编写–因此,请保留默认设置。

Post via Email: Unless you are going to submit and publish posts via email, you can leave this section as it is. If you do wish to email your posts rather than input them on a computer, then you need to input the details of the email address from which you will send your posts. All the information needed can be obtained from your POP3 email provider. The category option allows you to choose a default category for email posts to be published in – as with the default post category above, it is best to leave this as uncategorized.

通过电子邮件发布:除非您打算通过电子邮件提交和发布帖子,否则可以保留此部分。 如果您希望通过电子邮件发送帖子,而不是在计算机上输入帖子,则需要输入发送帖子所用电子邮件地址的详细信息。 所需的所有信息都可以从POP3电子邮件提供商处获得。 类别选项允许您选择要发布的电子邮件帖子的默认类别–与上面的默认帖子类别一样,最好将其保留为未分类。

Update Services: This is a tool that informs other websites on the internet that your blog has been updated so their users can get your latest posts. If you click the ‘update services’ hyperlink on the Writing Settings page, you will be provided with a list of other services to add.

更新服务:这是一种工具,用于通知Internet上的其他网站您的博客已更新,以便他们的用户可以获取您的最新帖子。 如果单击“写作设置”页面上的“ 更新服务 ”超链接,将为您提供其他要添加的服务的列表。

如何配置WordPress阅读设置 (How to Configure WordPress Reading Settings)

Reading settings allow you to control how posts are displayed to your blog visitors.


WordPress Reading Settings

Front Page Displays: Many blogs have a homepage which simply lists their recent posts. It’s the traditional bloggers’ way of doing things. If you are setting up a blog, you can choose to keep this setting. If, however, you are creating a different type of website,  you will probably want to create a homepage that has specific information on it. If this is the case, you will need to change this option to ‘Static Page’.

首页显示:许多博客都有一个主页,仅列出其最近的帖子。 这是传统博客作者的处事方式。 如果要设置博客,则可以选择保留此设置。 但是,如果您要创建其他类型的网站,则可能需要创建一个包含特定信息的主页。 在这种情况下,您需要将此选项更改为“静态页面”。

Before you can complete the change to ‘Static Page’, you will need to create two pages, one called ‘Home’ and one called ‘Posts’. (You can do this by going to the ‘Pages’ tab in the admin menu and selecting ‘Add New Page’. Give each page its title and then click ‘Publish’. ) Once you have created the pages, select the page called ‘Home’ for Front Page and the page called ‘Posts’ for Posts Page. You can go back and edit those pages later.

在完成对“静态页面”的更改之前,您需要创建两个页面,一个页面称为“主页”,另一页面称为“帖子”。 (您可以通过在管理菜单中转到“页面”标签,然后选择“添加新页面”来完成此操作。为每个页面指定标题,然后单击“发布”。)创建页面后,选择名为“主页”表示首页,“首页”表示帖子页面。 您可以稍后返回并编辑这些页面。

Blog Posts to show at most: If you choose to show your posts on the front page, the number you input here will dictate how many posts will be seen. If your blog contains more posts then you have chosen to show, there will be a link to subsequent pages at the bottom. The number you choose here will determine how many posts appear on the other pages and on any category pages too.

最多显示的博客帖子:如果您选择在首页上显示帖子,则您在此处输入的数字将决定可以看到多少帖子。 如果您的博客包含更多帖子,那么您已选择显示,在底部将有一个指向后续页面的链接。 您在此处选择的编号将确定在其他页面以及任何类别页面上显示多少帖子。

Syndication feeds show the most recent: Some readers will opt to get your new posts through what is called RSS syndication. This basically means that they receive an email with your most recent posts. You can choose how many posts they get to see here. If you only publish a small number of posts, keep the number small or you will be constantly sending them older content.

联合供稿源显示最新信息:一些读者会选择通过所谓的RSS联合来获取新帖子。 这基本上意味着他们会收到一封包含您最新帖子的电子邮件。 您可以选择在这里看到多少帖子。 如果您只发布少量的帖子,请保持少量,否则您将不断向他们发送较旧的内容。

Full text or summary option: If someone gets the full post in an RSS feed, they will not need to visit your website. Giving a summary (usually the first few sentences) with a link to your site at the bottom means they will have to visit to read the rest of the article. For this reason, ‘summary’ is often the preferred choice – it increases your visitor numbers and they tend to view more than one post or page.

全文或摘要选项:如果某人在RSS feed中获得了全文,则无需访问您的网站。 在底部给出一个摘要(通常是前几句话)并带有指向您网站的链接,这意味着他们将不得不访问以阅读本文的其余部分。 因此,“摘要”通常是首选,因为它会增加访问者的数量,并且他们倾向于查看多个帖子或页面。

Search Engine visibility: Turning this off doesn’t necessarily stop search engines visiting your site and indexing your pages for others to find it. If you don’t want information to be found online, don’t publish it on the internet. If you have a site which is not yet ready and you don’t want people to visit until it is finished, then you can use a ‘maintenance’ plugin which will stop access and present a ‘Coming Soon’ page.

搜索引擎可见性:禁用此选项并不一定会使搜索引擎停止访问您的网站并为您的页面编制索引以供其他人查找。 如果您不希望在网上找到信息,请不要在互联网上发布。 如果您的网站尚未准备好,并且您不希望人们访问它直到完成,那么您可以使用“维护”插件,该插件将停止访问并显示“即将推出”页面。

通过配置WordPress讨论设置减少垃圾邮件 (Reduce Spam by Configuring WordPress Discussion Settings)

Discussion settings allow to to control how comments posted by your visitors are displayed and moderated.


WordPress Discussion Settings

Default article settings: It is useful to keep all three of these settings checked. Letting other websites know you have linked to them in a post or page not only shows good courtesy but can also be a useful way to encourage them to link to you, which could improve your SEO. Similarly, it can be helpful to you to know whether your posts have been linked to on other sites.

文章默认设置:选中所有这三个设置非常有用。 让其他网站知道您已在帖子或页面中链接到它们,这不仅表示良好的礼貌,而且还是鼓励它们链接到您的有用方法,这可以改善您的SEO。 同样,了解您的帖子是否已链接到其他站点也可能对您有所帮助。

Allowing people to posts comments is also useful for SEO and in building relationships with your visitors. If there is a particular page or post you don’t want comments on, such as your terms and conditions, you can turn them off for that post or page.

允许人们发表评论对于SEO以及与访客建立关系也很有用。 如果您不希望在特定页面或帖子上发表评论,例如您的条款和条件,则可以针对该帖子或页面将其关闭。

Other Comment Settings:  One of the downsides to allowing comments is that spammers will post comments on your site. They do this to create a backlink to their site, to advertise products or, in the worst cases, to try and put malware on people’s computers when they click on a link. Some spammers even use software to write comments for them.

其他评论设置:允许评论的缺点之一是,垃圾邮件发送者会将评论发布到您的网站上。 他们这样做是为了创建指向其站点的反向链接,以宣传产品,或者在最坏的情况下,当人们单击链接时尝试将恶意软件放置在人们的计算机上。 一些垃圾邮件发送者甚至使用软件为他们写评论。

To stop the spammers and any other unwanted comments, without getting rid of the genuine discussion, requires a number of actions. On the Discussion Settings page you should do the following:

要阻止垃圾邮件发送者和任何其他不必要的评论,而又不至于引起真正的讨论,则需要采取许多措施。 在“讨论设置”页面上,您应该执行以下操作:

  • Leave the default ‘Other Comment Settings’ as they are.

  • Change the ‘Before a Comment Appears’ option to ‘Comment must be manually approved’


By changing to manually approved comments, you don’t need to do anything in the blacklist boxes below because you will be able to remove inappropriate content before it goes live.


The one other step you should do is to activate the ‘Askimet’ plugin. Spam is such a problem with WordPress that this plugin comes preinstalled. When you activate you will need to register on the Askimet site (it’s free), here you will get a code which you paste into the Askimet settings on your website. Once this is done, Askimet will filter and delete the vast majority of spam emails for you.

您应该做的另一步骤是激活“ Askimet”插件。 垃圾邮件是WordPress的一个问题,因此该插件已预先安装。 激活后,您需要在Askimet网站上注册(免费),在这里您将获得一个代码,并将其粘贴到网站上的Askimet设置中。 完成后,Askimet将为您过滤并删除绝大多数垃圾邮件。

If you require a further layer of protection, you can always add a ‘captcha’ plugin, so that people have to prove they are human before submitting a comment. This is one way to stop major spammers using software to write comments on your site.

如果您需要进一步的保护,则可以随时添加“验证码”插件,以便人们在提交评论之前必须证明自己是人类。 这是阻止主要垃圾邮件发送者使用软件在您的网站上写评论的一种方法。

With Askimet doing the bulk of the work, you will find that the majority of comments you are asked to approve are genuine ones.


Avatars: Avatars, especially when commenters use genuine photographs, can be useful features in comment sections of websites. If you do allow them, make sure that you select the default ‘G — Suitable for all audiences’ option to prevent users using inappropriate images.

头像:头像,尤其是当评论者使用真实照片时,在网站的评论部分中可能是有用的功能。 如果允许,请确保选择默认的“ G-适合所有受众”选项,以防止用户使用不合适的图像。

WordPress媒体设置配置 (WordPress Media Settings Configuration)

You shouldn’t need to change the default Media Settings options as these will be configured to fit with your theme. Do be aware, that when you upload an image to WordPress, it creates multiple copies of different sizes: thumbnail, medium and large as well as keeping the original.

您无需更改默认的“媒体设置”选项,因为它们将被配置为适合您的主题。 请注意,当您将图像上传到WordPress时,它会创建不同大小的多个副本:缩略图,中号和大号以及保留原始图片。

WordPress Media Settings Configuration

You shouldn’t need to change the default Media Settings options as these will be configured to fit with your theme. Do be aware, that when you upload an image to WordPress, it creates multiple copies of different sizes: thumbnail, medium and large as well as keeping the original.

您无需更改默认的“媒体设置”选项,因为它们将被配置为适合您的主题。 请注意,当您将图像上传到WordPress时,它会创建不同大小的多个副本:缩略图,中型和大型以及保留原始格式。

If you have a hosting package with a limited storage or file allocation, then keep a close check on the number of images you upload. You can get plugins which will help remove unnecessary images for you if you find yourself running out of space.

如果您的托管程序包的存储或文件分配有限,则请仔细检查上传的图像数量。 如果发现空间不足,您将获得一些插件,这些插件将帮助您删除不必要的图像。

通过配置WordPress永久链接改善SEO (Improve SEO by Configuring WordPress Permalinks)

Each page, post and media item on your website will have its own web address that people can type into a search engine.  In the permalink settings, you can control how those are created. You are given a number of options to choose from. For SEO purposes, it is advisable to use the ‘Post Name’ option.

您网站上的每个页面,帖子和媒体项目都会有自己的网址,人们可以在搜索引擎中键入该网址。 在永久链接设置中,您可以控制它们的创建方式。 您有许多选择。 出于SEO的目的,建议使用“帖子名称”选项。

Configuring WordPress Permalinks

Each page, post and media item on your website will have its own web address that people can type into a search engine.  In the permalink settings, you can control how those are created. You are given a number of options to choose from. For SEO purposes, it is advisable to use the ‘Post Name’ option.

您网站上的每个页面,帖子和媒体项目都会有自己的网址,人们可以在搜索引擎中键入该网址。 在永久链接设置中,您可以控制它们的创建方式。 您有许多选择。 出于SEO的目的,建议使用“帖子名称”选项。

This means that the web address (URL) of any item you publish would be the name of that item. E.g. If your site was called joebloggs.co.uk and you published an article called “Best Blogs in Britain”, the web address would be joebloggs.co.uk/best-blogs-in-britain. As the keywords are in the web address and the title, this makes it easier for search engines to understand their relevance for searchers.

这意味着您发布的任何项目的网址(URL)都是该项目的名称。 例如,如果您的网站名为joebloggs.co.uk,并且发表了一篇名为“英国最佳博客”的文章,则网址为joebloggs.co.uk/best-blogs-in-britain。 由于关键字位于网址和标题中,因此搜索引擎可以更轻松地了解其与搜索者的相关性。

Optional Settings: Leave the category and tag base custom options blank. The default structure works well enough for most users. You should only make adjustments here if there is a valid reason for doing so and if you fully understand how permalinks work.

可选设置:将类别和标签基础自定义选项留空。 默认结构对大多数用户来说足够好用。 仅在有正当理由且完全了解固定链接的工作原理的情况下,才应在此处进行调整。

结论 (Conclusion)

If you follow these guidelines, you will have successfully configured the WordPress Settings. Your site will be optimised, less prone to spammers and hackers and more likely to rank well for key search terms.

如果遵循这些准则,则将成功配置WordPress设置。 您的网站将得到优化,不容易受到垃圾邮件发送者和黑客的攻击,并且更有可能在关键搜索字词上排名较高。

As your site continues to grow and develop, you may need to make changes to some of the settings from time to time, though, for the most part, you will be able to forget about them and move on to the next stage in getting your website ready for launch.


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如果您正在寻找提供各种功能的一流的专用WordPress托管服务,请访问eUKhost WordPress页面以查看我们负担得起的托管服务包。


翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/how-to-configure-wordpress-settings/






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