

1)起点是什么? (1) What is the starting point?)

The cloud is available is several different forms. Any good CIO should be able to review these different forms and assess them against the firm’s existing IT provisions to decide where the starting point should be, and with what services.

可用的是几种不同的形式。 任何优秀的CIO都应该能够审查这些不同的形式,并根据公司现有的IT条款对其进行评估,从而确定起点应该在哪里以及提供什么服务。

Most cloud services can be listed under one of three categories: Software as a Service (Saas), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). For an organization where cloud services are being used for the first time, it is recommended that CIOs starts with the most basic form of cloud services, SaaS, since this provides the lowest level of risk, but also represents a good opportunity to start understanding the benefits of cloud. Examples of SaaS services would be Office 365 from Microsoft, or Dropbox for Business; both services can be integrated into your existing infrastructure with little work, and operate in ways that your colleagues will be use to, so there will be little need for retraining.

大多数云服务可以列为以下三个类别之一:软件即服务(Saas),平台即服务(PaaS)和基础架构即服务(IaaS)。 对于首次使用云服务的组织,建议首席信息官从最基本的云服务形式即SaaS开始,因为这提供了最低的风险水平,但也提供了一个很好的机会来开始了解云服务。云的好处。 SaaS服务的示例包括Microsoft的Office 365或Dropbox for Business。 只需很少的工作,这两种服务都可以集成到您现有的基础架构中,并且可以以您的同事习惯的方式运行,因此几乎不需要再培训。

If your deployment of SaaS services has proven to be successful, then you should investigate potential PaaS and IaaS solutions for your company. As these services are more complex in their nature and carry higher risk because of the potential use cases, it is always a good idea to try potential candidates out in a test environment. A test environment will let you test out every aspect of multiple applications so that you can narrow them down to the most suitable.

如果事实证明您成功部署了SaaS服务,则应调查贵公司潜在的PaaS和IaaS解决方案。 由于这些服务的性质更加复杂,并且由于潜在的用例而带来更高的风险,因此在测试环境中尝试潜在的候选人总是一个好主意。 一个测试环境可以让您测试多个应用程序的各个方面,以便将它们缩小到最合适的范围。

2)有什么好处? (2) What are the benefits?)

A number of benefits can be derived from a shift to cloud hosting. The main benefit, and the one that is most likely to appeal to managers, is the cost savings that you can be realised. Maintaining a completely physical IT infrastructure and relying on legacy licensing models have proven to be a costly burdens and ones that don’t represent good value for money. By migrating your IT systems to the cloud server, you will be reducing the overall amount of physical hardware that you rely on and with less hardware and data centre spacing being required, your monthly hosting bills will be greatly reduced. It has even been suggested that the cloud can delivery bottom line savings of up to 25%.

迁移到云托管可以带来很多好处。 最主要的好处(也是最有可能吸引管理人员的一项好处)是可以实现的成本节省。 事实证明,维护完整的物理IT基础架构并依赖于旧版许可模型是一项代价高昂的负担,并且这些负担并不意味着物有所值。 通过将您的IT系统迁移到云服务器 ,您将减少所依赖的物理硬件总量,并且所需的硬件和数据中心空间更少,从而大大减少了每月的托管费用。 甚至有人提出,云可以节省高达25%的底线。

Scalability and agility are other benefits that the cloud can deliver. Cloud environments are developed around powerful clusters that are able to deliver additional resources on demand, so if your website experiences an unexpected surge in traffic, or you are looking to add new, more powerful features, then you can call on the cloud to provide you with the extra capacity necessary. Whilst the cloud can scale up to cope with extra demand, it can also scale down afterwards so that you are only ever billed for your actual usage. Such scalability and agility is only demonstrated in virtual environments, with physical servers downtime is often required in order for additional components to be provisioned so that you can increase capacity.

可伸缩性和敏捷性是云可以提供的其他好处。 云环境是围绕强大的集群开发的,这些集群能够按需提供其他资源,因此,如果您的网站遇到意外的流量激增,或者您希望添加新的,更强大的功能,则可以致电云为您提供具有必要的额外容量。 尽管云可以扩大规模以应对额外的需求,但之后也可以缩小规模,因此您只需为实际使用付费。 这种可伸缩性和敏捷性仅在虚拟环境中得到证明,通常需要物理服务器停机才能配置其他组件,从而可以增加容量。

3)为什么要投资? (3) Why should we invest?)

Quite simply put, the cloud will support the objectives of your organisation not just now, but well into the future.


Mobility; better CRM; consolidation and optimisation; reduced costs; stronger security: these are strategic IT objectives for most organisations, but these are also roles that What makes a cloud environment reliable?. Never before has one platform been able to tick off so many objectives in one foul swoop. It is for this reason that any Board of Directors that has the interests of their shareholders at heart will implement cloud solutions without question.

流动性 更好的客户关系管理; 合并和优化; 降低成本; 增强安全性:这些是大多数组织的战略性IT目标,但这些角色又使云环境可靠? 。 从来没有一个平台能够一口气完成这么多目标。 因此,任何关心股东利益的董事会都将毫无疑问地实施云解决方案。

4)对您的角色会有什么影响? (4) What will the impact be on your role?)

Implementing the cloud in your organisation will serve to make the business more competitive through cost reductions and the option to provision additional IT infrastructure components in a matter of minutes. As you’re the CIO, the one implementing the cloud, the person who is driving change for the better, you could see your position within the organisation rise as other directors in the business recognise the huge and positive impact that your role and decisions have on the organisation.

在您的组织中实施云将通过降低成本和选择在几分钟之内配置其他IT基础架构组件来提高业务竞争力。 当您是CIO,实施云的人,推动变革变得更好的人时,随着业务中其他主管认识到您的角色和决策产生的巨大积极影响,您会看到自己在组织中的地位不断提高在组织上。

5) 在提供者中要考虑的最重要因素是什么? (5) What are the most important factors to consider in a provider?)

Technology is changing fast these days and gone are the times when you’ll be wanting to sign long contracts just so you can secure the best price. With cloud providers it is more effective to sign short-term contracts, generally of three years or less, since this allows you to remain flexible and will allow you to exploit the latest technologies as they come along. Working with multiple providers is now common practice too, as many CIOs recognise that no provider is able to offer a solution that provides all the features that they are after. Instead, different departments are likely to choose services on their own accord where more specific toolsets are required, although this will also be alongside any company-wide systems deployed.

如今,技术日新月异,而您想要签订长期合同以确保获得最佳价格的时代已经一去不复返了。 使用云提供商,签订通常为期三年或更短的短期合同更为有效,因为这可以使您保持灵活性,并可以随时利用最新技术。 现在,与多个提供者合作也是一种常见的做法,因为许多CIO意识到没有提供者能够提供提供他们所追求的所有功能的解决方案。 取而代之的是,在需要更多特定工具集的情况下,不同部门可能会自行选择服务,尽管这也将与所部署的所有公司范围的系统一起使用。

Reputation and security are also key considerations for choosing a cloud provider. Many CIOs will be entrusting private information and data that has always been hosted in-house to third-party companies and for once, they will no longer be in control. On the other hand, cloud providers look to use the latest security techniques to protect their client; more often than not the cloud can provide more protection than an in-house environment, with this benefit outweighing the disadvantage of outsourcing control.

信誉和安全性也是选择云提供商的关键考虑因素。 许多CIO会将委托内部托管的私人信息和数据委托给第三方公司,而且它们将一度不再受到控制。 另一方面,云提供商希望使用最新的安全技术来保护其客户端。 与内部环境相比,云通常可以提供更多的保护,而这种好处胜过了外包控制的弊端。







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