

Google has announced, starting in April, its mobile search ranking algorithm will start to take into account whether a website is optimised for mobile devices, which means websites that are mobile-friendly are likely to receive more favourable treatment over ones that are not. If your website is not yet optimised for mobile devices, this news might just be the push you need to get your website ready for mobile.

谷歌宣布 ,从4月开始,其移动搜索排名算法将开始考虑网站是否针对移动设备进行了优化,这意味着与移动设备友好的网站相比,对移动设备友好的网站可能会得到更优惠的待遇。 如果您的网站尚未针对移动设备进行优化,则此新闻可能只是您需要为移动网站做好准备所需要的推动力。

对移动搜索结果的重大影响 (Significant impact to mobile search results)

While Google has given a few months advance notice for websites that need more time to prepare, the search giant warns the changes coming in April this year will result in a “significant impact” to search results, and affects all languages. If your website is not yet optimised for mobile devices and mobile search accounts for a significant amount of your search referrals, it would be an understatement to suggest you might be substantially affected if your website remains unoptimised for mobile.

虽然Google已提前几个月通知了需要更多时间准备的网站,但这家搜索巨头警告说,今年4月的更改将对搜索结果产生“重大影响”,并影响所有语言。 如果您的网站尚未针对移动设备进行优化,并且移动搜索帐户在您的引荐链接中占了很大比例,那么轻描淡写地建议您,如果您的网站仍未针对移动设备进行优化,则可能会受到重大影响。

It is important to emphasise this isn’t the first step Google has taken to make mobile search results more relevant. In November 2014, Google added a feature to mobile search results that adds a “Mobile-friendly” label below the URL of any website in search result listings that are optimised for mobile devices.

重要的是要强调这不是Google采取行动使移动搜索结果更相关的第一步。 2014年11月,Google在移动搜索结果中添加了一项功能,该功能在针对移动设备进行了优化的搜索结果列表中的任何网站的网址下方都添加了“对移动设备友好”的标签。

优化您的移动网站 (Optimising your website for mobile)

Before smartphones became common in people’s lives, the mobile web accounted for a very small fraction of overall Web traffic – to such an extent where it seemed pointless, from a website owner’s point of view, to even consider making a separate, severely scaled down version of their website for mobile traffic. Many mobile phones were also incapable of rendering full web pages due to hardware, network and software constraints.

在智能手机普及到人们的生活之前,移动网站仅占整体网站流量的一小部分-在某种程度上,从网站所有者的角度来看,考虑甚至没有考虑制作单独的,按比例缩小的版本网站的移动流量。 由于硬件,网络和软件的限制,许多手机也无法呈现完整的网页。

In the early days of smartphones, the best way to make a website mobile-friendly was by having two versions – one for the desktop, and one for the mobile. This was especially important with consideration to the general performance of smartphones at the time, with many mobile-friendly websites (especially on iOS) having being designed to feel like a native app running in the Web browser.

在智能手机的早期,使网站成为移动友好型的最佳方法是拥有两个版本–一个用于桌面,一个用于移动。 考虑到当时智能手机的总体性能,这一点尤其重要,因为许多移动友好型网站(尤其是在iOS上)被设计为看起来像在Web浏览器中运行的本机应用程序。

This approach, however, means you have two websites to manage and keep updated. An easier solution is to have the same website display perfectly on any device you may have – so your website looks great on the desktop, but also on the mobile.

但是,这种方法意味着您有两个网站可以管理和保持更新。 一个更简单的解决方案是使同一个网站在您可能拥有的任何设备上完美地显示-因此,您的网站在台式机和移动设备上看起来都很棒。

响应式网页设计 (Responsive web design)

A responsive website design means it automatically scales to fit the available space of the device you are using. In fact, any website that has a responsive web design will scale simply by resizing your browser window.

快速响应的网站设计意味着它会自动缩放以适应您所使用设备的可用空间。 实际上,任何具有响应式网页设计的网站都可以通过调整浏览器窗口的大小来轻松扩展。

Responsive designs are relatively new to the scene, simply because the technology is new. While you could use JavaScript to accomplish this years ago, you can now use a new CSS 3 module called media queries. They allow you to target specific CSS code to certain devices and resolutions. See how it works here – if you resize your browser window, you will see the page scale down perfectly.

响应式设计相对于现场而言还是相对较新的,仅仅是因为技术是新的。 尽管您可以在几年前使用JavaScript来完成这项工作,但是现在您可以使用一个称为media query的新CSS 3模块 。 它们使您可以将特定CSS代码定位到某些设备和分辨率。 在这里查看其工作方式–如果您调整浏览器窗口的大小,您将看到页面完美缩小。

Even if you are not a Web developer and use a content management system like WordPress, it’s easy to find themes you can use on your website that are responsive.

即使您不是Web开发人员,并且使用诸如WordPress 类的内容管理系统, 也很容易找到可以在您的网站上使用的响应主题。

结论 (Conclusion)

Really, it all boils down to providing your visitors with the best user experience possible – and search engines like Google have a vested interest in making sure that happens. They want their users to find the right website the first time. If they deliver search results that lead them to poor quality websites, users may consider alternatives to find the answers they’re looking for – by using competing providers!

的确,这一切都归结为为您的访问者提供最佳的用户体验-像Google这样的搜索引擎对确保实现这一目标有着既得利益。 他们希望用户第一次找到合适的网站。 如果他们提供的搜索结果导致他们访问质量低劣的网站,则用户可能会考虑使用替代方法来找到他们正在寻找的答案-通过使用竞争性提供商!

This is the primary reason why Google, Bing and other search engines rank websites on more than just backlinks and the quality of page content. While they are equally very important, it does not always equal the best user experience, depending on the circumstances.

这是Google,Bing和其他搜索引擎对网站进行排名的原因,而不仅仅是反向链接和页面内容的质量。 尽管它们同样非常重要,但根据情况,它并不总是等于最佳用户体验。

As a user on a smartphone, you would have a better and more fulfilling user experience browsing a website that is responsive, rather than zooming into a desktop website that is designed for a large-screen display.


For Google, it makes sense to reward websites that offer a better or more relevant experience to their visitors by potentially ranking them higher in SERPs when a search is performed on a device or in a location that would benefit from it.








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