

Since the world is moving at the pace the Internet is the source for many to research and deploy things online with different technologies to develop their business presence in the digital world. From last decade technology is changing in a rapid phase. IT organizations, B2B industries and Online organizations have selected Cloud server technology and forgets all other hosting options because of its flexibility and features deployed by its different platforms. These services are based on hardware Virtualisation and resource allocation based on units not only in amounts of server resources. It is to decide, if we want a certain amount of CPU, memory, disk, network.

由于世界正以日新月异的速度发展,因此互联网成为许多人使用不同技术在线研究和部署事物以发展其在数字世界中业务地位的源泉。 从上个十年开始,技术日新月异。 IT组织,B2B行业和在线组织选择了云服务器技术,并且由于其灵活性和由不同平台部署的功能而忘记了所有其他托管选项。 这些服务不仅基于服务器资源的数量,还基于硬件虚拟化和基于单位的资源分配。 决定是否要使用一定数量的CPU,内存,磁盘,网络。

The specialised environment and platforms developed by Cloud help organizations to deploy their services without any downtime even in time of high traffic on the website. The network server technology and load balancing works simultaneously to divide the load generated on site and allow a website to work in any traffic situation. Many companies have decided to migrate their systems to cloud hosting services, which has many advantages.

由Cloud开发的专业环境和平台可帮助组织即使在网站上流量很高的情况下也可以在不停机的情况下部署服务。 网络服务器技术和负载平衡可同时工作,以划分站点上产生的负载,并允许网站在任何流量情况下正常工作。 许多公司已决定将其系统迁移到云托管服务,这具有很多优势。

In this post, I will try to give arguments about the advantages of cloud computing to those who still are not convinced to migrate their services to the cloud. This will put examples of different suppliers, but my idea is to give reasons for the cloud service generically.

在这篇文章中,我将尝试向仍然不确信将其服务迁移到云中的人们争论有关云计算的优势。 这将提供不同供应商的示例,但我的想法是一般性地说明使用云服务的原因。

1)简单性 (1) Simplicity)

Companies generally oppose profound changes. They tend to follow a course of action over which they have control, they have the expertise in house, and based on the IT axiom “if it works do not touch it.” The cloud services have to be administered, there’s no doubt. This requires staff with the necessary training. That there is no doubt. But faced with the complication of asking machines budgets, approval of area managers, price negotiation, order delivery expected, Inspection of the machines in the corresponding CPD, installation of operating systems, and security, Cloud Hosting service only requires a request to install a platform.

公司普遍反对深刻的变革。 他们倾向于遵循自己可以控制的行动方针,拥有内部专家的经验,并基于IT公理“如果可行,那就不要动它”。 毫无疑问,必须对云服务进行管理。 这需要对员工进行必要的培训。 毫无疑问。 但面对询问机器预算,批准区域经理,价格谈判,预期的订单交付,检查相应CPD中的机器,安装操作系统以及安全性等复杂问题,Cloud Hosting服务仅要求安装平台。

2)硬件 (2) Hardware)

To Select a cloud server is what all you have to do. Cloud servers are available in three platforms which includes Public, Private and Hybrid Cloud solutions. The Scalable Cloud developed by eUKhost gives you a complete overview of your required hardware to deploy your service online. You have complete freedom to upgrade your resources at any point of time. Hardware installation is not required in Cloud server so it takes no time to set up your cloud just pay as you go.

选择云服务器是您要做的一切。 云服务器可在三个平台上使用,其中包括公共,私有和混合云解决方案。 由eUKhost开发的可扩展云为您提供了有关在线部署服务所需的硬件的完整概述。 您可以随时随地自由升级资源。 云服务器中不需要硬件安装,因此无需花费任何时间即可设置云,随心所欲。

3)正常运行时间。 保持100%有效 (3) Uptime. Keeping 100% effective)

After the fall of Amazon AWS last year, many people have some fear of the Cloud service. But the reality is that even with a drop in the characteristics of the Cloud server, it can work without falling. Let’s see why.

去年Amazon AWS倒台之后,许多人对Cloud Service有所恐惧。 但是现实是,即使Cloud Server的特性下降,它也可以正常工作。 让我们看看为什么。

The cloud service as noted above are based on the allocation of hardware resources in a virtualised network, not allocating physical machines. So if a server within a Cloud Hosting falling, the connected network of servers is standing together to continue providing the service, while the supplier replaced the part that fails.

如上所述的云服务基于虚拟化网络中硬件资源的分配,而不是分配物理机。 因此,如果Cloud Hosting中的服务器掉落,则服务器的连接网络将站在一起以继续提供服务,而供应商则替换了发生故障的部分。

And what happens if the virtualised network goes down? Typically, such failures do not occur as the network elements are redundant, as well as data traffic providers. Because if one network location is in such danger then the provider can use another service location to deploy services and maintain the down network services. Meanwhile, users have uninterrupted services from another location without knowing a downtime on the website.

如果虚拟化网络出现故障,会发生什么? 通常,不会发生此类故障,因为网络元素以及数据流量提供者都是冗余的。 因为如果一个网络位置处于这种危险中,则提供者可以使用另一服务位置来部署服务并维护中断的网络服务。 同时,用户可以在不知道网站停机时间的情况下从其他位置获得不间断的服务。

4)各种服务 (4) Variety of services)

Nowadays there are few services that cannot be placed on Cloud. Most vendors only facilitate a Cloud Hosting service, i.e. gives us the ability to create servers with the RAM, Processors and Disk space and freedom to decide our own configurations for the specified time and can be changed later. Every provider is different in manner of RAM, CPU and HDD but they all have one thing in common is “Build Your own server”. Cloud servers have major three services, 1) Platform as a service 2) Information as a Service 3) Software as a service. You have to decide from this 3 services and deploy your cloud, according to your need on 3 platforms which are, 1) Public cloud 2) Private Cloud 3) Hybrid cloud.

如今,很少有服务无法放置在云上。 大多数厂商只方便的云托管服务,即给我们创造与RAM,处理器和磁盘空间和自由服务器决定在指定的时间我们自己配置的能力,以后可以改变。 每个提供程序的RAM,CPU和HDD的方式都不同,但是它们的共同点是“构建自己的服务器”。 云服务器主要提供三项服务:1)平台即服务2)信息即服务3)软件即服务。 您必须根据这3个服务中的3个平台的需求来决定并部署您的云,这些平台是1)公共云2)私有云3)混合云。

5)可扩展性 (5) Scalability)

The cloud is instantly scalable. One of the major disadvantages of using servers for hosting is that when sizing need to be clear, what is the starting point, which is the arrival, and how long it’s going to take on the road. This determines which hardware to buy and how much we have to scratch your pocket.

云可立即扩展。 使用服务器托管的主要缺点之一是,当需要确定大小时,起点是什么,到达是什么,需要花费多长时间。 这决定了要购买哪种硬件以及我们必须花多少钱才能掏腰包。

In the case of using Cloud, such issues go to the background. Obviously we need to know if the service is able to bear the burden that we will commit, but if not, three mouse clicks are enough to increase their capacity and continue to provide service immediately. This expansion nearly cost without headaches. Imagine doing the same maintaining hardware. Output implies that you have to be clear about the architecture that you are riding and if you fall short, buy more iron and add. The expanded service times increase considerably, and for business losses can be substantial.

在使用云的情况下,此类问题将成为背景。 显然,我们需要知道该服务是否能够承担我们将要承担的负担,但如果不能,那么只需三下鼠标单击就足以增加其容量并继续立即提供服务。 这项扩展几乎不花任何代价。 想象做同样的维护硬件。 输出表明您必须清楚要使用的体系结构,如果不足,请购买更多的铁并添加。 延长的服务时间大大增加,并且对于业务损失可能是巨大的。

6)可靠性 (6) Reliability)

Needless to say that if you are covered at the hardware level, capacity and expand abilities, the system is very reliable. Practically nothing will make you lose your service and follow your business offering to your customers.

不用说,如果您在硬件级别,容量和扩展能力方面都有所涉猎,那么该系统将非常可靠。 几乎没有什么会使您失去服务并关注向客户提供的业务的。

7)盈利能力 (7) Profitability)

Migrate your cloud services will make you improve your profitability. It’s very simple. Cloud services are affordable and reliable. Not only because the service if it is, but because it saves a lot of your costs and allows you to save lost in case you need to grow. In case you have a hosting service in your own room in a CPD your savings will be more or less like this: your technicians will be much more efficient, you will save traces of CPD, connectivity with suppliers, operations departments, hardware failures. All this adds a significant amount of extra money.

迁移您的云服务将使您提高盈利能力。 非常简单 云服务价格合理且可靠。 不仅是因为有服务,还因为它节省了很多成本,并且使您可以节省丢失的费用,以备不时之需。 如果您在CPD自己的房间中有托管服务,您的节省将或多或少是这样的:您的技术人员将更加有效率,您将节省CPD的痕迹,与供应商,运营部门的连接 ,硬件故障。 所有这些都会增加大量的额外资金。

8)支付您使用的费用。 (8) Pay for what you use.)

One of the great advantages of Cloud Hosting is the ability to pay exactly what you use. As I said before, when you use a dedicated hosting or housing, you have to size the platform for today as well as for the expected growth for the period you choose. This makes you have to make a strong initial outlay to purchase the hardware. Also, at an early stage is quite underutilized. The worst of it will be wrong in the forecasts. We succeed or die of boredom machines if you calculate wrong.

Cloud Hosting的一大优势是能够完全支付您使用的费用。 就像我之前说过的,当您使用专用主机或房屋时,您必须调整平台的大小以及所选时期的预期增长。 这使得您必须花大量的时间来购买硬件。 而且,在早期还没有得到充分利用。 最坏的预测将是错误的。 如果您计算错误,我们会成功或死于无聊的机器。

In a hosting in the cloud have the great advantage of being able to start with a modest service tailored to your ability to pay and of course your ability to monetize at the time of the project’s output. There is no point spending a pasture if that makes you go to lose money.

在云托管中,其最大优势是能够从为您的支付能力量身定制的适度服务开始,当然也可以在项目输出时获利。 如果牧场让你赔钱,那就没有意义了。

9)做你的测试! (9) Do your tests!)

Currently eUKhost allows testing of its eNlight Cloud Computing VM machines to see if you can do with the service and to learn to handle it. You can create as many instances and test it.

当前, eUKhost允许对其eNlight Cloud Computing VM计算机进行测试,以查看您是否可以使用该服务并学习如何使用它。 您可以创建并测试多个实例。

10)这是虚拟主机的新标准 (10) It is the new standard of Web Hosting)

Currently one third of Internet users are addicted to Cloud services. In a time like the present in which these services are starting to grow, it is a symptom that is not a fad, but practically a necessity if you want to be left behind with the rest of your competitors.

当前,三分之一的互联网用户沉迷于云服务。 在目前这样的服务开始增长的时代,这不是一种时尚,但如果您想与其他竞争对手一道落后,这实际上是一种必要。

Cloud computing is the future, but it is really important to find a reliable service provider to get a secure online presence.


翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/10-reasons-to-migrate-to-the-cloud-computing-service/


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