是什么使Cloud Backup变得更好,以及如何获得正确的Cloud Backup服务?

The flexibility and scalability offered by cloud servers have led to various benefits for users that deploy cloud computing services in their organization. Cloud storage has made possible to overcome the limitations of traditional storage and backup. It is possible to backup all sorts of data such as files, software and applications.

云服务器提供的灵活性和可伸缩性为在组织中部署云计算服务的用户带来了各种好处。 云存储使克服传统存储和备份的局限性成为可能。 可以备份各种数据,例如文件,软件和应用程序。

The major advantage with cloud storage is that when you store data in the cloud the chances of your data being lost come down to almost zero. Even if there is any disaster the data would be safe as it is stored in multiple locations, this reduces the chances of total data loss.

云存储的主要优势在于,当您将数据存储在云中时,丢失数据的几率几乎降为零。 即使发生任何灾难,由于将数据存储在多个位置,数据也将是安全的,这减少了总数据丢失的机会。

Coud backup Service

How Cloud Backup is better than traditional backups?


The first reason that gives cloud backup the tag of the better backup solution is the ability to protect data in all conditions. Since the data is not stored locally so whatever happens you can still get your data back as it was.

为云备份提供更好的备份解决方案标签的第一个原因是能够在所有情况下保护数据。 由于数据不是存储在本地,因此无论发生什么情况,您仍然可以恢复数据。

The backup process can also be automated to make it even easier to take backups and manage data. And when you do need to restore your data you can do that quite easily. Since the data can be accessed from any location so you need not bother about getting your data wherever you want.

备份过程也可以自动进行,以使备份和管理数据更加容易。 而且当您确实需要恢复数据时,您可以轻松地做到这一点。 由于可以从任何位置访问数据,因此您无需费心在任何地方获取数据。

In addition to having a more reliable backup option businesses can also save on a lot of cost otherwise spent on traditional backup infrastructure and maintenance. As the data is stored with the cloud service provider there is no need to maintain local storage and the need to monitor it is also over allowing you to save on cost. Small businesses that are short of physical space can be better off with cloud backups; a storage which allows them to store data off-site.

除了拥有更可靠的备份选项之外,企业还可以节省很多其他方面要花费在传统备份基础架构和维护上的成本。 由于数据是与云服务提供商一起存储的,因此无需维护本地存储,并且监视数据的需求也非常多,从而可以节省成本。 物理空间不足的小型企业可以通过云备份更好地受益; 一种允许他们在异地存储数据的存储。

The cost of backup services is also not much as you only pay for the amount of resources and storage space used. This translates into reduced cost and higher profits for businesses.

备份服务的成本也不高,因为您只需为使用的资源和存储空间付费。 这可以降低成本并为企业带来更高的利润。

Getting the right service


For experiencing the benefits offered by Cloud Computing it is essential that you get the right cloud service to supplement your business needs. The best way to figure out what type of cloud service your business needs is by assessing your requirements. Check for reviews about the provider you are aiming for and compare the services offered to get what suits your needs.

为了体验云计算所带来的好处,获得正确的云服务以补充业务需求至关重要。 找出您的业务需要哪种类型的云服务的最佳方法是评估您的需求。 检查有关您所针对的提供商的评论,并比较所提供的服务以获得适合您需求的内容。

However, before signing up with any Cloud service provider you must ensure that it has all the security measures necessary to protect your data from any form of cyber attacks. There should be firewalls in place with data encryption so that your data is not misused.

但是,在与任何Cloud Service提供商注册之前,您必须确保它具有所有必要的安全措施,以保护您的数据不受任何形式的网络攻击。 应该有采用数据加密的防火墙,这样就不会滥用您的数据。

Using cloud storage for data backup is an effective way to protect and backup data. This would eventually benefit your business and safeguard you from any potential threat or uncertainties.

使用云存储进行数据备份是保护和备份数据的有效方法。 这最终将使您的业务受益,并使您免受任何潜在的威胁或不确定性。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/what-makes-cloud-backup-better-and-how-to-get-the-correct-cloud-backup-service/





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