

With the increasing volume of data stored and searched every day as well as its importance to business and business continuity, what separates the chances of success and failure is the availability of information at the right time for making accurate and consistent decision. It is therefore necessary to ensure the security and the integrity of data and information.

随着每天存储和搜索的数据量不断增加,以及它对业务和业务连续性的重要性,成功与失败的机会分开的是在正确的时间提供信息以做出准确而一致的决策。 因此,有必要确保数据和信息的安全性和完整性。

Security has always been a major concern of such information, how to prevent accidents with loss of data. Most of the times data loss is caused due to the common issues such as disk failures, disasters, fires, floods, lightning, theft, accidental deletions, etc.

安全一直是此类信息的主要关注点,如何防止因数据丢失而引起的事故。 在大多数情况下,数据丢失是由于常见问题引起的,例如磁盘故障,灾难,火灾,洪水,闪电,盗窃,意外删除等。

Protection systems disk failure (RAID) and backup on magnetic media are only the first level of protection for your data. These types of protection solutions cannot guarantee data recovery in the following cases:

保护系统磁盘故障(RAID)和磁介质上的备份只是对数据的第一级保护。 在以下情况下,这些类型的保护解决方案不能保证数据恢复:

1. Fire or flooding of the CPD 2. Theft or robbery 3. Inability to access the main office premises 4. Failure of primary backup systems 5. Failure of recording or reading on magnetic media

1. CPD的火灾或洪水2.盗窃或抢劫3.无法进入主要办公场所4.主备用系统出现故障5.在磁介质上记录或读取失败

Backup Solutions

什么是备份? (What is Backup?)

Backup is an activity of creating copies of files, databases which is usually carried out to ensure the safety of data. The backed up files are preserved on an external storage and utilized to restore the original files after a data loss event.

备份是创建文件,数据库副本的活动,通常是为了确保数据安全而进行的。 备份的文件保留在外部存储中,并在发生数据丢失事件后用于还原原始文件。

如何改善办公室的数据完整性? (How can the data integrity of an office be improved?)

The best way to improve the data integrity of the office is to utilize and deploy the external backup (i.e. Offsite Backup Hosting) solution. These Offsite Backup Hosting Plans are based on R1Soft’s CDP solution and is the only CDP Software that guards both Windows and Linux servers. R1Soft’s Continuous Data Protection is not only affordable but also easy-to-use and offers high performance backup, restore, and disaster recovery.

改善办公室数据完整性的最佳方法是利用和部署外部备份(即非现场备份主机)解决方案。 这些非现场备份托管计划基于R1Soft的CDP解决方案,并且是唯一同时保护Windows和Linux服务器的CDP软件。 R1Soft的持续数据保护不仅价格合理,而且易于使用,并提供高性能的备份,还原和灾难恢复。

基于R1Soft的CDP的异地备份托管解决方案的主要功能 (Key Features of Offsite Backup Hosting Solution based on R1Soft’s CDP)

It simply allows you to automatically copy all changes to files that are saved on your hard drive. So, if your disk is damaged after a whole day without you having to manually perform the backup, your files are intact on the offsite server. R1Soft provides a highly reliable real-time, continuous data protection for Linux/Windows servers, desktops, notebooks, fully transparent, without any human intervention.

它只是让您自动将所有更改复制到保存在硬盘驱动器上的文件。 因此,如果在一整天后磁盘损坏,而无需手动执行备份,则文件将在异地服务器上完好无损。 R1Soft为Linux / Windows服务器,台式机,笔记本电脑提供高度可靠的实时连续数据保护,完全透明,无需任何人工干预。

1. High Performance Backup 2. Central Backup Repository 3. Portable Backup Storage 4. Multi-Point Replication 5. Bare-Metal Restore 6. Powerful File Excludes 7. Efficient Backup Storage 8. Innovative Web Interface 9. Industrial Strength Storage 10. Simultaneous Restores 11. QuickLZ & Industry Standard zlib (Zip) Compression 12. Advanced policies 13. Data Retention Policy 14. Recovery Point Archiving 15. Reports by e-mail 16. Compatible with Windows, Linux operating systems

1.高性能备份2.中央备份存储库3.便携式备份存储4.多点复制5.裸机还原6.强大的文件排除7.高效的备份存储8.创新的Web界面9.工业实力存储10.同时恢复11. QuickLZ和行业标准zlib(Zip)压缩12.高级策略13.数据保留策略14.恢复点归档15.通过电子邮件发送的报告16.与Windows,Linux操作系统兼容

大公司 (Big Companies)

Usually, large companies and corporations have advanced backup systems that ensure the restoration of your data in case of technical or human failure. However, R1Soft based Offsite Backup Hosting provides an additional assurance to the current system backup, allowing data to be stored in the external environment of the company, ensuring the reliability of data in cases of disaster and compliance with standards and compliances.

通常,大型公司具有高级备份系统,可确保在技术或人为故障时恢复数据。 但是,基于R1Soft的非现场备份托管为当前的系统备份提供了额外的保证,允许将数据存储在公司的外部环境中,从而确保了灾难发生时数据的可靠性以及符合标准和合规性。

If there is a major loss of data in your company, what is the impact?


Obstruction – Small Impact on Business Problem – Big Impact on Business Disaster – Huge Impact on Business Catastrophe – The Company may Cease to Exist

障碍 –对业务问题的影响较小–对业务灾难的影响较大 –对业务灾难的巨大影响–公司可能会继续存在

cPanel Web Hosting

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/business-continuity-and-data-backup/






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