

Most webmasters often feel the grudge of finding the old articles written and forgotten. This is more often observed for the websites/ blogs that are updated regularly. The new posts often push the old posts deep within the heap of other posts hence tending to lose on traffic, though you may find some traffic coming from search engines, but it is more of an inconsistent form. There are few basic tips that may be followed to resurrect such articles for which you had put efforts.

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大多数网站管理员通常会因为发现旧的文章而被遗忘。 对于定期更新的网站/博客,这种情况更常见。 新帖子通常会将旧帖子推入其他帖子的深处,因此往往会造成流量损失,尽管您可能会发现一些来自搜索引擎的流量,但这种情况的格式更加不一致。 复活您已经努力的此类文章的基本技巧很少。

Below are certain basic means usually used by webmasters across the Industry:


* Creating SEO-friendly and instinctive categories * Simple Navigation Structure * Logical Search Engine Optimization * Inter-Linking the related articles across the website


Despite all, sometimes even this won’t be enough to suffice the requirements. When newer content is added, all your great work would eventually be buried underneath the new one’s. There are certain other means by which you can resurrect the older blog articles.

尽管如此,有时甚至还不足以满足需求。 添加新内容后,您所有的出色作品最终将被埋在新作品的下面。 还有某些其他方法可以使较旧的博客文章复活。

将事物放在一起以不同的格式 (Putting things in a Different Format Altogether)

Many a times a few articles are observed to earn liking, hence fetching massive amounts of traffic, but usually happens only until it stays on the first page of your blog and starts to lose the heat eventually. In that case bloggers may rebuild the content in an altogether different format. You may try to put that in a video format or may be add a reader poll to it with a reference link to the original (old) article. This should not only keep the topic going but would also send readers to your old article hence helping to bringing it back to life.

很多时候,观察到一些文章很受欢迎,因此吸引了大量的流量,但是通常只有到它停留在博客的第一页并最终开始失去作用时,才会发生。 在这种情况下,博客作者可以以完全不同的格式重建内容。 您可以尝试将其放入视频格式,也可以在其中添加读者意见调查,并带有指向原始(旧)文章的参考链接。 这不仅可以使话题继续发展,还可以吸引读者阅读您的旧文章,从而有助于使它重新焕发活力。

扩展主题 (Expanding the Topics)

You may realize an enhancement for a certain topic that has been described by you in an older post, for example a certain technology that has been upgraded offering a better functionality, in that case you may draft information about the upgraded technology or a comparison based on the information stated in the previous article and the changes that the latest version includes. Have a link to the old post in that article, this should not only offer your readers with the latest information about an upgraded technology but would also make them refer the old posts allowing them to compare between the upgrades.

您可能会实现对您在较早的帖子中描述的特定主题的增强,例如,已升级的某些技术提供了更好的功能,在这种情况下,您可以起草有关已升级技术的信息或基于以下内容进行比较前一篇文章中所述的信息以及最新版本中所做的更改。 在该文章中有旧文章的链接,这不仅应该为您的读者提供有关升级技术的最新信息,而且还应使他们参考旧文章,以便他们在升级之间进行比较。

具有不同的尺寸 (Having a Different Dimension)

Incase you don’t manage to find any scope to enhance the previously posted information, you may adopt a different approach and present things from a different dimension altogether. If you come across a product that has been caught in competition you may write about the factors that differentiates it from the others. Products and feature comparisons are a topic that helps users decide about a particular product or service, hence making the information unique and help users build trust in you and your website. Include reference links to the other products, feature comparisons, specifications that you had described in your posts previously under the “Also Refer” title to get more page views.

如果您没有找到任何范围来增强以前发布的信息,则可以采用不同的方法,并从不同的角度展示事物。 如果您遇到竞争中的产品,则可能会写出区别于其他产品的因素。 产品和功能比较是一个主题,可以帮助用户确定特定的产品或服务,从而使信息独特,并帮助用户建立对您和您网站的信任。 在前面的“也请参阅”标题下包含指向其他产品的参考链接,功能比较,规格,以获取更多页面视图。

允许读者进行交流 (Allow readers means to Communicate)

Due to the increasing rate of spams, most webmasters prefer to turn off the commenting feature in their blogs. But, it also restricts genuine users to post a comment and share there views on the topic. What you may do is use a plugin that may close the ability to comment after a certain time frame. This would not only get more content added to the page but can also allow users to share the additional information that they have. The more the discussion the more richness the particular page achieves, furthermore, a new visitor would get to read almost all the information about the topic from different angles. Every new comment added to a particular blog would seem to the search engines as if some new content is added to the page hence making it fresh again hence making it to crawl your page again.

由于垃圾邮件的数量不断增加,大多数网站管理员更喜欢在博客中关闭评论功能。 但是,这也限制了真正的用户发表评论并在那里共享有关该主题的观点。 您可能会使用一个插件,该插件可能会在特定时间段后关闭发表评论的功能。 这样不仅可以将更多内容添加到页面,还可以允许用户共享他们拥有的其他信息。 讨论越多,特定页面的内容就越丰富,此外,新访客将可以从不同的角度阅读有关该主题的几乎所有信息。 在搜索引擎中,每个添加到特定博客的新评论似乎都将某些新内容添加到页面中,从而使其重新变得新鲜,从而使其再次爬网您的页面。

根据主题分类文章 (Segregate Articles Based on Topics)

If there is a certain topic that you often write about, you may build a new article describing the topic and add reference links alongside the appropriate description. This can inturn help users finding all the articles on a topic at one place and enable bookmarking it for future references. This can further benefit you in terms of SEO and it’d improve the internal linking.

如果您经常写某些主题,则可以撰写一篇描述该主题的新文章,并在适当的描述旁边添加参考链接。 这样可以帮助用户在一个地方找到某个主题的所有文章,并为该书签添加书签以供将来参考。 这可以使您在SEO方面进一步受益,并且可以改善内部链接。

You may create a blog post listing the articles with reference links and some description about the same that had received liking in the past. This though seems to be a casual and a promotional approach, but would surely get some liking from regular visitors to your website as they would find the articles at much ease without wasting much time. Though the category links does the same thing, but the only difference is you cannot see the description for an article.

您可以创建一个博客文章,其中列出了带有参考链接的文章以及有关过去喜欢的文章的一些描述。 尽管这似乎是一种休闲和促销的方法,但是肯定会吸引普通访问者访问您的网站,因为他们可以轻松地找到文章而不会浪费很多时间。 尽管类别链接执行相同的操作,但是唯一的区别是您看不到文章的描述。

促进社交网络上的链接 (Promoting links over Social Networks)

You may make a list of certain articles that describes about a certain which may be of use even today. You may then promote it over social networking sites, just make sure to mix it up with the new one’s. Moreover you need to be very sure about the relevance and whether it would actually be useful to the people in your network. This should make the article go viral again and bring it back to life in a relatively shorter period of time.

您可能会列出某些文章,以描述某个特定的文章,甚至在今天也可能有用。 然后,您可以在社交网站上进行推广,只需确保将其与新网站混合使用即可。 此外,您需要非常确定相关性以及它是否实际上对网络中的人员有用。 这将使该文章再次流行起来,并在相对较短的时间内将其恢复活力。

Using such simple tricks can help you achieve better traffic to the left-out web pages hence increasing page-views which can affect the overall views and bounce rates in a positive way.


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翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/tips-to-resurrect-the-old-blog-articles/


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