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WordPress is a free open sources blog designed by a group of programmers in Php open source scripting language with the support of MySQL database to store databases of a blog. It is really easy to create a free wordpress blog top understand and start the blogging. It is really easy for a newbie to edit published post, edit the post already saved in draft, post excerpts. And also deals about how to upload image and video into the post.

WordPress是一个免费的开源博客,由一群程序员使用Php开源脚本语言设计,并带有MySQL数据库的支持以存储博客的数据库。 创建免费的wordpress博客最容易理解的博客并开始撰写博客真的很容易。 对于新手来说,编辑已发布的帖子,编辑已保存在草稿中的帖子,摘录片段确实非常容易。 并且还讨论了如何将图像和视频上传到帖子中。

The first thing to edit the blog post you have to login to your wordpress admin. Select ‘edit’ option given under posts tab. Once you clicked the edit option all saved and published post list will appear on the computer screen. You can choose which post you want edit. Under each post title you will find options like edit, quick edit, view and trash. Then select particular post click on edit link of the corresponding post. The below video explains about all the options available in edit post.

编辑博客文章的第一件事是您必须登录到wordpress管理员。 选择帖子标签下的“编辑”选项。 单击编辑选项后,所有已保存和已发布的帖子列表将显示在计算机屏幕上。 您可以选择要编辑的帖子。 在每个帖子标题下,您都可以找到诸如编辑,快速编辑,查看和回收站之类的选项。 然后选择特定的帖子,单击相应帖子的编辑链接。 以下视频说明了编辑帖子中所有可用的选项。

WordPress的不同模式来编辑帖子:Visual和HTML (Different Modes of WordPress to edit Post : Visual and Html )

1)视觉模式: (1 ) Visual Mode:)

There are two modes to edit the blog post the first one is visual mode another one is html mode. In visual mode we found number of icons on the empty text are for editing the post. You are aware of most of the icons and you also have used them in word like bold, text alignment, blockquote, ordered list, text color, insert custom character and etc. And some additional some special icons like Read more, add and break hyperlink(Anchor text) , insert embed video and format the sub heading and text which is important for search engine optimization.

编辑博客文章有两种模式,第一种是视觉模式,另一种是html模式。 在可视模式下,我们发现空白文本上的许多图标可用于编辑帖子。 您已经了解了大多数图标,并且还使用了诸如粗体,文本对齐,blockquote,有序列表,文本颜色,插入自定义字符等的单词。还有一些其他一些特殊图标,如“阅读更多”,“添加和断开”超链接(锚文本),插入视频并格式化对搜索引擎优化非常重要的子标题和文本。

2)HTML模式: (2) Html Mode : )

In html mode you will find the icons for above mentioned word options with additional like ins, by using ins you can add more line space in between the paragraph and lines of your blog. Code is to highlight some texts in the post and specially for highlighting the software codes like php, javascript used in the post content.

在html模式下,您会发现上述单词选项的图标以及其他类似的ins,通过使用ins,您可以在博客的段落和行之间添加更多的行距。 代码用于突出显示帖子中的一些文本,特别是突出显示帖子内容中使用的软件代码(例如php,javascript)。

如何在WordPress博客中上传图像,视频和音频 (How to upload image, video and audio in a WordPress blog)

Under the blog post title you will find the option like ‘upload/insert’ that includes four options to add image, video, audio and media in side the post. It is easy to add image to a post just click on the add image icon new box will open a browser and asking you for to insert image from computer, from url and from media library you can choose any options to upload image with options to fix the image position inside the post.

在博客帖子标题下,您会找到“上传/插入”之类的选项,其中包括四个选项,可以在帖子旁边添加图像,视频,音频和媒体。 只需单击“添加图像”图标,新框将很容易添加到帖子中,这将打开浏览器,并要求您从计算机,URL和媒体库中插入图像,您可以选择任何选项来上载带有修复选项的图像图片在帖子中的位置。

In the same way you can upload video and audio. If you want to edit already uploaded image then click on the image available inside the post, and you will find the options to edit and delete the image. choose edit option to change caption for the image.

您可以用相同的方式上传视频和音频。 如果要编辑已上传的图像,请单击帖子内可用的图像,然后会找到编辑和删除图像的选项。 选择编辑选项以更改图像的标题。

Due to popularity of WordPress blog some of the best and reputed web hosting service providers have started offering WordPress hosting which is also called as cPanel hosting and eUKhost UK is deploying secure and reliable cPanel hosting from last decade with different server hosting technologies like UK reseller hosting, Dedicated server hosting and Cloud server hosting for small  as well large online organizations.

由于WordPress博客的流行,一些最好的和著名的网络托管服务提供商已开始提供WordPress托管 ,也称为cPanel托管 ,eUKhost UK正在使用过去十年来使用不同的服务器托管技术(如英国经销商托管 )部署安全可靠的cPanel托管。 ,适用于小型和大型在线组织的专用服务器托管和云服务器托管。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/steps-to-edit-post-and-insert-image-in-wordpress-blog/


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