

Supporters of each operating system would provide you with different solutions to this common question ? however, it is crucial for you to determine which operating system is best suited for your requirements.

每个操作系统的支持者都会为您提供针对此常见问题的不同解决方案? 但是,对于您而言,确定最适合您的要求的操作系统至关重要。

The OS option consists of various free open source operating systems licensed under the GNU/Linux and many trademarked processes of UNIX. Before we delve into which OS would be the best suited to your requirement, allow me to mention some important factors that should be considered when selecting an operating system for your dedicated server.

OS选件包含GNU / Linux许可的各种免费开源操作系统以及UNIX的许多商标过程。 在深入研究哪种操作系统最适合您的需求之前,请允许我提及在为专用服务器选择操作系统时应考虑的一些重要因素。

  • Price : Unlike any other major expenses, when purchasing an operating system you should look more than just the cost of the operating system. The TCO should be looked more than the price tag (ie. total cost of ownership). Things such as OS maintenance, upgrades and issues fixing cost should be considered when choosing an OS.

    价格 :与其他任何主要费用不同,购买操作系统时,您不仅应该考虑操作系统的成本。 总体拥有成本应该比价格标签(即总拥有成本)高得多。 选择操作系统时,应考虑诸如操作系统维护,升级和固定成本问题之类的事情。

  • Longevity : You should look for an operating system that exists for a long period of time providing regular security and stability updates.

    寿命 :您应该寻找长期存在的操作系统,以提供定期的安全性和稳定性更新。

  • Technical Support : You should know how much support you need relating to the operating system you choose. If you are equipped with an IT staff, you would be easily able to manage the free Linux OS versions such as CentOS. Else, you will have to acquire some kind of support licensing for the type of operating system you decide.

    技术支持 :您应该知道与所选操作系统有关需要多少支持。 如果您配备了IT人员,则可以轻松管理免费的Linux OS版本,例如CentOS。 否则,您将必须为自己决定的操作系统类型获得某种支持许可。

  • Security : A fact that, the operating systems are only secured when you make them secure. Some of the OS might look hard and confusing however, there are some operating systems which are a lot easier to make them secure. Depending on such factors you should evaluate and determine which OS suits better to your requirement and is easy to handle and manage.

    安全性 :仅在使操作系统安全时才对其进行保护的事实。 某些操作系统可能看上去很难看且令人困惑,但是,有些操作系统更容易使它们变得安全。 根据这些因素,您应该评估并确定哪种操作系统更适合您的要求,并且易于操作和管理。

  • OS Flexibility : With some OS you might not be able to make customizations, however, if you want such operating system, then you could prefer the free open source operating system like Debian or the Free BSD. Afterall, the selection depends on your requirements.

    操作系统灵活性 :对于某些操作系统,您可能无法进行自定义,但是,如果您想要这样的操作系统,那么您可能更喜欢像Debian或Free BSD这样的免费开源操作系统。 毕竟,选择取决于您的要求。

  • Softwares : There are some softwares that are supported only on specific operating systems. If your requirement is similar then it will definitely aid you determine which operating system is better for your needs.

    软件 :有些软件仅在特定的操作系统上受支持。 如果您的需求相似,那么它将肯定会帮助您确定哪种操作系统更适合您的需求。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/how-to-choose-best-server-operating-system/






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