跨境 独立站 利基_利基和关键字研究工具

本文介绍了如何使用Google和Ezinearticles.com进行利基和关键字研究,以找到跨境独立站的潜在市场。通过Google进行初步关键字研究,结合Ezinearticles的文章分类,可以深入探索不同领域的热门利基,例如“健康与健身”中的“护肤”市场。此外,Google Adwords关键字工具和Market Samurai等工具可以帮助进一步优化关键词选择,为创建有利可图的利基网站提供指导。

跨境 独立站 利基

利基和关键字研究工具 (Niche and Keyword Research Tools)

Google is arguably the best tools one can use to do the initial keyword research. It will also help you find a much deeper niche for you, probably very lucrative and which is possibly already making lots of profits for the competitors, and it will also show you the most relevant keywords associated with the niche.

可以说Google是可以用来进行初始关键字研究的最佳工具。 它还将帮助您为您找到更深层次的利基,这可能非常有利可图,并且可能已经为竞争对手创造了很多利润,并且还将向您显示与该利基相关的最相关的关键字。

So before using the keyword tools such as Google Adwords Keyword Tool or Market Samurai, for example, we shall use Google and yet another very good niche finder tool to find a good niche for you.

因此,在使用诸如Google Adwords关键字工具或Market Samurai之类的关键字工具之前,我们将使用Google和另一个非常好的利基搜索工具来为您找到一个合适的利基。

The good niche finder tool I am writing about here is the one I use the most – Ezinearticles.com. It is definitely one of the most popular article submission directories on the internet. It is arguably the best in its category one can find and use for his or her marketing research. It has plenty of resources which you can use to build up your niche website too. Thus, I feel it is the best starting point for our new niche website.

我在这里写的一个好的利基搜索工具是我使用最多的工具-Ezinearticles.com。 它绝对是互联网上最受欢迎的文章提交目录之一。 可以说,它是同类产品中最好的,可用于他或她的营销研究。 它拥有大量资源,您也可以用来建立自己的利基网站。 因此,我认为这是我们新的利基网站的最佳起点。

For our example niche website, let us see how we can find a good niche market using Ezinearticles.com.


Type Ezinearticles.com in your browser’s address bar and you will see this screen as the home page of that wonderful website. The various popular global markets are right there on its home page – the Articles Categories on its home page!

在浏览器的地址栏中键入Ezinearticles.com,您将看到此屏幕作为该精彩网站的主页。 各种受欢迎的全球市场都在其主页上–主页上的文章类别!

These categories are the fundamental markets from where we can find sub-markets, and from the sub markets, we shall find our niche markets and various very high quality and focused articles which will help us build our own niche market website quickly. So here it is: the article categories, which we shall use to find our new niche market first:

这些类别是从中可以找到子市场的基本市场,在子市场中,我们将找到我们的利基市场以及各种质量非常高且重点突出的文章,这将有助于我们快速建立自己的利基市场网站。 因此,这里是:文章类别,我们将使用它们首先找到我们的新利基市场:

finding your niche

When you place your cursor on any of those categories, the inner sub markets will be displayed:


Finding your niche

So, when you place your mouse cursor over the “Finance” category, for example, a pop-up window will display the various niche topics associated with Finance. In the above example, these various niches are: Auto Loans, Bankruptcy, Personal Bankruptcy, Credit Counseling, Income Taxes, Taxes Tools, and so on.

因此,例如,当您将鼠标光标放在“ Finance”类别上时,将弹出一个窗口,显示与Finance相关的各种利基主题。 在上面的示例中,这些不同的利基是:汽车贷款,破产,个人破产,信用咨询,所得税,税收工具等等。

Let us see another such category, “Home and Family”, which will display various good sub topics like: Adolescent Care, Adoption Foster Care, Baby Boomer, Board games, Crafts and Hobbies, Crafts Supplies, Fatherhood, Elder Care, Grand parenting, Gardening, Pregnancy, Motherhood, Step parenting, and so on. Each of those sub topics are very hot niche topics and are well-known as money makers for a lot of internet marketers.

让我们看到另一个这样的类别“家庭和家庭”,其中将显示各种良好的子主题,例如:青少年护理,收养寄养儿童,婴儿潮一代,棋盘游戏,手Craft.io品和业余爱好,Craft.io品用品,父亲身份,长者护理,父母育儿,园艺,怀孕,孕产,养育子女等等。 这些子主题中的每一个都是非常热门的利基主题,并且被许多互联网营销商称为赚钱者。

Then there is yet another great market which will stay profitable for many years to come – “Health and Fitness”, which has plenty of sub niches, and sub-sub niches and a lot more! You can go as deep into a niche market and still find some great topics which you can use as your new nich

然后,还有一个巨大的市场将在未来很多年保持盈利-“健康与健身”,其中有很多子细分市场,子细分市场等等! 您可以深入利基市场,仍然找到一些不错的主题,可以将它们用作新的利基


e market.





example, the niche market inside “Health and Fitness” category can be “Skin Care”, and if you want to go still deeper into the “Skin Care” niche market, you can find a very lucrative hot-selling product category – the wrinkle creams.


So this is how you can come down to a great niche market with plenty of opportunities to make money – because this particular niche market cannot be saturated until the human ageing process exists!


So let us see how good this “wrinkle creams” niche market really is by first using the greatest research/search tool world has ever seen – Google Search, its main URL being: www.Google.com. Remember, Google offers you plenty of options so that you can target a particular geographic region for marketing your product and services. For example, if you wish to target the huge Indian market, you can use www.google.co.in, or if you wish to target the UK market, you may use www.google.co.uk to do your localized research.

因此,让我们通过首先使用有史以来最强大的研究/搜索工具,即Google Search(主要网址为:www.Google.com),来了解“防皱霜”利基市场的真正优势。 请记住,Google为您提供了很多选择,以便您可以针对特定地理区域来营销产品和服务。 例如,如果您希望瞄准庞大的印度市场,则可以使用www.google.co.in;或者,如果您希望瞄准英国市场,则可以使用www.google.co.uk进行本地化研究。

So let us try to find a good niche market which is a very hot market right now, and which is going to stay around as hot global market for many years to come – wrinkle creams.


Next, open Google search site in your web browser and type the word “wrinkle cream” once without the surrounding quote marks and once with the surrounding quote marks intact.


You will find a similar result like the following image:


The Google result page shows some very interesting facts about the “wrinkle cream” niche – On the right hand side, the Ads section shows plenty of advertisements. It denotes that this particular niche market can be potentially a money-making niche market, which indeed it is!

Google结果页显示了有关“抗皱霜”利基市场的一些非常有趣的事实-右侧的“广告”部分显示了大量广告。 它表示这个特定的利基市场可能是一个赚钱的利基市场,的确如此!

The section below the search bar also shows the various brands and stores for this particular keyword – it denotes that this is indeed a big-to-huge money-spinning market as there are various brands and stores prominently shown by Google.


The new Google search page also enables you to see the other good keywords and key-phrases suggested by Google itself. It is a huge benefit for us as we readily get some good keywords for our research.

新的Google搜索页面还使您能够查看Google本身建议的其他良好关键字和关键词。 这对我们来说是一个巨大的好处,因为我们很容易为研究获得一些好的关键词。

So write down such keywords suggested by Google. By making some adjustments and fine tunings to our initial keyword “wrinkle cream”, Google will help us with more appropriate keyword and key-phrase suggestions.

因此,写下Google建议的此类关键字。 通过对我们的初始关键字“抗皱霜”进行一些调整和微调,Google将为我们提供更合适的关键字和关键短语建议。

By simply typing a space in front of the keyword “wrinkle cream” in the Google search bar, you will be shown other great keywords in the Google’s suggestion box that appears below the search bar.


Write down about 25 to 50 such suggestions which we shall use in our special keyword research tools like Google Adwords keywords research tool and Market Samurai.

写下约25到50个此类建议,我们将在特殊的关键字研究工具(例如Google Adwords关键字研究工具和Market Samurai)中使用。

You may use any other keyword research tool as you may like as there are plenty of good keyword research tools in the market, of which some are free while others are paid tools. For our study, we shall see how the above two keyword research tools work.

您可以根据需要使用其他任何关键字研究工具,因为市场上有很多好的关键字研究工具,其中一些是免费的,而另一些则是付费的。 对于我们的研究,我们将看到以上两个关键字研究工具如何工作。

Once you have collected some good keywords suggested by Google related to our target niche market “wrinkle cream”, we shall begin our research using the specific research tools – one each among the free and the paid research tools.


You may alternatively also collect the set of keywords from other sources and only one such great method of collecting keywords for further research is mentioned above.


Next: Using the Google Adwords Keyword Tool

下一步: 使用Google Adwords关键字工具


翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/niche-and-keyword-research-tools/

跨境 独立站 利基





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