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Novell网络 (Novell Network)

NetWare is a network operating system developed by Novell, which allows the networking of computers, be it DOS, Windows, Unix or Mac OS. NetWare had great success in the eighties as the first true network operating system compatible with standard IBM compatible PC and MS DOS. The system required a dedicated server or semi-dedicated server, whose hard drive was formatted only for NetWare, and had its strength in software for clients, especially light, stable, and compatible with various platforms.

NetWare是Novell开发的一种网络操作系统,它允许计算机联网,无论是DOS,Windows,Unix还是Mac OS。 NetWare在八十年代获得了巨大的成功,它是第一个与标准IBM兼容PC和MS DOS兼容的真正的网络操作系统。 该系统需要专用服务器或半专用服务器,其硬盘驱动器仅针对NetWare进行了格式化,并且在针对客户端的软件方面具有优势,尤其是轻巧,稳定并与各种平台兼容。

Among the many merits of NetWare is that of having introduced the concepts of large-scale information sharing and networking, which have become common for all modern companies and also have contributed to the spread of standard systems network that still survive, such as a card with Ethernet technology.


The NetWare system survives even today in many companies, although it has been replaced by the Open Enterprise Server (OES). The latest version of the NetWare 6.5 Support Pack 7 is identical to OES-NetWare Kernel Support Pack 2.

尽管NetWare系统已被Open Enterprise Server(OES)取代,但即使在今天,它仍然可以在许多公司中生存。 NetWare 6.5支持包7的最新版本与OES-NetWare内核支持包2相同。

NetWare evolved from a very simple concept: sharing files rather than discs. In 1983, when he designed the first version of NetWare, all other competing products were based on the concept of providing direct access to shared disks. The alternative approach was approved by IBM to Novell in 1984 and this helped to promote the product.

NetWare从一个非常简单的概念演变而来:共享文件而不是光盘。 1983年,当他设计NetWare的第一个版本时,所有其他竞争产品都基于提供对共享磁盘的直接访问的概念。 IBM在1984年将替代方法批准给Novell,这有助于产品的推广。

With NetWare disk space was shared in the form of NetWare volumes, comparable to DOS volumes. Clients with MS-DOS would run a special program Terminate and Stay Resident (TSR) which allowed them to map a local drive letter to a NetWare volume. The client had to authenticate to a server in order to get permission to map the volumes, and access could be restricted by user name. Similarly they could connect to shared printers on the dedicated server, and print as if the printer was connected locally. NetWare captured a dominant market position in the first half of the nineties, developing its IPX / SPX, Xerox XNS junction and the standard local area network (LAN).

使用NetWare时,磁盘空间以NetWare卷的形式共享,与DOS卷相当。 使用MS-DOS的客户端将运行一个特殊的程序Terminate and Stay Resident(TSR),该程序允许他们将本地驱动器号映射到NetWare卷。 客户端必须向服务器进行身份验证才能获得映射卷的权限,并且访问可能受到用户名的限制。 同样,它们可以连接到专用服务器上的共享打印机,并像打印机在本地连接一样进行打印。 NetWare在90年代上半叶占据了主导市场地位,开发了IPX / SPX,Xerox XNS结和标准局域网(LAN)。

In the late nineties, with the boom in Internet connectivity, TCP / IP protocol became dominant on LANs. Novell had introduced limited support for the TCP / IP with versions 3.x (circa 1992) and 4.x (about 1995), consisting mainly of FTP services, printing services LPR / LPD UNIX-style (available with NetWare 3 . x), and a web server developed by Novell (in NetWare 4.x). Native support the TCP / IP for file and print services normally associated with Novell was introduced with NetWare 5.0 (released in 1998).

在90年代后期,随着Internet连接的兴起,TCP / IP协议在LAN上占主导地位。 Novell在版本3.x(大约在1992年)和版本4.x(大约在1995年)中引入了对TCP / IP的有限支持,主要包括FTP服务,LPR / LPD UNIX样式的打印服务(与NetWare 3 .x一起提供)。 ,以及由Novell开发的Web服务器(在NetWare 4.x中)。 NetWare 5.0(于1998年发布)引入了对通常与Novell相关联的文件和打印服务的本机支持TCP / IP。

While some attribute the delay in the adoption of Novell’s TCP / IP as its native protocol to the loss of market share from NetWare, Novell can say that it was put out to let market. During the first half of the eighties, a system Microsoft introduced LAN with LAN Manager, based on the NetBEUI protocol. The first attempts were unsuccessful fight with NetWare, but that changed with the inclusion of improved networking support in Windows for Workgroups, and then with the success of Windows NT and Windows 95. NT, in particular, offered services similar to those offered by NetWare, but on a system that could be used as a desktop, and connected directly to other Windows desktops where NetBEUI was almost universal.

尽管某些人将采用Novell的TCP / IP作为其本机协议的延迟归因于NetWare失去了市场份额,但Novell可以说它已投放市场。 在80年代上半叶,Microsoft公司基于NetBEUI协议引入了带有LAN Manager的LAN系统。 最初的尝试是与NetWare的斗争未果,但后来随着Windows对工作组的网络支持的改进,以及后来Windows NT和Windows 95的成功而改变。尤其是NT提供的服务与NetWare提供的服务类似,但是在可以用作桌面并直接连接到NetBEUI几乎普及的其他Windows桌面的系统上。

Advanced NetWare


The widespread use and growth of NetWare began in 1985 with the simultaneous release of NetWare 2.0a 286 processor Intel 80286 16-bit. The CPU 80286 CPU had a 16-bit protected mode which provided access to up to 16MB of RAM, multitasking efficient and reliable. Before dell’80286, servers with IBM PC architecture were based on Intel 8086/8088 of 8 bits, which were limited to 640K of RAM and were devoid of preemptive multitasking.

NetWare的广泛使用和发展始于1985年,同时发布了NetWare 2.0a 286处理器Intel 80286 16位。 CPU 80286 CPU具有16位保护模式,该模式提供对高达16MB RAM的访问,多任务高效且可靠。 在dell'80286之前,具有IBM PC架构的服务器基于8位的Intel 8086/8088,其限于640K RAM,并且没有抢先式多任务处理。

The combination of features dell’80286, limit to 16MB RAM and 256MB limit for the NetWare volumes, allowed for the first time to have server-based local economic networks. The limit of 16MB of RAM was of particular importance, since it made enough RAM available for disk caching, resulting in improved performance. This became the key to the performance of Novell and allowed the construction of larger networks.

结合了功能dell'80286,NetWare卷的最大限制为16MB RAM和256MB,这是首次允许基于服务器的本地经济网络。 RAM限制为16MB特别重要,因为它使足够的RAM用于磁盘缓存,从而提高了性能。 这成为Novell性能的关键,并允许构建更大的网络。

Another important difference was that NetWare 286 was independent from the hardware, unlike competing server systems of 3Com. NetWare servers could be assembled using any system with 80286 CPU or higher, any hard disk MFM, RLL, SCSI or a network card to any 8 or 16 bits.

另一个重要的区别是NetWare 286与3Com的竞争服务器系统不同,它独立于硬件。 NetWare服务器可以使用具有80286 CPU或更高版本的任何系统,任何硬盘MFM,RLL,SCSI或任何8位或16位网卡组装。

Novell also designed a simple and compact client software that allowed DOS station to connect to a server and access its shared disks. Although NetWare servers introduced a new file system owner, this seemed like a normal volume to the workstation DOS compatible, ensuring the functionality of all the existing DOS programs.

Novell还设计了一个简单紧凑的客户端软件,该软件允许DOS站连接到服务器并访问其共享磁盘。 尽管NetWare服务器引入了新的文件系统所有者,但对于工作站DOS而言,这似乎是正常的卷,从而确保了所有现有DOS程序的功能。

NetWare — The early years

NetWare —早期

NetWare was based on the work of the advisory SuperSet Software, a group founded by the friends Drew Major, Kyle Powell and Dale Neibauer, which later joined by Mark Hurst. This work was based on a project they began at Brigham Young University in Provo (Utah) as of October 1981.

NetWare基于咨询性SuperSet Software的工作,SuperSet Software是由朋友Drew Major,Kyle Powell和Dale Neibauer创建的小组,后来由Mark Hurst加入。 这项工作基于他们于1981年10月在普罗沃(犹他州)的杨百翰大学开始的一个项目。

In 1983 Raymond Noorda engaged the work of the team SuperSet. These were originally assigned to create a system of shared disks for CP / M, helping to network hardware, CP / M that Novell was selling at the time. In private, the team was convinced that CP / M was a doomed platform and instead came out with a successful file sharing system for newborn IBM PC-compatible. The group also wrote an application called Snipes, a text-mode game that used to test the new network and demonstrate their capabilities. Snipes was the first network application ever written for a personal computer business, and is recognized as one of the forerunners of many popular multi-user games such as Doom and Quake.

1983年,雷蒙德·诺达(Raymond Noorda)参与了SuperSet团队的工作。 最初分配这些文件是为了创建CP / M的共享磁盘系统,以帮助网络硬件Novell当时销售的CP / M。 在私下里,团队确信CP / M是一个注定要失败的平台,而是推出了一个成功的文件共享系统,用于与IBM PC兼容的新生儿。 该小组还编写了一个名为Snipes的应用程序,这是一种文本模式游戏,用于测试新网络并演示其功能。 Snipes是有史以来第一个为个人计算机业务编写的网络应用程序,并且被公认为Doom和Quake等许多流行的多用户游戏的先驱之一。

This network operating system (NOS) was later called Novell NetWare. NetWare was based on the NetWare Core Protocol (NCP), which is a packet protocol that allows the client to send requests and receive replies from a NetWare server. Initially, the NCP was directly tied to the IPX / SPX, which meant they could only communicate using native NetWare IPX / SPX.

此网络操作系统(NOS)后来称为Novell NetWare。 NetWare是基于NetWare核心协议(NCP)的,该协议是一种数据包协议,它允许客户端发送请求并从NetWare服务器接收答复。 最初,NCP直接绑定到IPX / SPX,这意味着它们只能使用本机NetWare IPX / SPX进行通信。

The first product to bear the name of NetWare was released in 1983. He was called Netware 68 (aka S-Net), turned on the Motorola 68000 processor and used a star network topology. He was replaced in 1985 by 86 NetWare version 1.5, which was written for the Intel 8086. After the release of the Intel 80286, released in 1986, Novell NetWare 286. The same thing happened with the release of the Intel 80386, Novell released NetWare 386 in 1989. Following the consolidated version numbering Novell NetWare, NetWare 2.x which became 286, and 386 who became NetWare NetWare 3.x

第一个以NetWare命名的产品于1983年发布。他被称为Netware 68(又名S-Net),开启了Motorola 68000处理器并使用星形网络拓扑。 1985年,他被86 NetWare 1.5版所取代,后者是为Intel 8086编写的。1986年发布的Intel 80286,Novell NetWare286。在Intel 80386的发布中发生了同样的事情,Novell发布了NetWare。 1989年为386。在合并版本编号为Novell NetWare之后,NetWare 2.x变为286,而386成为NetWare NetWare3.x。

286 NetWare 2.x

286 NetWare 2.x

NetWare Version 2 was notoriously difficult to configure, since the operating system was supplied as a set of compiled object modules, which required to be configured and linked. Adding to this problem was the fact that this process was designed to run using multiple floppy disks, which made everything slow and unreliable.

众所周知,NetWare版本2很难配置,因为操作系统是作为一组已编译的对象模块提供的,因此需要对其进行配置和链接。 导致此问题的另一个事实是,该过程被设计为使用多个软盘运行,这使一切运行缓慢且不可靠。

Any changes to the operating system required a re-linking the kernel and a reboot of the system, for which they need at least 20 changes to disk. NetWare was administered using the text-mode utility such as SYSCON. The NetWare file system used by the NetWare File System 2 was 286, or 286 NWFS, which supports volumes up to 256 MB. NetWare 2 recognized only dell’80286 protected mode, limiting its support to 16MB of RAM or less. A minimum of 2MB was required for booting the operating system, all the additional RAM was used for FAT, DET and file caching. Since the 16-bit protected mode dell’80286 was implemented on all processors after Intel’s x86 family, 286 NetWare version 2.x was able to run on any 80286 or later processor compatible.

对操作系统的任何更改都需要重新链接内核并重新引导系统,为此,它们至少需要对磁盘进行20次更改。 使用文本模式实用程序(例如SYSCON)来管理NetWare。 NetWare文件系统2使用的NetWare文件系统是286或286 NWFS,它支持最大256 MB的卷。 NetWare 2仅识别dell'80286保护模式,将其支持限制为16MB或更少的RAM。 引导操作系统至少需要2MB,所有其他RAM用于FAT,DET和文件缓存。 由于在Intel x86家族之后的所有处理器上都实现了16位保护模式dell'80286,因此286 NetWare 2.x版可以在任何兼容的80286或更高版本的处理器上运行。

NetWare 2 already implements several features inspired by mainframe and minicomputer systems that were not available on other operating systems at the time. The features of System Fault Tolerance (SFT) included the standard test of reading after writing (SFT-I) with re-mapping on the fly for bad blocks (at the time the disc did not have this feature encoded in them) and the RAID1 software (disk mirroring, SFT-II). Optionally, the Transaction Tracking System (TTS) to protect the files from incomplete updates. For individual files, it only requires the setting of an attribute of the file. Transactions on multiple files were checked and rollbacks can program the TTS API.

NetWare 2已经实现了一些受大型机和小型计算机系统启发的功能,这些功能当时在其他操作系统上不可用。 系统容错(SFT)的功能包括写入后读取(SFT-I)的标准测试,并可以快速重新映射坏块(当时光盘中没有对此功能进行编码)和RAID1软件(磁盘镜像,SFT-II)。 (可选)事务跟踪系统(TTS),用于保护文件免遭不完整的更新。 对于单个文件,仅需要设置文件的属性。 检查了多个文件上的事务,并且回滚可以对TTS API进行编程。

NetWare 2.x supports two modes of operation: dedicated and non-dedicated. In dedicated mode, the server used a boot loader that does the file net $ os.exe operating system. All the memory was allocated to NetWare, the server was not running DOS.

NetWare 2.x支持两种操作模式:专用和非专用。 在专用模式下,服务器使用引导加载程序,该加载程序执行文件net $ os.exe操作系统。 所有内存已分配给NetWare,服务器未运行DOS。

In a non-dedicated server was started on DOS 3.3 or higher, using a floppy disk or a bootable DOS partition on the hard disk. The DOS was limited to 640k, since you could not use any memory manager. Extended all the RAM was allocated to NetWare 2.x, and processor divided the processing time between DOS and NetWare. The time slicing was achieved using the keyboard interrupt. This feature requires close adherence to the model of the IBM PC project, otherwise the performance was adversely affected. In small networks of 2 to 5 users, non-dedicated mode was very popular, although it was more susceptible to lockup problems due to DOS programs. NetWare 3.x and later versions support only the dedicated mode.

在非专用服务器中,是使用软盘或硬盘上的可启动DOS分区在DOS 3.3或更高版本上启动的。 DOS被限制为640k,因为您不能使用任何内存管理器。 扩展了所有的RAM分配给NetWare 2.x,并且处理器在DOS和NetWare之间分配了处理时间。 时间分割是通过键盘中断实现的。 此功能要求紧密遵循IBM PC项目的模型,否则会对性能造成不利影响。 在2至5个用户的小型网络中,非专用模式非常受欢迎,尽管由于DOS程序更容易出现锁定问题。 NetWare 3.x和更高版本仅支持专用模式。




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