

如何更改WordPress网站的Favicon? (How to change Favicon of a WordPress website ?)

To have a favicon for your website would not be helpful for search engine rankings (atleast for now). But in the long-run, it might offer an indirect benefit to your website’s rankings. Most webmasters are often keen to know about how to change the favicon for a particular website. Here, we have explained steps to change the Favicon of your WordPress site.

在您的网站上安装收藏夹图标不会对搜索引擎排名有所帮助(目前至少如此)。 但是从长远来看,它可能会间接提高您网站的排名。 大多数网站管理员通常都非常想知道如何更改特定网站的图标。 在这里,我们已经说明了更改WordPress网站的Favicon的步骤。

For those who aren’t aware about what Favicon is, then, it your website’s icon that is displayed in the address bar besides the website URL in the browser. It is more like a logo of the site, hence can be considered a step towards offering some help to you for branding purpose.

对于那些不知道Favicon是什么的人来说,它就是您网站的图标,该图标显示在浏览器中网站URL旁边的地址栏中。 它更像是网站的徽标,因此可以视为迈向为品牌目的提供一些帮助的一步。

Once you install WordPress on your domain, the default favicon is that of the WordPress icon or sometimes depending on the theme, there wouldn’t be any. Replacing the default favicon of your WordPress site with the one of your choice involves some simple steps.

在您的域上安装WordPress后,默认图标将显示为WordPress图标的图标,有时甚至不取决于主题。 用您选择的其中之一替换WordPress网站的默认图标涉及一些简单的步骤。

Note : These steps are only applicable to users who have a WordPress hosting account running on servers of a hosting provider. But, for users who have a blog running on WordPress.com, these steps might not be applicable.

注意:这些步骤仅适用于在托管服务提供商的服务器上运行WordPress托管帐户的用户。 但是,对于在WordPress.com上运行博客的用户而言,这些步骤可能不适用。

Before proceeding, you must create a desired Favicon icon for your website. There are number of free resources and tools that can help you do that. Within no time, these tools can create a favicon of any image on your PC. You might even want to have an animated favicon created for your website. The icons are basically image files containing one or more images, so it is advisable to create the icon file of 16×16 size as well as a 48×48 for windows desktops. Only if you wish to create it for Mac’s, it should be 128×128. Don’t forget to fave the file as “favicon.ico”. The file might not be of .ico extension for it to work. It may be any image file, but you must take care that the Favicon isn’t too large. One more thing that one has to bear in mind is that, the file size should ideally be a square for example: 16×16, 48×48, 128×128 etc. Though, other sizes too would work, but more importantly it is better to keep it small so that the Favicon looks sharper and more prominent.

在继续之前,您必须为网站创建所需的Favicon图标。 有许多免费资源和工具可以帮助您做到这一点。 这些工具可以立即在您的PC上创建任何图像的图标。 您甚至可能希望为您的网站创建一个动画图标。 图标基本上是包含一个或多个图像的图像文件,因此建议为Windows桌面创建16×16大小和48×48大小的图标文件。 仅当您要为Mac创建它时,才应为128×128。 不要忘记将文件保存为“ favicon.ico”。 该文件可能没有 .ico 扩展名才能正常工作。 它可以是任何图像文件,但是您必须注意Favicon不能太大。 需要记住的另一件事是,文件大小理想上应为正方形:例如16× 16,48× 48,128×128等。虽然其他大小也可以使用,但更重要的是最好将其保持较小,以便Favicon看起来更清晰,更突出。

Now assuming that the Favicon is ready, you must now upload this file to anywhere in the directory. Once done that, you need to open the template’s Header.php file in your WordPress admin panel. Go to the “Theme Editor”

现在假设Favicon已准备就绪,您现在必须将此文件上传到目录中的任何位置。 完成此操作后,您需要在WordPress管理面板中打开模板的Header.php文件。 转到“主题编辑器”

Now you must paste the following code anywhere in the file:


<link rel=”shortcut icon” href=”faviconpath” />

<link rel=”shortcut icon” href=” faviconpath ” />

Note : Replace ‘faviconpath’ with the path of the Favicon destination file. Then save the settings and enter your website URL in the browser. You should now be able to see the New Favicon in the address bar.

注意:将“ faviconpath ”替换为Favicon目标文件的路径。 然后保存设置并在浏览器中输入您的网站URL。 现在,您应该可以在地址栏中看到“新图标”。

If you want to make things even simpler, you can install a WordPress Favicon Plug-in. Once activated, you can simply add the path in the plug-in options and get going.

如果您想使事情变得更简单,可以安装WordPress Favicon插件。 激活后,您只需在插件选项中添加路径即可开始操作。

It may so happen that you do not see any changes in the address bar. In that case, try clearing your WP-cache and the browser cache, close the browser and then retry opening it.

可能会发生这种情况,导致您在地址栏中看不到任何更改。 在这种情况下,请尝试清除WP缓存和浏览器缓存,关闭浏览器,然后重试打开它。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/how-to-change-favicon-of-a-website/






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