Windows家庭服务器| 第1部分

Windows Home服务器 (Windows Home Server)

Windows Home Server is a server operating system produced by Microsoft Home. It was announced January 7, 2007 at the Consumer Electronics Show by Bill Gates. Its purpose is to provide homes with multiple PCs and a centralized solution for easy file sharing, automatic backups and access to remote resources. It is based on the code of Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2.

Windows Home Server是Microsoft Home生产的服务器操作系统。 它是在2007年1月7日由Bill Gates在消费电子展上宣布的。 其目的是为家庭提供多台PC和集中式解决方案,以便于文件共享,自动备份和访问远程资源。 它基于Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2的代码。

Windows Home Server (2007) (codenamed Quattro), is the name of a version of the Windows operating system developed by Microsoft. Announced January 7th, 2007 at the Consumer Electronics Show by Bill Gates, Windows Home Server is designed for consumers with extensive home with several PCs interconnected. Among the features are: file sharing, automated backups, remote access. It is based on Windows Server 2003 SP2. It was officially released November 7 2007.Power Pack 3 for Windows Home Server was released in November 2009. The version of Windows Home Server, Windows Home Server V2 should be issued in 2010.

Windows Home Server(2007)(代号Quattro)是Microsoft开发的Windows操作系统版本的名称。 Windows Home Server在2007年1月7日由Bill Gates举行的消费电子展上宣布,Windows Home Server是为拥有多台PC并连接在一起的宽敞家庭的消费者而设计的。 这些功能包括:文件共享,自动备份,远程访问。 它基于Windows Server 2003 SP2。 它于2007年11月7日正式发布。WindowsHome Server的Power Pack 3于2009年11月发布。WindowsHome Server的版本Windows Home Server V2将于2010年发布。

Windows Home Server –主要功能 (Windows Home Server – Main Features)

  • Centralized Backup: Allows you to backup up to 10 networked PCs using the so-called Single Instance Store technology to avoid multiple copies of the same files that reside on different PCs (for example, the operating system files).

  • Monitoring the status of the computer can check the status of all PCs on the network, including the status of anti virus and firewall.

  • File Sharing: Allows you to share the network files commonly used on devices such as MP3 and video network

  • Printer sharing: Allows a centralized print server to manage print jobs for all users.

  • Previous versions: Takes advantage of Volume Shadow Copy Service to save backup copies of previous versions of files that change.

  • Remote Administration: Provides a user interface to perform administrative tasks remotely.

  • Gateway Remote Access: Allows external access to every PC on the network.

  • Streaming media: You can send multimedia data streams to Windows Media Player or an Xbox 360.

    流媒体:您可以将多媒体数据流发送到Windows Media Player或Xbox 360。
  • Data redundancy: Protects from possible malfunction of a single hard drive by duplicating data across multiple drives.

  • Storage capacity expandable: Remove the drive letters, facilitating the use of a single storage space.


Windows Home Server —更新 (Windows Home Server — Updates)

On August 6, 2008 is running the Power Pack 1, now integrating the management of client workstations running Windows Vista 64-bit, backing up shared folders on the server to external media. It also improves remote access offering more advanced options than before and allows better management of energy. Finally the correction of the famous data corruption bug that affected up Windows Home Server is resolved, and many other minor problems.

2008年8月6日,运行Power Pack 1,现在集成了运行Windows Vista 64位的客户端工作站的管理,可以将服务器上的共享文件夹备份到外部媒体。 它还改善了远程访问,提供了比以前更多的高级选项,并可以更好地管理能源。 最终,解决了影响Windows Home Server的著名数据损坏错误的纠正以及其他许多小问题。

On March 24, 2009, the Power Pack 2 provides its share of novelties and improvements rather oriented multimedia streaming with support for server hardware (PC and Xbox 360 in particular) can use the Media Center Extenders are used to access and read This streaming content on the Home Server.

2009年3月24日,Power Pack 2提供了许多新颖性和改进功能,并且具有面向服务器的多媒体流,并且支持服务器硬件(特别是PC和Xbox 360)。可以使用Media Center Extender来访问和读取此流内容。家庭服务器。

Since November 24, 2009, the Power Pack 3 is available. Unlike other Power Packs that automatically installed from the console. This update is oriented Windows 7 (Library Management). Other new features are present in this update, like the ability to archive recordings to Windows Media Center.

从2009年11月24日开始,可以使用Power Pack 3。 与从控制台自动安装的其他Power Pack不同。 此更新面向Windows 7(库管理)。 此更新中还提供了其他新功能,例如可以将记录存档到Windows Media Center。

用户及其计算机的管理 (The management of users and their computer)

Windows Home Server allows the creation and management of up to 10 users. These names correspond to user accounts and passwords for identification when you start the computer. These different user accounts will be used to manage access rights to files from the home network or from remote access site.

Windows Home Server最多可以创建和管理10个用户。 这些名称与启动计算机时用于标识的用户帐户和密码相对应。 这些不同的用户帐户将用于管理对来自家庭网络或远程访问站点的文件的访问权限。

这些访问权限是3的数量: (These access rights are the number of 3: )

  • None: the user will see the existence of the file, but can not see its contents;

  • Reading: the user can open the folder or file, but can not modify or delete;

  • Complete: the user has all rights to the file: read, create, modify, move, delete.


A guest account is proposed by default which allows very limited access to quickly share data with anyone outside the home. For security reasons, this account has no remote access via the website.

默认情况下建议使用来宾帐户,该帐户允许非常有限的访问权限,以便与家庭以外的任何人快速共享数据。 出于安全原因,此帐户无法通过网站进行远程访问。

备份和还原计算机 (The backup and restore computers)

备份 (The backup)

This feature is responsible for the existence of Windows Home Server. A software called “Windows Home Server Console” installed on each computer in the home network allows the analysis of the computer to perform the backup on the server. This analysis is to determine the last modified files to send to the server.

此功能负责Windows Home Server的存在。 安装在家庭网络中每台计算机上的称为“ Windows Home Server Console”的软件可以对计算机进行分析,以在服务器上执行备份。 该分析是为了确定要发送到服务器的最后修改的文件。

The backup system to keep the data under management rules pre configured on the server. Every Sunday, the server carries out a maintenance operation to delete the backups according to these rules:

将数据保留在服务器上预先配置的管理规则下的备份系统。 服务器在每个星期日执行维护操作,以根据以下规则删除备份:

  • Keep the last 3 backups;

  • Keep a backup of the last 3 weeks;

  • Keep a backup of the last 3 months.


The server also keeps all backups initiated manually by the user. Since management console, it is possible to change the storage time of a backup manual or automatic.

服务器还保留所有由用户手动启动的备份。 从管理控制台开始,可以更改手动或自动备份的存储时间。

恢复 (Restoration)

In case of problem (hardware failure, virus infection, deletion), the server includes a system restore. This system operates through a CD-ROM on which computer should start. The wizard will then load the drivers required for the operation of the hard drive and network card.

如果出现问题(硬件故障,病毒感染,删除),服务器将进行系统还原。 该系统通过应在其上启动计算机的CD-ROM进行操作。 然后,向导将加载操作硬盘驱动器和网卡所需的驱动程序。

The wizard will connect to the server to access the database backups. Once launched, several scenarios are possible:

该向导将连接到服务器以访问数据库备份。 启动后,可能会出现以下几种情况:

  • Fully Restore the computer to a selected date. In this scenario, the entire computer and data will be replaced by the condition contained in the backup.

    将计算机完全还原到所选日期。 在这种情况下,整个计算机和数据将替换为备份中包含的条件。
  • Restoring a part of the computer. If the drive has multiple partitions, it is possible to choose the partition to restore.

    还原计算机的一部分。 如果驱动器具有多个分区,则可以选择要还原的分区。
  • Restoring a backup to another computer. This scenario is useful when switching computers. If the user does not have the means to move its data from one computer to another, it is possible to retrieve a backup from another computer and restore it on again. Caution, this scenario works for data partitions and not for system partitions (unless the hardware is identical).

    将备份还原到另一台计算机。 切换计算机时,此方案非常有用。 如果用户没有办法将其数据从一台计算机移动到另一台计算机,则可以从另一台计算机检索备份并再次将其还原。 注意,这种情况适用于数据分区,而不适用于系统分区(除非硬件相同)。

In case of a simple deletion of data, the user can open a backup directly from their computers and browse the folders as they were. This method is simple and does not require the CD-ROM restoration. The operation is done directly from the operating system and using the management console.

如果只是简单地删除数据,则用户可以直接从计算机上打开备份并按原样浏览文件夹。 此方法很简单,不需要还原CD-ROM。 该操作直接从操作系统并使用管理控制台完成。








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