web.xml 3.1.0_什么是Web 3.0

web.xml 3.1.0

什么是Web 3.0? (What Is Web 3.0?)

Web 3.0 is a term to which different meanings are intended to describe the evolution of Web usage and interaction between the many possible evolutionary paths. These include:

Web 3.0是一个术语,不同的含义旨在描述Web使用的演变以及许多可能的演变路径之间的交互。 这些包括:

  • Transform the Web into a database, which would facilitate access to content from multiple applications that are not browsers;

  • Make the most of artificial intelligence technologies;

  • The semantic web;

  • The Geospatial Web;

  • Web 3D.

    Web 3D。

Web 3.0的历史 (History of Web 3.0)

The term Web 3.0 has appeared for the first time in early 2006 in an article by Jeffrey Zeldman critical to Web 2.0 and its associated technologies such as AJAX.  In May 2006, [Tim Berners-Lee] stated:

Jeffrey Zeldman在2006年初的一篇文章中首次出现Web 3.0这个术语,对Web 2.0及其相关技术(例如AJAX)至关重要。 [Tim Berners-Lee]在2006年5月表示:

“People Keep Asking what Web 3.0 is. When I think maybe you’ve got an overlay of scalable vector graphics – everything rippling and folding and looking misty – on Web 2.0 and access to a semantic Web integrated across a huge space of time, you’ll Have access to an unbelievable data resource ”

人们一直在问Web 3.0是什么。 当我认为您可能在Web 2.0上叠加了可伸缩的矢量图形(所有波纹,折叠和看上去模糊不清)并访问了在很大的时间范围内集成的语义Web时,便可以访问令人难以置信的数据资源”

“People keep asking what Web 3.0. I think maybe when you will be a superposition of Scalable Vector Graphics – now everything looks very sharp with folds and wrinkles – the Web 2.0 and access to a semantic Web integrated across a huge quantity of data can be obtained access to an unbelievable data resource.” (Tim Berners-Lee, “A Web ‘more revolutionary'”)

人们一直在问什么是Web 3.0。 我认为,也许当您将可伸缩矢量图形叠加在一起时-现在一切看起来都非常褶皱和皱纹-Web 2.0以及对集成于大量数据中的语义Web的访问都可以访问令人难以置信的数据资源。 ” (蒂姆·伯纳斯·李(Tim Berners-Lee),“网络'更具革命性'””)

At the Technet Summit in November 2006, Jerry Yang, founder and president of Yahoo, released the following statement:


“Web 2.0 is widely documented and discussed. The power of the Net has reached critical mass, with potential developers on the net, not only through hardware like game consoles and mobile devices but also through software architecture. You do not need to be to create a computer program. We are observing that what occurs in Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 will be a great extension of this, a true vehicle policy … the distinction between professional, semi-professional and consumers will create a blurring effect for business and network applications. ”

“ Web 2.0已被广泛记录和讨论。 网络的力量已经达到了极限,不仅通过游戏机和移动设备之类的硬件,而且通过软件体系结构,潜在的开发人员都在网络上。 您不需要创建计算机程序。 我们发现,Web 2.0和Web 3.0中的情况将是对它的极大扩展,这是一个真正的车辆政策…专业,半专业和消费者之间的区别将对业务和网络应用程序产生模糊的影响。 ”

(Jerry Yang)


Similarly Technet Summit, Reed Hastings, founder and CEO of Netflix, summarized in a simple formula to define the different phases of the Web: “Web 1.0 WAS Dial-up 50K average bandwidth, Web 2.0 is an average 1 megabit of bandwidth and Web 3.0 will be 10 megabits of bandwidth all the time, Which will be the full video Web, And That will feel like Web 3.0”.

同样,在Technet峰会上,Netflix的创始人兼首席执行官里德·黑斯廷斯(Reed Hastings)用一个简单的公式进行了总结,以定义Web的不同阶段:“ Web 1.0 WAS拨号平均带宽为50K,Web 2.0是平均1兆位的带宽,Web 3.0是将一直保持10兆位的带宽,这将是完整的视频Web,而这就像Web 3.0”。

(Reed Hastings)


In August 2007, the Brazilian digital agency CUBE has defined Web 3.0 as the ability for customers to communicate with companies, either directly using blogs and other Web 2.0 applications, and indirectly, as if we were holders of psychographic data analyzed by the semantic web and other marketing tools as Micro targeting / Silent Marketing.

2007年8月,巴西数字代理商CUBE将Web 3.0定义为客户与公司进行交流的能力,可以直接使用博客和其他Web 2.0应用程序,也可以间接地,就像我们是通过语义网和其他营销工具,例如微型定位/静音营销。

The term Web 3.0 has become a matter of increasing interest and debate since the end of 2006 until 2007.

从2006年底到2007年,Web 3.0这个词已经引起越来越多的关注和争论。

与Web 3.0相关的创新 (Innovations associated with Web 3.0)

Web-based applications and desktop.


Web 3.0 technologies such as intelligent software that uses semantic data, have been implemented and used by many small-scale businesses with the intent to manipulate data more efficiently. In recent years, however, the focus was also to provide semantic web technologies to the general public. Some startups like Garlik, Metaweb, Radar Networks, and Powerset are among those which in 2006-2007 received wide media coverage in relation to innovation.

Web 3.0技术(例如使用语义数据的智能软件)已被许多小型企业实施和使用,目的是更有效地处理数据。 但是,近年来,重点还在于向公众提供语义Web技术。 一些初创公司,例如Garlik,Metaweb,Radar Networks和Powerset,在2006-2007年间获得了与创新有关的广泛媒体报道。

Web 3.0讨论 (Discussions on Web 3.0)

There are several debates on the meaning of Web 3.0 and what can be an appropriate definition.

关于Web 3.0的含义以及什么是合适的定义,存在许多争论。

Transform the Web into a database


The first step towards a “Web 3.0” is the emergence of “Data Web” as structured data records are published on the Web in reusable formats and “searchable” remotely, such as XML, RDF and micro-formats. The recent growth of technology provides a SPARQL query language and standardized APIs for searching across distributed RDF databases on the Web The Data Web enables a new level of integration and interoperability of applications, making data available to all and “linkable “as if they were Web pages The Data Web is the first step towards the real Semantic Web.

迈向“ Web 3.0”的第一步是“数据网络”的出现,因为结构化数据记录以可重用格式和“可搜索”方式(例如XML,RDF和微格式)在网络上发布。 技术的最新发展提供了一种SPARQL查询语言和标准化的API,用于在Web上的分布式RDF数据库中进行搜索。数据Web使应用程序的集成和互操作性达到新的水平,使所有人都可以使用数据,并且“可链接”的数据就好像它们是Web一样。页面数据Web是迈向真正的语义Web的第一步。

In the Data Web phase, attention is principally directed towards the structuring of data using RDF. In the next phase of semantic Web will expand the reach so that it is structured data that those who traditionally are considered semi-structured or unstructured content (such as Web pages, documents, etc.) It will be available broadly in RDF and OWL semantic formats.

在数据Web阶段,注意力主要集中在使用RDF的数据结构上。 在语义Web的下一阶段,它将扩展范围,使之成为结构化数据,这些数据通常被视为半结构化或非结构化内容(例如网页,文档等)。它将以RDF和OWL语义广泛提供。格式。

人工智能的进化之路 (An evolutionary path to artificial intelligence)

Web 3.0 has also been used to describe an evolutionary path for the Web that leads to artificial intelligence capable of interacting with the Web almost human. Some skeptics believe instead that it is impossible to achieve. Nevertheless, companies like IBM and Google are implementing new technologies that are getting information of how to introduce the amazing songs downloaded through data mining, on university websites.

Web 3.0也已被用来描述Web的进化路径,从而导致人工智能能够与几乎人类进行Web交互。 相反,一些怀疑论者认为这是不可能实现的。 尽管如此,诸如IBM和Google之类的公司正在实施新技术,这些技术正在获取有关如何在大学网站上介绍通过数据挖掘下载的精彩歌曲的信息。

The storage and study of information regarding the interest expressed during navigation by a developed software or the possibility of shifting feelings, needs, tastes and attitudes in the medical field, would put the machines in terms of being able to assist and simultaneously support those health problems can not be self-sufficient.


There is another debate that the driving force behind Web 3.0 will be intelligent systems, or whether intelligence will emerge in a more organic system of smart people such as via collaborative filtering services like the .icio.us, Flickr and Digg that extract meaning and order out of the existing Web and how people will interact.

还有另一种争论,即Web 3.0背后的驱动力将是智能系统,或者智能是否会在更有机的智能人系统中出现,例如通过.icio.us,Flickr和Digg等协作过滤服务来提取含义和顺序。脱离现有的网络以及人们将如何互动。

语义网与SOA的实现 (The realization of Semantic Web and SOA)

In line with Artificial Intelligence, Web 3.0 could be the implementation and extension of the concept of the Semantic Web. The academic researchers are working to develop software for the reasoning, logic-based descriptive and intelligent agents. These applications can perform logical reasoning operations using a set of rules that express a logical relationship between concepts and data on the Web.

与人工智能一致,Web 3.0可能是语义Web概念的实现和扩展。 学术研究人员正在努力开发用于推理,基于逻辑的描述性和智能代理的软件。 这些应用程序可以使用一组规则来执行逻辑推理操作,这些规则表达了Web上概念和数据之间的逻辑关系。

Srmana Mitra maintains that the semantic web might be the essence of next generation Internet and proposes a formula to encapsulate Web 3.0.

Srmana Mitra认为语义网可能是下一代Internet的本质,并提出了一种封装Web 3.0的公式。

Web 3.0 has also been made in relation to a possible convergence of service-oriented architecture and semantic web.

Web 3.0也已经与面向服务的体系结构和语义Web的可能融合有关。

迈向3D (Evolution towards 3D)

Another possible path of Web 3.0 is towards the three-dimensional vision coined by Web3D Consortium. This would turn the Web into a series of 3D spaces, in line with what has already created Second Life. This could open new ways to connect and collaborate using 3D shared space.

Web 3.0的另一种可能途径是实现Web3D联盟提出的三维视觉。 这将使Web变成一系列3D空间,这与已经创建的Second Life一致。 这可能会打开使用3D共享空间进行连接和协作的新方式。

Study: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The text is available under the Creative Commons.

研究:来自维基百科,免费的百科全书。 该文本可在“ 知识共享”下找到

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/what-is-web-3-0/

web.xml 3.1.0

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