可扩展标记语言xml总结_可扩展标记语言XML | 第1部分


可扩展标记语言XML (Extensible Markup Language XML)

XML (short for extensible Markup Language) is a markup meta language, or language syntactic marker that defines a mechanism that extends the meaning or control of other markup languages.


Is the attempt to produce a simplified version of SGML that allows for the designation simply new markup languages to use in web. The name thus indicates that it is a marker language (markup language) stretch (eXtensible) because it allows you to create custom tags.

试图生成SGML的简化版本,以允许仅在网络中使用新的标记语言。 因此,该名称表示它是标记语言(标记语言)拉伸(可扩展),因为它允许您创建自定义标记。

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), after the browser war (i.e., the situation encountered in the nineties, such as Microsoft and Netscape introduced with each new version of its browser, proprietary extension to HTML Journal), was forced to follow the individual extensions to HTML.

在浏览器大战之后(即90年代遇到的情况,例如Microsoft和Netscape随其浏览器的每个新版本推出,HTML Journal的专有扩展),万维网联盟(W3C)被迫遵循个人HTML扩展。

The W3C had to choose which features to standardize and which to leave out of the official HTML specifications. It was in this context that began to emerge, the need for a markup language that would give greater freedom in the definition of tags, yet in a standard.

W3C必须选择要标准化的功能,以及哪些不包含在官方HTML规范中的功能。 正是在这种情况下,出现了对标记语言的需求,该标记语言应在标签的定义方面提供更大的自由度,但在标准方面却具有更大的自由度。

The “XML project, which began in the late eighties as part of the W3C SGML Activity, aroused such a strong interest to the point that the W3C created a working group, called the XML Working Group, composed of world experts SGML technologies, and a commission, XML Editorial Review Board, Member of the preparation of project specifications.

XML项目始于80年代后期,是W3C SGML活动的一部分,引起了如此强烈的兴趣,以至于W3C创建了一个工作组,称为XML工作组,该工作组由世界专家SGML技术组成,委员会,XML编辑审查委员会,项目规范编写成员。

In February 1998, the specification became an official recommendation by the name of the Extensible Mark-up Language, Version 1.0. We soon realized that XML was not just limited to web context, but it was something more: a tool for use in various contexts, from the definition of the structure of documents, exchange of information between different systems, the representation image to the definition of data formats.

1998年2月,该规范成为可扩展标记语言版本1.0的正式推荐。 我们很快意识到XML不仅限于Web上下文,还更多:一个用于各种上下文的工具,从文档结构的定义,不同系统之间的信息交换,表示图像到NET的定义。数据格式。

XML用途 (XML Uses)

Compared to HTML, XML has a very different purpose: while the former defines a grammar for describing and formatting of web pages and, more generally, hyper texts, the second is a meta language used to create new languages, acts describing structured documents. While HTML has well-defined and restricted tags, with XML it is possible to define your own as needed.

与HTML相比,XML具有非常不同的目的:前者定义了一种语法来描述和格式化网页,更通常地,它们描述了超文本,而第二种则是一种用于创建新语言的元语言,用来描述结构化文档。 尽管HTML具有明确定义和受限制的标签,但使用XML可以根据需要定义自己的标签。

XML is widely used today as a means for the export of data between different DBMS.


XML技术 (Technologies to XML)

模式语言(创建新的XML语言): (Schema languages (create new XML languages): )

  • (DTD stands for Document Type Definition) is a document through which you specify the structural features of an XML document through a series of “grammatical rules”. In particular, it defines all the elements of XML documents, hierarchical relationships between the elements, the order of appearance in the XML document and which elements and which attributes are optional or not.

    (DTD代表文档类型定义)是一个文档,您可以通过该文档通过一系列“语法规则”指定XML文档的结构特征。 特别是,它定义了XML文档的所有元素,元素之间的层次关系,XML文档中出现的顺序以及哪些元素和哪些属性是可选的。
  • XML Schema: how the DTD is to define the structure of an XML document. Today, the W3C recommends that you put in the place of the DTD itself, being a new and advanced technique. Its symbol is XSD stands for XML Schema Definition.

    XML模式:DTD如何定义XML文档的结构。 今天,W3C建议您代替DTD本身,这是一种新的高级技术。 它的符号是XSD代表XML模式定义。

与XML相关的其他技术: (Other technologies related to XML: )

  • XLink: used to connect two XML documents in full, unlike the classic links that know HTML, XLink allows you to create multi-link and semantically advanced.

  • (XSL stands for eXtensible Stylesheet Language) is the language that describes the style sheet to an XML document. Its extended version is the XSLT (where T stands for Transformations).

    (XSL代表可扩展样式表语言)是用于将样式表描述到XML文档的语言。 它的扩展版本是XSLT(其中T代表Transformations)。
  • XPath is a language with which you can identify portions of an XML document and is the basis for other tools for XML such as XQuery.

  • To support this primary purpose, it provides basic functionality for dealing with strings, numbers and Boolean data. Its operation is based on creating a tree from the syntax summary document and allows you to target a specific part through the nodes of the tree with the simple word path.

    为了支持此主要目的,它提供了用于处理字符串,数字和布尔数据的基本功能。 它的操作基于从语法摘要文档创建树,并允许您使用简单的单词路径通过树的节点定位特定部分。
  • •    XPointer *: serves to uniquely identify specific portions of an XML document, then allows them access to other languages or interface objects.

    •XPointer *:用于唯一标识XML文档的特定部分,然后允许它们访问其他语言或接口对象。
  • XQuery query language is designed to be applicable to any kind of XML documents and relies on the use of XPath for specifying locations within documents. XQuery capabilities that allow it to draw from multiple data source to search, to filter the documents and bring together relevant content.

    XQuery查询语言被设计为适用于任何类型的XML文档,并且依赖于XPath的使用来指定文档中的位置。 XQuery功能使它可以从多个数据源中进行搜索,过滤文档并整合相关内容。
  • SAX (Simple API for XML) is a programming interface, implemented in several languages, that allows to read and edit XML documents. Through you can implement the SAX XML parser specific. SAX is event based, unlike DOM, and reacts to events by parsing the application report. It is for the programmer to implement methods to react to events parsing.

    SAX(用于XML的简单API)是一种编程接口,以多种语言实现,可以读取和编辑XML文档。 通过您可以实现特定于SAX XML解析器。 SAX是基于事件的,与DOM不同,它通过解析应用程序报告来对事件做出React。 程序员可以实现对事件解析作出React的方法。
  • DOM: is a programming interface such as SAX, implemented in a multitude of programming languages for manipulating XML files. Sun built from an XML tree where each tree node corresponds to an element of the file, which is why this tree is based.

    DOM:是一种编程接口(例如SAX),以多种用于处理XML文件的编程语言实现。 Sun是从XML树构建的,其中每个树节点都对应于文件的元素,这就是该树所基于的原因。
  • VTD XML [1] DOM is easy and quick to use than SAX and is therefore usually preferred by programmers to manipulate XML files, but the tree generated from DOM is maintained completely in RAM and hence is not You can use this interface to manipulate files that are larger than the available memory on your computer.

    VTD XML [1] DOM比SAX易于使用和快速,因此程序员通常首选它来操作XML文件,但是从DOM生成的树完全保留在RAM中,因此不能使用此接口来操作文件。大于计算机上的可用内存。
  • RSS is a standard that serves to create a document with a unique structure of the XML type, able to develop a simple data exchange between Web pages, accessible from any scripting language. Essentially it is an XML document the structure of the nodes and their tags have the same name.

    RSS是用于创建具有XML类型的唯一结构的文档的标准,该文档能够在Web页面之间开发简单的数据交换,并且可以从任何脚本语言进行访问。 本质上,这是一个XML文档,节点的结构及其标签具有相同的名称。
  • SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) and VML (Vector Markup language) are standard imaging vector that uses documents formatted in XML. It also serves to describe two-dimensional images, static and dynamic. Reading the instructions in the XML source document, the interpreter-based drawing figures until the image.

    SVG(可缩放矢量图形)和VML(矢量标记语言)是使用使用XML格式的文档的标准成像矢量。 它还用于描述静态和动态的二维图像。 读取XML源文档中的指令后,将基于解释器的图形显示为图像。
  • WDDX (Word Date Description Exchange) WDDX is a structure to hold data in the same structure of a database, created by Macromedia and Allaire and released at the Open WDDX Organization.

    WDDX(单词日期描述交换)WDDX是一种将数据保存在数据库的相同结构中的结构,该结构由Macromedia和Allaire创建,并在Open WDDX组织中发布。



翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/extensible-markup-language-xml-part-1/


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