安全计算:Windows Live OneCare

When Windows Live OneCare first came out and was in its early stages, many thought it left a lot to be desired, but it has come a long way in its development, offering better and more useful features. This all-in-one security suite offered from Microsoft includes basic security features and more.

当Windows Live OneCare首次出现并处于早期阶段时,许多人认为它尚有很多不足之处,但它的发展已经走了很长一段路,提供了更好,更有用的功能。 Microsoft提供的此多合一安全套件包括基本的安全功能等等。

Features included are an improved Firewall, Virus and Spyware protection, Anti-Identity theft, Performance Tune-ups, and easy to configure centralized Backup.  The most notable feature of it all is being able to control 3 PC’s at once.

包括的功能包括改进的防火墙,病毒和间谍软件防护,防身份盗用,性能调优以及易于配置的集中式备份。 这一切最显着的特征是能够一次控制3台PC。

For this article I am installing it on Windows Vista Ultimate 64.  I would imagine the process is very similar in other versions of Vista and XP.  If you know of any issues with other versions of Windows, or would like to share your experience with Windows Live OneCare definitely leave a comment and let us know!

对于本文,我将其安装在Windows Vista Ultimate 64上。我可以想象该过程在其他版本的Vista和XP中非常相似。 如果您知道其他版本的Windows有任何问题,或者想与Windows Live OneCare分享您的经验,请务必发表评论并告诉我们!



Immediately upon launching the Live OneCare installation process it checks for updates.  Then the rest of the setup begins.  First you will select the appropriate language, read a brief description of the software suite, then click Next.

启动Live OneCare安装过程后,它将立即检查更新。 然后其余的设置开始。 首先,您将选择适当的语言,阅读该软件套件的简短说明,然后单击下一步。


Next you are prompted to read and accept the EULA and Terms of use.  After that Windows Live OneCare will download and install.  With my DSL connection it took about 10 minutes to complete.

接下来,系统将提示您阅读并接受EULA和使用条款。 之后,Windows Live OneCare将下载并安装。 通过我的DSL连接,大约需要10分钟才能完成。


After everything is loaded up a reboot will be required.



Upon returning you will get a welcome screen of sorts.  Here you can choose to go with step 1 which will require you to purchase a license ($49.95) or go with the limited trial which is what I am going to select.  Since this is my first experience with Windows Live OneCare I want to test everything out during the 90 day trial.

返回后,您将获得各种欢迎屏幕。 在这里,您可以选择第1步,它将需要您购买许可证($ 49.95)或进行有限试用,这是我要选择的。 由于这是我第一次使用Windows Live OneCare,因此我想在90天的试用期内对所有内容进行测试。

4 - Welcome Screen

Another thing I noticed right away is several balloons and other messages pointing out what OneCare believes to be lacking security on my system.


baloon msg

After selecting that I want to continue with the free trial Microsoft feels the need to make sure I am confident about that by asking again.



Second time is a charm, Windows Live OneCare is ready to roll and is already working.

第二次是魅力, Windows Live OneCare已准备就绪,可以正常使用了。


An improvement I noticed (and need to get used to) when launching AIMP Audio Player which is associated with Last.FM, The OneCare Firewall asked if I wanted to program to access the Internet.  This is definitely an improvement over Windows native firewall which only blocks incoming connections.  This is somewhat annoying at first, but if you allow each known safe program it will be the last time you’re asked.

启动与Last.FM关联的AIMP Audio Player时 ,我注意到(并且需要习惯)这种改进,OneCare防火墙询问我是否要编程访问Internet。 相对于仅阻止传入连接的Windows本机防火墙,这绝对是一项改进。 起初这有点烦人,但是如果允许每个已知的安全程序,这将是最后一次询问您。


The next settings to pop up you may recall selecting when first installing Vista.  OneCare wants to choose the type of network connection the PC is connected to.

弹出的下一个设置您可能会记得第一次安装Vista时选择的内容。 OneCare希望选择PC连接到的网络连接类型。


The Windows Live OneCare control center is where to change settings, run scans, and associate other security tasks.

Windows Live OneCare控制中心是更改设置,运行扫描和关联其他安全任务的地方。


Windows Live OneCare Settings allow you to configure various aspects of how different protection components work.

Windows Live OneCare设置允许您配置不同保护组件如何工作的各个方面。


One of the schedulable features in a PC tune-up.  This will perform typical maintenance tasks like Defragmenting the Hard Drive, Scan for Viruses, and check for security updates from Microsoft.

PC调试中的可调度功能之一。 这将执行典型的维护任务,例如对硬盘驱动器进行碎片整理,扫描病毒以及检查Microsoft的安全更新。


You can manage multiple Windows based PC’s (up to three) with a OneCare circle.  Also signing in with a Windows Live ID allows you to get more out of the OneCare trial.

您可以通过OneCare圈子管理多台基于Windows的PC (最多三台) 。 此外,使用Windows Live ID登录还可以使您从OneCare试用版中获得更多收益。


When running a manual scan for Viruses and Spyware, you will get three types of scans to choose from Quick, Complete, or Customized.  With all scans you will be able to keep an archive of scan reports as well.

对病毒和间谍软件进行手动扫描时,您将获得三种扫描类型,可以从快速,完整或自定义中选择。 使用所有扫描,您还可以保留扫描报告的存档。


No matter which type of scan you choose a progress screen will be displayed.  This screen also allows you to pause the scan if needed.

无论选择哪种扫描类型,都会显示一个进度屏幕。 如果需要,此屏幕还允许您暂停扫描。


A successful and healthy scan!



Periodically there will be advisories that tell you about Security Updates from Microsoft that have not yet been installed.  These provide a brief detailed description of the update and also allow you to connect to the Microsoft website to get even more information.

定期会有一些公告,告诉您有关尚未安装的Microsoft安全更新的信息。 这些提供了更新的简短详细说明,还使您可以连接到Microsoft网站以获得更多信息。




Since using Windows Live OneCare overall I think it is a very nice security solution for home computers.  It is not very intrusive and there seems less problems than sometimes experienced with third-party all-in-one security suites.  Security suite utilities such as Norton or McAfee really lock themselves deep into your operating system and can be problematic.  If I were to recommend an all-in-one solution then this would be it as it’s designed to integrate seamlessly.  It would be nice if Microsoft included this in the Windows OS by default, maybe Windows 7?  OneCare works on any PC with Windows XP Home SP2 or or above and all Vista (32 or 64-bit) editions.  *Note XP 64-bit edition is NOT supported.

由于整体上使用Windows Live OneCare,因此我认为它是用于家用计算机的非常好的安全解决方案。 它不是很麻烦,而且似乎比第三方多合一安全套件有时遇到的问题少。 诺顿(Norton)或迈克菲(McAfee)等安全套件实用程序确实将自己锁定在操作系统的深处,因此可能会出现问题。 如果我要推荐一种多合一的解决方案,那么它就是无缝集成的。 如果Microsoft默认将其包含在Windows操作系统中(也许是Windows 7),那将是很好的选择。 OneCare可在装有Windows XP Home SP2或更高版本以及所有Vista(32或64位)版本的任何PC上使用。 *注:不支持XP 64位版本。


Download And Install Windows Live OneCare 90 Day Trial

下载并安装Windows Live OneCare 90天试用版

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/80064/secure-computing-windows-live-onecare-2/





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