
Chrome and Firefox browser logos

“This website wants to show notifications!” It’s been an annoying part of the web landscape for years. A well-intentioned feature was abused by many websites to hassle users, and now browsers like Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome are cracking down.

“该网站希望显示通知!” 多年来,它一直是Web环境中令人讨厌的一部分。 意图良好的功能已被许多网站滥用,以吸引用户,现在Mozilla Firefox和Google Chrome等浏览器正在受到打击。

为什么浏览器使它们如此烦人? (Why Did Browser Make These So Annoying?)

The old notification prompt in Google Chrome

Notification capabilities were just part of making the web a better application platform. Web apps should be able to send you notifications about new messages and emails—if you want them. And those notifications should arrive even if you have the web page closed. What’s wrong with options?

通知功能只是使Web成为更好的应用程序平台的一部分。 如果需要,Web应用程序应该能够向您发送有关新消息和电子邮件的通知。 即使关闭了网页,这些通知也应该到达。 选项有什么问题?

Well, web browsers presented these notification requests in a pretty annoying way. When you visit a website—even if it’s just once to read an article—it could pop up a message that’s difficult to ignore. More and more websites began adding notification requests. For example, a news website could push new articles to its subscribers via web browser notifications.

嗯,Web浏览器以一种非常烦人的方式呈现了这些通知请求。 当您访问网站时(即使只是阅读一篇文章),它可能会弹出一条难以忽略的消息。 越来越多的网站开始添加通知请求。 例如,新闻网站可以通过Web浏览器通知将新文章推向其订阅者。

The problem isn’t the notification option itself. It’s how pushy the notification request is. Web browsers should have cracked down on these popups years ago.

问题不在于通知选项本身。 通知请求的紧急程度。 几年前,Web浏览器应该已经对这些弹出窗口进行了打击。

Mozilla Firefox首先受到打击 (Mozilla Firefox Cracked Down First)

A quieter notification prompt in Firefox

Mozilla was the first browser developer to crack down on these annoying notifications. The change came in Firefox 72, released on January 7, 2020.

Mozilla是第一个严厉处理这些令人讨厌的通知的浏览器开发人员。 更改是在2020年1月7日发布的Firefox 72中进行的。

Now, rather than a large request message that pops up as soon as you visit a website, you’ll see a small speech bubble in the address bar to the left of the web page’s address. It will wiggle a bit as the web page loads.

现在,您会在网页地址左侧的地址栏中看到一个小的气泡,而不是在访问网站后立即弹出一条大的请求消息。 网页加载时,它会有点摆动。

You can still enable notifications for a website clicking the bubble and then clicking “Allow Notifications.” If you don’t want to see the bubble wiggle, you can click “Never Allow” instead—or head into Firefox’s options and disable notification requests entirely.

您仍然可以通过单击气泡然后单击“允许通知”来为网站启用通知。 如果您不想看到气泡摆动,则可以单击“从不允许”,也可以进入Firefox的选项并完全禁用通知请求。

Either way, you won’t see pop-ups as soon as you open a web page. Mozilla says it “discovered during testing that about 99% of notification prompts go unaccepted, with 48% being actively denied by the user.”

无论哪种方式,打开网页后您都不会看到弹出窗口。 Mozilla表示 ,“在测试过程中发现大约99%的通知提示不被接受,其中48%被用户主动拒绝。”

Google Chrome 80也正在消除烦人的提示 (Google Chrome 80 Is Silencing Annoying Prompts, Too)

Notifications blocked by default in Chrome

Google is following suit in Google Chrome 80, which was released on February 4, 2020. This change won’t be enabled for everyone immediately, but Google says it plans to automatically enable it for people who deny notifications over and over again and on websites where very few people accept notifications.

谷歌正在效仿2020年2月4日发布的Google Chrome80。此更改不会立即为所有人启用,但谷歌表示,它计划自动为拒绝一遍又一遍和网站上的通知的人启用很少有人接受通知。

To enable it manually, you can toggle the “Use quieter messaging” flag. To access this, plug chrome://flags/#quiet-notification-prompts  into Chrome’s address bar and press Enter.

要手动启用它,您可以切换“使用安静消息” 标志 。 要访问此地址,请将chrome://flags/#quiet-notification-prompts插入Chrome的地址栏中,然后按Enter。

The quieter notification request flag in Google Chrome 80

Once you’ve done that, you can head to Chrome’s notification settings—click menu > Settings > Advanced > Site Settings > Notifications and enable “Use quieter messaging (blocks notification prompts from interrupting you).”


Enabling Google Chrome's quieter messaging option for notifications in Settings.

When this feature is enabled in Chrome, you’ll see a bell-shaped notification icon at the right side of Chrome’s omnibox, also known as the address bar. Mouse over it and you’ll see the message “You usually block notifications. To let this site notify you, click here.”

在Chrome中启用此功能后,您会在Chrome多功能框的右侧看到一个钟形的通知图标,也称为地址栏。 将鼠标悬停在它上面,您将看到消息“您通常阻止通知。 要让此网站通知您,请单击此处。”

As in Firefox, you can still enable notifications if you like. Websites just can’t repeatedly bother you with notification popups that interrupt your web browsing.

与Firefox中一样,您仍然可以根据需要启用通知。 网站只是无法反复打扰到通知弹出窗口而打扰您,这些弹出窗口会中断您的网络浏览。

苹果Safari和Microsoft Edge呢? (What About Apple Safari and Microsoft Edge?)

The new version of Microsoft Edge is now based on the Chromium code that powers Google Chrome. In other words, expect Microsoft Edge to limit web notifications in the same way Google Chrome does.

Microsoft Edge的新版本现在基于为Chrome浏览器提供支持的Chromium代码。 换句话说,期望Microsoft Edge以与Google Chrome浏览器相同的方式限制Web通知。

Apple hasn’t yet announced any plans to silence these annoying notification requests in the Safari web browser yet. However, you can still disable notification prompts in Safari’s settings. We wouldn’t be surprised if Apple followed suit and made these notification requests less annoying, too.

苹果尚未宣布任何计划在Safari Web浏览器中使这些烦人的通知请求静音。 但是,您仍然可以在Safari的设置中禁用通知提示 。 如果苹果公司也效仿并减少了这些通知请求,我们也不会感到惊讶。

Update: Apple did make a change to Safari’s notification prompts back in 2019, although it didn’t make them “quieter” in the same way Firefox and Chrome did. Websites can’t show push notification requests when a web page loads. They have to ask for notification permissions in response to a user interaction on the page.

更新 :苹果确实在2019年对Safari的通知提示进行了更改,尽管它并没有像Firefox和Chrome那样使它们“更安静”。 网页加载后,网站无法显示推送通知请求。 他们必须请求通知权限才能响应页面上的用户交互。

In case you didn't know, Safari was the first major browser to block push notifications requests when no user interaction was detected. This helps reduce notification spam by a lot.@googlechrome and @firefox are also experimenting with similar features pic.twitter.com/IttYdgejRj

如果您不知道,Safari是第一个在未检测到用户交互时阻止推送通知请求的主要浏览器。 这有助于大大减少通知垃圾邮件。 @GoogleChrome@firefox也具有类似特征的实验pic.twitter.com/IttYdgejRj

— Luc s 👨🏻‍💻 (@Lucas_Does_Tech) October 9, 2019

-Lucs 👨🏻‍💻(@Lucas_Does_Tech) 2019年10月9日

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/642318/web-browsers-are-silencing-annoying-notification-popups/

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