chrome 快捷切换窗口_如何使Chrome浏览器“以窗口形式打开”快捷方式(现在Google杀死了它们)

chrome 快捷切换窗口

chrome 快捷切换窗口

Chrome open as window article header image

Chrome has the useful ability to open a website as a window that doesn’t show the browser interface or open external links in a new tab. Or, rather, it did: in a late 2018 update, Google disabled this functionality on Windows and macOS.

Chrome具有有用的功能, 可以将网站打开为不显示浏览器界面的窗口或在新标签页中打开外部链接。 或更确切地说,它确实做到了:在2018年末的更新中,谷歌在Windows和macOS上禁用了此功能。

We can’t tell you why Google decided that only its own ChromeOS devices would get this functionality from now on, though if you’re upset at its loss, you’re not alone. I’ve spent years using the “Open as window” function to make impromptu web apps easy to open and manage.

我们无法告诉您,为什么Google决定从现在开始,只有自己的ChromeOS设备才能获得此功能,尽管您不知所措,您并不孤单。 我已经使用“打开为窗口”功能使简易的Web应用程序易于打开和管理了多年。

But there’s a way to get them back, at least for the moment. Here’s how.

但是,至少在目前,有一种方法可以让他们回来。 这是如何做。

Update: As of Chrome version 72, the “open as window” functionality linked above has been restored to the Windows version of Chrome. It’s available in Chrome on macOS, too, but you need to enable the following options in chrome://flags:

更新 :从Chrome版本72开始 ,上面链接的“作为窗口打开”功能已恢复为Windows版本的Chrome。 它也可以在macOS的Chrome中使用,但是您需要在chrome:// flags中启用以下选项:

  • The new bookmark app system

  • allow hosted apps to be opened in windows


Once both flags are enabled, click the Chrome menu button, then “More tools,” then “Create shortcut.” The “Open as window” option is there, just like in Windows.

启用两个标志后,请依次点击Chrome菜单按钮,“更多工具”和“创建快捷方式”。 就像在Windows中一样,“打开为窗口”选项在那里。

第一步:使用 (Step One: Use turns any standard website into a downloadable CRX file, which can then be “installed” in Chrome as if it were a Chrome extension. It’s not—the “app” will only be the website you choose, in its own thin window with a link. But it’s a useful little hack nonetheless.

Applicationize.me可以将任何标准网站转换为可下载的CRX文件,然后可以将其“安装”在Chrome中,就好像它是Chrome扩展程序一样。 并非如此-“应用程序”只会是您选择的网站,在其带有链接的瘦窗口中。 但这仍然是一个有用的小技巧。

Applicationize,me website.

Note that normally, we advise users to be wary of unnecessary browser extensions and applications. But in this case, you’re merely using a standard website, and it’s no more dangerous than any other (though, do make sure the site itself isn’t dangerous, of course).

请注意,通常,我们建议用户警惕不必要的浏览器扩展程序和应用程序 。 但是在这种情况下,您仅使用标准的网站,并且没有比其他任何网站都危险的了(当然,请确保该网站本身没有危险)。

To get this done, open the site you want to use as an “Open as window” link, then open in a new tab. Copy and paste the site from the first tab into the field marked “WEB APP URL.”

为此,请打开要用作“打开为窗口”链接的站点,然后在新选项卡中打开 。 将站点从第一个选项卡复制并粘贴到标记为“ WEB APP URL”的字段中。 CRX download.

Click the web button that says “GENERATE & DOWNLOAD CHROME EXTENSION.” A CRX file, named after the web URL you used, will appear on your desktop.

点击显示“生成并下载Chrome扩展”的网络按钮。 以您使用的Web URL命名的CRX文件将出现在桌面上。

CRX extension file downloaded.

第二步:安装CRX文件 (Step Two: Install the CRX File)

Now open another tab in Chrome, and go to the address chrome://extensions . This is a local browser page, showing all the extensions you have installed.

现在,在Chrome中打开另一个标签,然后转到地址chrome://extensions 。 这是一个本地浏览器页面,显示您已安装的所有扩展。

Chrome's Extensions interface.

If you don’t have it enabled already, enable the “Developer mode” switch in the top right corner.


Activate Chrome's Developer Mode.

Drag and drop the CRX file from your desktop onto the Extensions tab. Click “Add App” in the confirmation window.

将CRX文件从您的桌面拖放到“扩展”选项卡上。 在确认窗口中单击“添加应用”。

Drag and drop the CRX file to the Extensions page.

第三步:创建快捷方式 (Step Three: Create the Shortcut)

Now open yet another new tab, this time going to Chrome://apps . The CRX file you installed will appear in the list.

现在打开另一个新标签,这次转到Chrome://apps 。 您安装的CRX文件将出现在列表中。

Chrome's Apps page. The new extension is at the bottom.

Right-click the new icon, then click “Create shortcuts.” In Windows, it will ask whether you want them on the Desktop, Start Menu, or both. For our example, we’ll use the desktop, but it doesn’t matter which you choose. On macOS,  it will download to the “Chrome apps” folder, which should open automatically.

右键单击新图标,然后单击“创建快捷方式”。 在Windows中,它将询问您是否要在“桌面”,“开始”菜单或两者上都使用它们。 对于我们的示例,我们将使用桌面,但是选择哪个都无所谓。 在macOS上,它将下载到“ Chrome应用程序”文件夹,该文件夹应自动打开。

Right-click the icon to create a shortcut.

Now when you double-click the shortcut, it will open the site you chose in its own window, with no address bar or other user interface elements. Any links you click that aren’t part of the domain (like an external download link on a How-To Geek article) will automatically load up in a separate Chrome window (or in a new tab on an existing open Chrome window). Also, you won’t have access to the context menu when you right-click a link (although you do still get a context menu when you right-click a picture).

现在,当您双击快捷方式时,它将在您自己的窗口中打开您选择的站点,没有地址栏或其他用户界面元素。 您单击的所有不属于域的链接(例如How-To Geek文章中的外部下载链接)都将自动加载到单独的Chrome窗口中(或现有打开的Chrome窗口的新标签中)。 此外,右键单击链接时,您将无权访问上下文菜单(尽管在右键单击图片时仍会获得上下文菜单)。

The shortcut opens up the page in a Chrome window with no interface.

You can place your shortcut anywhere in Windows or macOS, and it will act like a normal shortcut file. I like to set a custom icon in Windows and pin them to my taskbar to make semi-permanent web apps.

您可以将快捷方式放置在Windows或macOS中的任何位置,它的作用类似于普通的快捷方式文件。 我喜欢在Windows中设置自定义图标,然后将其固定到任务栏上以制作半永久性Web应用程序。

Note that, unfortunately, these manually-loaded “apps” don’t sync across Chrome installations. So if you’re using this trick on multiple computers, you may have to set it up again for each one.

请注意,不幸的是,这些手动加载的“应用”在Chrome安装之间无法同步。 因此,如果您在多台计算机上使用此技巧,则可能必须为每台计算机重新设置一次。


chrome 快捷切换窗口





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