Putting your computer into hibernation mode always seems so snappy compared to taking it back out of hibernation mode and resuming your work. Why is it so much slower to spool the system back up than to spool it down?
与将计算机退出Hibernate模式并恢复工作相比,将计算机置于Hibernate模式似乎总是那么活泼。 为什么将系统后台后台处理比将其后台后台处理慢得多?
Today’s Question & Answer session comes to us courtesy of SuperUser—a subdivision of Stack Exchange, a community-driven grouping of Q&A web sites.
今天的“问答”环节由SuperUser提供,它是Stack Exchange的一个分支,该社区是由社区驱动的Q&A网站分组。
问题 (The Question)
SuperUser reader enthrops is curious:
Hibernation is supposed to write out RAM contents to disk, and coming back from hibernation is supposed to fill back RAM with saved contents. Why is coming back from hibernation slow, e.g. system is very unresponsive in general for quite some time?
Hibernate状态应该将RAM内容写出到磁盘,Hibernate状态回来则应该用保存的内容填充RAM。 为什么从Hibernate中恢复很慢,例如系统通常在相当长的时间内没有响应?
So why exactly is it such a slow process to return the computer from a hibernated state?
答案 (The Answer)
SuperUser contributor wolfo9999 explains:
The main cause is disk I/O. Reading and writing to a physical disk is much slower than from RAM. When your computer resumes from disk (hibernation) it also has to power up the components which may cause some slowdown. This is highly dependent on the computer. A SSD will have almost the same resume speed from disk as from RAM. Some computers let you move the mouse around before the ram has been completely filled up again, causing low response times.
主要原因是磁盘I / O。 读写物理磁盘要比从RAM慢得多。 当您的计算机从磁盘恢复(Hibernate)时,它还必须打开组件电源,这可能会导致速度降低。 这在很大程度上取决于计算机。 SSD从磁盘的恢复速度与从RAM的恢复速度几乎相同。 一些计算机可以让您在滑枕完全充满之前四处移动鼠标,从而缩短响应时间。
Note: Assume you have 8GB of RAM and a SSD with 400MB/s throughput. It will still take 8*1024MB/400MB/s = 20.48s. This is not the same speed as resume from RAM.
注意:假设您有8GB的RAM和具有400MB / s吞吐量的SSD。 仍然需要8 * 1024MB / 400MB / s = 20.48s。 这与从RAM恢复的速度不同。
Assuming a RAM throughput of 15,000MB/s, the resume time is 0.55 seconds.
假设RAM吞吐量为15,000MB / s,则恢复时间为0.55秒。
One thing his answer doesn’t touch on, which definitely plays a role in perception of time when hibernating/resuming the computer, is what you’re doing during the process. Typically, when you hibernate your computer, you initiate the hibernation and then walk away (whether it takes 20 seconds or 2 minutes doesn’t matter to you, because you’re rarely there staring at it). When you resume the computer, however, you’re sitting right there staring at it waiting to get back to work so the difference between a 30 second resume and a 1 minute resume is significant.
他的答案没有触及的一件事,就是在此过程中您正在做的事情,这肯定在Hibernate/恢复计算机时对时间的感知中起作用。 通常,当您使计算机进入Hibernate状态时,您便会启动Hibernate模式,然后走开(无论花费20秒还是2分钟对您来说都没有关系,因为您很少盯着它看)。 但是,当您恢复计算机时,您正坐在那里盯着它等待着恢复工作,因此30秒恢复和1分钟恢复之间的区别非常明显。
Have something to add to the explanation? Sound off in the the comments. Want to read more answers from other tech-savvy Stack Exchange users? Check out the full discussion thread here.
有什么补充说明吗? 在评论中听起来不对。 是否想从其他精通Stack Exchange的用户那里获得更多答案? 在此处查看完整的讨论线程 。
翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/171946/why-does-my-computer-resume-so-slowly-after-hibernating/