电脑键盘快捷键自定义_如何自定义OS X键盘和添加快捷方式



Mac users know keyboard shortcuts are the way to go in OS X. Using the keyboard to perform routine and repetitive tasks is a great timesaver and really ups your skill level, but did you know you can add or even customize keyboard shortcuts?

Mac用户知道键盘快捷键是在OS X中使用的方式。使用键盘执行日常和重复性任务可以节省大量时间,并且确实提高了您的技能水平,但是您知道您可以添加甚至自定义键盘快捷键吗?

Controlling your Mac with the keyboard is no small part of OS X’s (and earlier versions as well) DNA. When you use a Mac, you’re almost obligated to use keyboard shortcuts to do things other computer users might default to the mouse for.

用键盘控制Mac是OS X(以及早期版本)DNA的重要组成部分。 使用Mac时,几乎有义务使用键盘快捷键来执行其他计算机用户可能默认使用的鼠标操作。

For example, while you can always use an app’s menu to quit it, it’s just faster and easier to use “Command + Q”.

例如,尽管您始终可以使用应用程序菜单来退出它,但使用“ Command + Q”只是更快,更容易。

Similarly, there’s an icon that you can click to access Spotlight, if you really want to always go to the upper-right corner and do so, or alternatively, you can just use “Command + Space”.

同样,如果您确实想一直转到右上角,也可以单击该图标来访问Spotlight,或者也可以只使用“ Command + Space”。

So the point here is, keyboard shortcuts are great on OS X and the more you know the better. Having command of keyboard shortcuts is a fantastic way to up your OS X skills and achieve the ranks of true power user.

因此,关键是,OS X上的键盘快捷键很棒,而且您知道的越多越好。 拥有键盘快捷键的命令是提高OS X技能并获得真正的超级用户的绝妙方法。

键盘设定 (The Keyboard Settings)

Before we dig into the shortcuts, let’s take a look at OS X’s keyboard settings, because there’s some interesting things you can do that have nothing to do with combinations and bindings. The first tab is dedicated to keyboard behavior, so if you want to adjust how fast keys repeat or whether functions keys use special features or act as standard function keys, you can do that here.

在探究快捷方式之前,让我们看一下OS X的键盘设置,因为您可以执行一些有趣的操作,而这些操作与组合和绑定无关。 第一个选项卡专用于键盘行为,因此,如果您要调整按键的重复速度或功能键是否使用特殊功能或充当标准功能键,则可以在此处进行操作。

Of special note are the controls to adjust your keyboard’s backlight (such as on Macbooks). By default, in low light, your keyboard’s backlight will turn on whereas in bright light, it will turn off. If you just want to control that aspect of your computer yourself, you can uncheck this box.

需要特别注意的是用于调整键盘背光(例如Macbooks)的控件。 默认情况下,在弱光下,键盘的背光将打开,而在强光下,它将关闭。 如果您只想自己控制计算机的这一方面,则可以取消选中此框。

On that note, the backlight’s timeout can be adjusted from five seconds to never. Setting the timeout is especially useful if you use your computer to watch movies in the dark. You can make volume adjustments and so forth, then the backlight will automatically turn off so it doesn’t distract you.

需要注意的是,背光灯的超时时间可以从5秒调整为从不。 如果您使用计算机在黑暗中观看电影,则设置超时特别有用。 您可以进行音量调整等,然后背光将自动关闭,因此不会分散您的注意力。

At the bottom of the Keyboard tab, the “Change Keyboard Type…” button will open a wizard that will ask you to press certain keys so it can identify it for you. This way, adding external keyboards is a breeze.

在“键盘”选项卡底部,“更改键盘类型...”按钮将打开一个向导,该向导将要求您按某些键,以便为您识别它。 这样,添加外部键盘变得轻而易举。

Of greater interest perhaps, is the option to adjust your modifier keys.


This is going to be useful if you’re using a non-Apple keyboard, such as the off-the-shelf standard 102-key variety, where the key layouts are different from Apple’s.


The Keyboard settings also have a “Text” tab, which is great if you use shorthand for certain oft-used phrases. In the following screenshot, you can see our custom replacements, which will automatically change when you use an applications like TextEdit or Messages, where shorthand might come in handy.

键盘设置还具有“文本”选项卡,如果您对某些常用短语使用简写,则该选项非常有用。 在以下屏幕截图中,您可以看到我们的自定义替换,当您使用TextEdit或Messages之类的应用程序时,这些替换项将自动更改,其中速记可能会派上用场。

You can also turn off autocorrect, which doesn’t always appeal to everybody, choose your spelling dictionary, and enable or disable smart quotes and dashes. For anyone wondering how to adjust OS X’s text correction capabilities, this is it.

您还可以关闭自动更正功能,这种功能并不总是吸引所有人,选择您的拼写词典,以及启用或禁用智能引号和破折号。 对于任何想知道如何调整OS X的文本校正功能的人来说,就是这样。

Finally, there’s Input Sources, wherein you’re able to add alternate keyboard languages and layouts. In the screenshot, we see how this looks when we select the Dvorak layout. It still uses the Latin alphabet but the nearly universal QWERTY layout has been transformed into something altogether different.

最后,还有输入源,您可以在其中添加备用的键盘语言和布局。 在屏幕截图中,我们看到了选择Dvorak布局时的外观。 它仍然使用拉丁字母,但几乎通用的QWERTY布局已转变为完全不同的东西。

That’s all for these three Keyboard settings panels. Just remember, if you want to change your keyboard’s behavior, text and autocorrection, or your keyboard’s language or layout, this is where you do that.

这就是这三个“键盘设置”面板的全部内容。 请记住,如果您想更改键盘的行为,文本和自动更正,或者更改键盘的语言或布局,则可以在此处进行。

使用快捷键查找内置Mac键盘忍者 (Finding Your Inner Mac Keyboard Ninja with Shortcuts)

Now it’s time to up your keyboard game. If you’re new to OS X or just have never learned any of its myriad combinations, here’s a good article to start with. Take some time also to familiarize yourself with the shortcuts you see on menus and throughout the system.

现在是时候开始玩键盘游戏了。 如果您是OS X的新手,或者从未学习过其无数种组合,那么可以从这里开始 。 还需要一些时间来熟悉菜单和整个系统中的快捷方式。

Look at all those keyboard shortcuts.

Mac shortcuts are a little different than on other systems. Macs use a series of symbols to denote modifiers. This takes a little getting used to because its not the same as seeing CTRL or ALT or SHIFT, but with a little patience and practice, you’ll have them mastered in short order.

Mac快捷方式与其他系统上的有所不同。 Mac使用一系列符号来表示修饰符。 这需要一点时间来适应,因为它与CTRL,ALT或SHIFT所看到的不一样,但是稍有耐心和实践,您将很快掌握它们。

快速Mac键盘入门 (A Quick Mac Keyboard Primer)

With that said, why don’t we just go ahead and cover what all those little symbols mean?


Command is easy enough to figure out because that’s the so-called Apple Key, but what’s up with all those other funky modifier symbols?

命令很容易弄清楚,因为这就是所谓的Apple Key,但是所有其他时髦的修饰符符号又是怎么回事?

Keys on a Mac keyboard have names, such as the aforementioned Command key, and then there’s the usual suspects like Option (Alt), Control, Escape, and so forth. Unfortunately, to write all these into the system would require way too much screen real estate. Menus would have to be super-wide to accommodate Command + Shift + Option and so forth, so Apple has incorporated a unique set of symbols to represent each.

Mac键盘上的键具有名称,例如前面提到的Command键,然后是诸如Option(Alt),Control,Escape等常见的可疑字符。 不幸的是,将所有这些内容写入系统将需要太多的屏幕空间。 菜单必须超宽才能容纳Command + Shift + Option等,因此Apple引入了一组独特的符号来表示每个菜单。

Old school Mac users will likely know them all by heart, but new converts or casual keyboardists will probably find some of them head-scratching. In all practicality, you only really need to remember Control and Option.

老式Mac用户可能会很熟识它们,但是新的转换者或休闲键盘手可能会发现其中一些令人头疼。 实际上,您只需要记住Control和Option。

Command and it’s associated symbol are usually printed right on the keyboard (or substituted as the Windows key on other keyboards). Shift is easy enough to figure out, Caps Lock is rarely used, and Function is pretty obvious.

Command及其相关符号通常直接打印在键盘上(或替换为其他键盘上的Windows键)。 Shift很容易找出来,Caps Lock很少使用,功能也很明显。

快捷方式选项卡 (The Shortcuts Tab)

We’re going to wind up this article by finally talking about those keyboard shortcuts we’ve been alluding to throughout. The “Shortcuts” tab in the Keyboard preferences is your gateway to ultimate keyboard control on your OS X.

我们将通过最后讨论我们一直在提到的键盘快捷键来结束本文。 键盘偏好设置中的“快捷方式”选项卡是您在OS X上进行最终键盘控制的网关。

The Shortcuts settings have all the different aspects on OS X you can affect in the left pane, and the right pane breaks each one down into individual actions.

“快捷方式”设置在OS X上具有所有不同的方面,您可以在左窗格中对其进行影响,而右窗格则将每一个细分为单独的动作。

At the bottom of the settings there’s an option to control full keyboard access. What this means is that when you’re interacting with a window or dialog, you can select whether Tab will move keyboard focus between text boxes and lists only, or all controls.

在设置的底部,有一个选项可以控制完整的键盘访问。 这意味着在与窗口或对话框交互时,可以选择“ Tab”将仅在文本框和列表之间,还是在所有控件之间移动键盘焦点。

In other words, tabbing through a dialog means that you’ll either move between a few elements or every element. Here’s how this will typically work.

换句话说,通过对话框进行制表意味着您将在几个元素之间或每个元素之间移动。 这是通常的工作方式。

Left: Text boxes and lists only. Right: All controls.
左:仅文本框和列表。 右:所有控件。

When you add or modify a shortcut, first select the type of shortcut you want to change. For example, let’s change how we take screenshots. By default when you take a screenshot you use the keyboard combination “Command + Shift + 3” and this will take a picture of your screen and save it to your desktop.

添加或修改快捷方式时,首先选择要更改的快捷方式类型。 例如,让我们更改截图的方式。 默认情况下,当您截屏时,使用组合键“ Command + Shift + 3”,这将对屏幕进行拍照并将其保存到桌面。

We double-click this shortcut’s key combo until it is selected, hold down the modifiers and then the new key. In the following example we’ve changed the “Save picture of screen as a file” to “Command + Shift + 1”.

我们双击此快捷键的组合键,直到将其选中为止,同时按住修饰符和新键。 在以下示例中,我们将“将屏幕图片另存为文件”更改为“ Command + Shift + 1”。

If your change(s) result in a conflict, then an exclamation point in a yellow triangle will appear next to it, such as here where the Input Sources shortcuts conflict with Spotlight’s. In this case, the conflict is negligible but in other’s it might cause headaches so do your best to use a shortcut that isn’t already used, or change the shortcut with which it conflicts.

如果您的更改导致冲突,则会在其旁边显示一个黄色三角形的感叹号,例如在此处输入源快捷方式与Spotlight的冲突。 在这种情况下,冲突可以忽略不计,但在其他情况下则可能会引起头痛,因此请尽力使用尚未使用的快捷方式,或更改与其冲突的快捷方式。

By default, the system already has a lot of shortcuts built into it. Many of these are universal and can’t be changed, but you can adjust them per application. For example, as detailed in this article, you can change the Quit shortcut for Google Chrome (or any other application), but you can’t change Quit system-wide.

默认情况下,系统已经内置了许多快捷方式。 其中许多都是通用的,无法更改,但是您可以针对每个应用程序进行调整。 例如,如本文所述,您可以更改Google Chrome(或任何其他应用程序)的Quit快捷方式 ,但不能在系统范围内更改Quit。

The reason for this is very simple, you need to use the exact wording of the menu shortcut. Quit is different depending upon which application you’re using so it will be printed on the menu as “Quit Google Chrome” or “Quit iTunes,” and so forth.

这样做的原因非常简单,您需要使用菜单快捷方式的确切措辞。 根据您所使用的应用程序的不同,退出方式也不同,因此它会以“退出Google Chrome”或“退出iTunes”等形式打印在菜单上。

You can, however, change other common application menu items such as “Window -> Minimize” because it is the same on every application.


Thus, the shortcut to minimize Windows will now be “Option + Command + M” instead of “Command + M” and this will be a system-wide change.

因此,最小化Windows的快捷方式现在将是“ Option + Command + M”,而不是“ Command + M”,这将是系统范围的更改。

You can do this with other generic shortcuts like “Preferences…”, “Print”, and so on. You just need to make sure the menu text matches exactly regardless of whether it’s for all applications or you’re changing something that is application-specific.

您可以使用其他通用快捷方式(例如“首选项...”,“打印”等)来执行此操作。 您只需要确保菜单文本完全匹配,无论是针对所有应用程序还是要更改特定于应用程序的内容。

As we mentioned, there’s quite a few shortcuts programmed into the system already, and there are many that aren’t.


Many system actions don’t have keyboard combinations.

Also, if at any time you decide you want to revert to the default shortcuts, or you’ve made a mess of things, you can click “Restore Defaults” and roll everything back.


That’s about it for all things OS X keyboard-related. It’s fairly easy to see why longtime Mac users are such enthusiastically emphatic keyboardists. Being able to not only use a keyboard shortcut to control system functions and application features, but also to add new shortcuts or change existing ones, are great powers to have.

关于OS X键盘相关的所有内容。 很容易看出为什么长期使用Mac的用户如此热情地强调键盘手。 不仅可以使用键盘快捷键来控制系统功能和应用程序功能,而且还可以添加新的快捷方式或更改现有的快捷方式,这是一种强大的功能。

We want to know about how you use shortcuts. Do you defer to the mouse for most or all your computing? What are some of your favorite or most useful shortcuts? Our discussion forum is open, we encourage your feedback.

我们想知道您如何使用快捷方式。 您是否将鼠标用于大部分或全部计算? 您最喜欢或最有用的快捷方式有哪些? 我们的讨论论坛是开放的,我们鼓励您提供反馈。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/209725/how-to-customize-your-os-x-keyboard-and-add-shortcuts/






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