Windows 10 Express或自定义安装之间有什么区别?

When you first set up Windows 10, Microsoft is going to want to rush you through the process with “Express Settings”. We recommend taking a little time and stepping through the customized setup instead.

当您首次设置Windows 10时,Microsoft将要通过“快捷设置”让您着急完成该过程。 我们建议花一些时间,逐步完成自定义设置。

This setup process has been in place since Windows 8, and it’s been our experience that most of the time users are going to just choose the easy way. There are, however, some really important privacy items you want to pay attention to.

自Windows 8以来,该设置过程就已经存在,并且根据我们的经验,大多数时候用户只会选择简单的方法。 但是,您需要注意一些非常重要的隐私项。

When you see the setup screen that says “Get going fast,” you should click “Customize settings” instead of “Use Express settings”.


Microsoft doesn’t make it obvious, but there in the lower-left corner you will see the “Customize settings” option.

The first screen deals with Personalization and Location, the latter which we’ve discussed in greater detail.

第一个屏幕涉及“个性化和位置”, 我们已经对其进行了更详细的讨论

Fair warning, disabling many of these settings is probably going to lessen the Windows 10 experience, or at least the experience Microsoft intends. That said, let’s look more closely at the kinds of information you’re submitting if you willfully accept the defaults.

合理的警告,禁用其中许多设置可能会减少Windows 10体验,或者至少会减少Microsoft打算的体验。 也就是说,如果您愿意接受默认值,我们将更仔细地研究您提交的信息的种类。

个性化和位置设置 (Personalization and Location Settings)

First, with the personalization settings, you agree to send Microsoft contacts and calendar details and other “associated input data” through speech, typing, and inking input. This data is stored in the cloud so it can presumably be replicated to other Windows 10 installations when you use your Microsoft account.

首先,使用个性化设置,您同意通过语音,键入和墨迹输入发送Microsoft联系人和日历详细信息以及其他“相关输入数据”。 此数据存储在云中,因此当您使用Microsoft帐户时,可以将其复制到其他Windows 10安装中。

You also agree to send off typing and inking data to improve recognition and suggestions, and finally, you also consent to allow apps to use your advertising ID for “experiences across apps.”


For all of these we select “Off”.


Off! Off! Off! All of it off!
关! 关! 关! 全部关闭!

As far as location data is concerned, if your computer is chained to your desk, or you’ve never had a need to submit your location to Microsoft, then you can most definitely turn this item “Off” as well. You can always go back later and turn it back on if it becomes a usability issue.

就位置数据而言,如果您的计算机已链接到您的办公桌,或者您根本不需要将位置提交给Microsoft,那么您当然也可以将此项关闭。 如果有可用性问题,您以后可以随时返回并重新打开。

浏览器和保护以及连接和错误报告设置 (Browser and Protection, and Connectivity and Error Reporting Settings)

The next screen deals with browser and protection settings, as well as connectivity and error reporting. It’s probably a good idea to leave SmartScreen on since it is designed to protect users against “malicious content and downloads,” though SmartScreen will only work with the new Edge browser.

下一个屏幕涉及浏览器和保护设置,以及连接和错误报告。 启用S​​martScreen可能是一个好主意,因为它旨在保护用户免受“恶意内容和下载”的侵害,尽管SmartScreen仅适用于新的Edge浏览器。

You can leave page prediction enabled if you choose as well, but again, this is only going to work with the new Edge browser so if you use Chrome or Firefox, this setting doesn’t matter. We use another browser so we turned it off.

您也可以选择启用页面预测功能,但同样,这仅适用于新的Edge浏览器,因此,如果您使用Chrome或Firefox,则此设置无关紧要。 我们使用其他浏览器,因此将其关闭。

Of the last three options, two deal with connecting to networks, we definitely believe that you should turn “Off” automatic connectivity to open hotspots, and networks shared by contacts.


The last option “send error and diagnostic information to Microsoft” is up to you. If you don’t want to share this sort of information with them, then turning it “Off” isn’t going to affect your system one bit.

最后一个选项“将错误和诊断信息发送给Microsoft”由您决定。 如果您不想与他们共享此类信息,则将其“关闭”不会对您的系统造成一点影响。

稍后将其关闭 (Turning This Stuff Off Later)

If you have chosen express settings and you want to opt out of some or all of these, all is not lost. You can still go into the settings and change things.

如果您选择了快速设置,并且想退出某些或全部设置,则不会丢失所有设置。 您仍然可以进入设置并进行更改。

To turn off the first item found in the Personalization settings, you will need to open the Privacy group in Settings and then “Speech, inking, & typing”.


Click or tap “Stop getting to know me”.


To turn off the “advertising ID” and “send typing and inking data” options, you will need to do that in the General privacy section. You will also find the option to turn off (or on) the SmartScreen filter here.

要关闭“广告ID”和“发送输入文字数据”选项,您需要在“常规隐私”部分中执行此操作。 您还可以在此处找到关闭(或打开)SmartScreen过滤器的选项。

The Location settings can be turned off under the “Location” section.


Those connectivity settings can be adjusted later by opening the “Network & Internet” settings.


Tap or click “Wi-Fi” and then (if necessary) scroll down to “Manage Wi-Fi settings”.

点击或单击“ Wi-Fi”,然后(如有必要)向下滚动到“管理Wi-Fi设置”。

Tap or click “Off” the two options shown in the screenshot.


Finally, there’s one more spot in the privacy settings called “Feedback & diagnostics” where you can adjust the final option in the customized setup.


With that, you will have undone anything turned on in the express setup. We urge you to pay careful attention to other things in the privacy settings, and we’ll pay a closer look at those in an upcoming article.

这样,您将无法完成快速设置中打开的所有操作。 我们敦促您仔细注意隐私设置中的其他事项,我们将在下一篇文章中仔细研究这些内容。

If you’re just now setting up Windows 10 on your computer, do yourself a favor and take a few minutes to go through the customized install. Chances are fairly good you’re going to want to turn off at least a couple of the items found in it.

如果您现在只是在计算机上设置Windows 10,请帮个忙,花几分钟时间进行自定义安装。 您很有可能要关闭至少其中的两个项目。

Got a comment or question you’d like to share? Please sound off in our discussion forum.

有您想分享的评论或问题吗? 请在我们的论坛上发声。






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