


Trackr is a handy little device that you can use to find your keys, wallet, or anything else you lose often. If you’re prone to leaving your stuff behind, you can also set up Trackr to notify you when you get too far from your stuff so you don’t leave it behind. Here’s how to enable and customize Trackr’s notifications.

跟踪器是一种方便的小型设备,可用于查找钥匙,钱包或其他经常丢失的东西 。 如果您容易遗忘东西,还可以设置Trackr在距离您的东西太远时通知您,这样就不会留下任何东西。 这是启用和自定义Tracker通知的方法。

Trackr devices connect to your phone via Bluetooth, and will stay connected as long as they’re within about 100 feet or so of each other. The app gives you the option to ring either your Trackr device, your phone, or both if they ever become disconnected.

跟踪器设备通过蓝牙连接到您的手机,并且只要彼此之间相距约100英尺,它们就会保持连接状态。 该应用程序使您可以选择在您的Tracker设备和/或电话断开连接时响铃。

To turn this feature on, open the Trackr app and tap the three button menu icon in the top-right corner.


Tap the gear icon next to the device you want to get notifications for.


There are two settings on this page we care about, depending on how you’d like to get notified that you’re leaving your stuff behind:


  • Device Separation Alert: With this enabled, when your Trackr leaves your phone’s Bluetooth range, the Trackr will emit a sound. This is handy if you’re still close enough to hear the alert when you forget your keys. For example, if you leave the keys in the bedroom when you head to the kitchen in the morning. However, this won’t send a notification to your phone, so it only helps if you’re still close enough to your Trackr to hear it ring.

    设备分离警报:启用此功能后,当智能设备离开手机的蓝牙范围时,智能设备将发出声音。 如果您仍然足够靠近以致忘记钥匙时仍能听到警报,这将很方便。 例如,如果您早上去厨房时将钥匙留在卧室里。 但是,这不会向您的手机发送通知,因此只有在您与追踪器的距离仍然足够近时,它才会发出响声。

  • Phone Separation Alert: In my experience, this is the more helpful option. If you disconnect from your wallet, for example, your phone will start ringing to let you know that you left it behind. Theoretically, this could also help you hear your phone if you leave it behind while you have your keys in your pocket but, again, that requires you to be close enough to hear it ring, but also outside of Bluetooth range.

    电话分离警报:以我的经验,这是更有用的选项。 例如,如果您断开与钱包的连接,手机将开始响铃,以告知您已将其丢在后面。 从理论上讲,如果您在口袋里放钥匙的时候将手机抛在后面,这也可以帮助您听到手机的声音,但是同样,这要求您保持足够的距离以听到手机的铃声,而且还超出蓝牙范围。

If you really want to make sure you don’t lose your stuff, turn both of these on. That doubles your chances that you’ll hear a ring when you leave your keys, phone, or wallet behind.

如果您确实想确保自己不会丢失东西,请同时打开这两个功能。 这样一来,当您丢下钥匙,电话或钱包时,听到铃声的机会就会增加一倍。

Of course, you don’t necessarily want to be pestered every single time your keys are more than 100 feet from your phone. If you want to limit your alerts to when you’re out of the house or away from work, you can use a feature called Wi-Fi Safe Zones. When you turn this on, Trackr won’t send separation alerts when your phone is connected to your preferred Wi-Fi networks. To turn this on, go back to the main Trackr screen and tap the three line menu button in the top left corner.

当然,您不一定希望每次按键距离手机都超过100英尺时都会受到困扰。 如果要将警报限制为出门在外或下班时,可以使用一项称为Wi-Fi安全区域的功能。 启用此功能后,当您的手机连接到首选的Wi-Fi网络时,Tracker不会发送分隔警报。 要启用此功能,请返回Tracker主屏幕,然后点击左上角的三行菜单按钮。

In the slide out menu, tap Wi-Fi Safe Zones. On this screen, you can also tap “Silent Mode” to temporarily suppress all separation alerts.

在滑出菜单中,点击Wi-Fi安全区。 在此屏幕上,您还可以点击“静音模式”以暂时取消所有分离警报。

Scroll down and you’ll see a list of all the Wi-Fi networks your phone has remembered. Tap the toggle next to any Wi-Fi networks to exclude those locations from your separation alerts. For example, if you don’t want to get notified every time you’re away from your keys at home, tap the toggle next to your home Wi-Fi network.

向下滚动,您将看到手机记住的所有Wi-Fi网络的列表。 点按任何Wi-Fi网络旁边的切换开关,以将这些位置排除在分离警报之外。 例如,如果您不想每次离开家时都收到通知,请点击家庭Wi-Fi网络旁边的切换开关。

Since Trackr uses Bluetooth to determine when you’re away from your stuff, you may get some false alerts. It’s not a foolproof system, but if you have a tendency to lose your stuff when you go out, Trackr gives you a handy safeguard.

由于Tracker使用蓝牙来确定何时离开您的物品,因此您可能会收到一些错误的警报。 这不是一个万无一失的系统,但是,如果您外出时容易丢失东西,Tracker会为您提供方便的保护措施。



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