

Flashes are so convenient that flash photography is practically the norm. But have you stopped to think about what that flash is doing, or whether you need to use it at all?

闪光灯是如此方便,以至于闪光灯摄影实际上已成为常态。 但是您是否已停止考虑该闪光灯在做什么,或者是否需要使用它呢?

Built in and mount flashes can allow you to take pictures in low light environments you might not be able to use otherwise, and can change your shot, both for better or worse. Take a look through several different types of photography, and join the discussion with your own experience on when a flash is helpful, and when it can ruin a shot.

内置闪光灯和安装闪光灯可以让您在弱光环境下拍照,否则可能无法使用,并且无论您的状况好坏,都可以更改照片。 浏览几种不同类型的摄影,并根据自己的经验加入讨论,以了解何时闪光灯有用,何时闪光灯可能会损坏镜头。

对光VS的React。 控制它 (Reacting to Light Vs. Controlling It)


Photography is all about light and how you choose to react to it, capture it, and control it. Before you take your photos, you’ll want to have some idea what sort of photograph you want to create. In the photograph above (by the author) the settings were manually changed to react and capture as much of the colors, subtle tones, and changes in light as possible in a dark environment. Because shooting with a flash changes the color temperature, light sources, highlights, and shadows, creating an portrait like this one would be impossible with a flash.

摄影与光有关,以及您如何选择对光作出React,捕捉和控制光 。 拍摄照片之前,您需要了解要创建什么样的照片。 在上面的照片中(作者),手动更改了设置,以在黑暗环境中React并捕获尽可能多的颜色,微妙的色调以及光线的变化。 由于使用闪光灯拍摄会改变色温,光源,高光和阴影 ,因此使用闪光灯无法创建像这样的肖像。


However, flashes (and other methods of controlling lighting) certainly have a place in photography. Portraiture, such as these shots by child portrait photographer Amy Douglas, control light two separate ways. The left image uses a lower light environment lit with a studio light to create strong shadows, while controlling highlights and skin tones to create a soft image with dramatic contrast. It’s a good example of a photographer controlling the light in order to create a strong image.

但是,闪光灯(以及其他控制照明的方法)在摄影中肯定占有一席之地。 肖像画,例如儿童肖像摄影师艾米·道格拉斯 ( Amy Douglas)拍摄的这些照片,以两种不同的方式控制光线。 左图使用演播室灯光照明的低光环境来创建强烈的阴影,同时控制高光和肤色以创建具有戏剧性对比度的柔和图像。 这是摄影师控制光线以创建强烈图像的一个很好的例子。

The image on the right is a good, subtle example of a flash. After a conversation with Amy, she discussed her love of using flashes to create smooth, even skin tones—a very different approach to your author’s attempt to capture the dramatic lights and shadows in the photograph above. When comparing the author’s photo and Amy’s, the cameras and lenses used were fairly similar, yet the result could not be more different.

右边的图像是一个很好的,微妙的闪光灯示例。 与艾米(Amy)交谈后,她讨论了她喜欢使用闪光灯来创建平滑甚至肤色的热爱,这与您的作者尝试捕获上面照片中的戏剧性光影不同。 当比较作者的照片和艾米的照片时,所使用的相机和镜头相当相似,但结果却相差无几。

会有什么期望:比较有无闪光灯的拍摄 (What To Expect: Comparing Shots With and Without a Flash)


The left side image does not use a flash, while the right image does. They have both been edited slightly in an attempt to show some of the less obvious differences in flashing and not flashing. The flashed image, for example, feels more polarized, with darker tones and some loss of detail, while the left image is more even, and is reacting entirely to the situational lighting. A flash will react and give strong, shiny highlights on some materials, like glass, or the plastic material shown above. If you find yourself taking pictures through windows, you’ll likely find that most of your flash gets reflected, ruining your shot.

左侧图像不使用闪光灯,而右侧图像则使用闪光灯。 都对它们都进行了稍微的编辑,以尝试显示闪烁和不闪烁之间的一些不太明显的差异。 例如,闪烁的图像感觉偏极化,色调更暗,细节有所损失,而左侧图像则更均匀,并且完全对环境照明做出React。 闪光灯会产生React,并在某些材料( 例如玻璃或上面显示的塑料)上产生强烈的闪亮亮光 。 如果您发现自己是通过窗户拍照的,那么您可能会发现大部分闪光灯都被反射了,从而损坏了镜头。


Sometimes using a flash is simply a stylistic choice. Both of these images have been edited—the left does not use a flash, and the right one does. Notice how the shadows move around, as using a flash changes the light by adding an overpowering light source. The heavy shadows cast underneath the hand and cord are softened and moved in the flash shot, and the skin tones have also changed. For the better? It’s hard to say in this situation (Author’s note: although IMHO the flash shot is superior), but the built in flash gives the photographer more options to control light. Even if you’re more of a point-and-shoot, automatic setting only style photographer, it’s never a bad idea to bracket your shots by shooting the same subject with and without the flash.

有时使用闪光灯只是一种风格选择。 这两个图像均已编辑-左边不使用闪光灯,右边一个使用闪光灯。 注意阴影是如何移动的,因为使用闪光灯通过添加强大的光源来改变光线。 手部和绳索下方投射的阴影很柔和,并在闪光时移动,肤色也发生了变化。 为了更好? 在这种情况下很难说( 作者注:尽管恕我直言,闪光灯拍摄效果更好 ),但是内置闪光灯为摄影师提供了更多控制光的选择。 即使您更多地是傻瓜相机,仅自动设置的风格摄影师,通过使用和不使用闪光灯拍摄相同的物体来包围拍摄也是一个不错的主意。

正确使用Flash和“填充Flash”技术 (Proper Flash Use, and The “Fill-In Flash” Technique)


Many of us use a flash in those low light environments or night shots—we want to capture pics of our friends in a bar, or the inside of a dimly lit room. In these situations, controlling light is impossible, and slow shutter speeds can make all of your pics blurry. Sometimes there’s no avoiding it—you more or less have to use a flash, and you’re going to get the “flash photography” look. Here’s some things to watch out for when shooting with a flash.

我们许多人在昏暗的环境或夜景中使用闪光灯-我们想在酒吧或昏暗的房间内拍摄朋友的照片。 在这些情况下,控制光线是不可能的,并且慢速快门速度会使所有照片模糊。 有时无法避免,您或多或少不得不使用闪光灯,而您将获得“闪光灯摄影”的外观。 使用闪光灯拍摄时,请注意以下几点。

  • Flashes create strong highlights and can white out large areas of your photo.

  • Expect color/temperature shift when photographing with flashes. Flashes use close to neutral white light, and have their own white balance settings.

    用闪光灯拍摄时,预期颜色/温度会发生变化。 闪光灯使用接近中性的白光,并有自己的白平衡设置。
  • Flashes can flatten values, even out skin tones, and change shadows. This can be either good or bad!

    闪烁可以使值变平,甚至使肤色均匀,并改变阴影。 这可以是好事或坏事!
  • Expect very strong highlights on reflective materials like glass.

  • The effective range of a flash is only a few feet, and can create dark backgrounds. (The above image is a good example of this.)

    闪光灯的有效范围只有几英尺,并且可以产生深色背景。 (上图是一个很好的例子。)
  • Red eye, red eye, red eye! Flashes also can create unnatural white highlights in eyes, as well.

    红眼,红眼,红眼! 闪烁也会使眼睛产生不自然的白色高光。
  • Flashes can also create shadows where you don’t expect.

  • Artful use of flashes and/or lamps can create photos with even skin tones that emphasize the subject, rather than light.


Regardless of the shortcomings of flashes, they remain a very important tool in the portrait photographer’s toolkit. The Fill-In Flash technique can be a great way to improve outdoor portraits like the image above. Here’s (roughly) how to get the job done.

不管闪光灯有什么缺点,它们仍然是肖像摄影师工具包中非常重要的工具。 强制闪光技术可以是改善室外人像(如上图)的好方法。 这是(大致)完成工作的方法。

  • Shoot a portrait outdoors with settings to properly expose the background.


  • Manually open the flash (usually with a button marked with a lightning bolt), keeping the same settings. Depending on your camera, automatic settings may change the exposure to react to the flash.

    手动打开闪光灯(通常使用标有闪电的按钮),并保持相同的设置 。 根据相机的不同,自动设置可能会改变曝光以对闪光灯做出React。

  • Shoot the portrait, using the flash to cast light onto your foreground subject.

  • With some experimenting, you should be able to get a good exposure of both your foreground and background.


After all that, when should you actually use a flash? Again, it all comes down to the kind of photo you want to take. If the horrors of flash photography don’t scare you, or your subject is more important than the artsy-fartsy merit of your photograph, you should have no qualms with  blinding your friends with your camera flash. Keep in mind that it is more appropriate in some situations than others, and that sometimes it can create a great image, and other times it can ruin a very good one.

毕竟,什么时候应该实际使用闪光灯? 同样,这一切都取决于您要拍摄的照片。 如果闪光摄影的恐怖不吓到您,或者您的主题比照片的艺术气息更重要,那么您就不必为用相机闪光灯蒙蔽朋友而烦恼。 请记住,在某些情况下它比其他情况更合适,并且有时它可以创建出色的图像,而在其他情况下,它可能会破坏非常好的图像。

What are your thoughts on flash photography? Share them with us in the comments, or send them to ericgoodnight@howtogeek.com.

对闪光灯摄影有何想法 ? 在评论中与我们分享,或发送至ericgoodnight@howtogeek.com

Image Credits: Flash Flash by Deana, available under Creative Commons. Brad, Copyright by the author Eric Z Goodnight. Photos of Owen, copyright Amy Douglas photography. 40+281 Flash by BarkBud, available under Creative Commons. Fill Flash Experiment by Mike Baird, available under Creative Commons. Other images by the author, hereby released under Creative Commons.

图片鸣谢: Deana提供的Flash Flash,位于创用CC下 Brad,作者Eric Z Goodnight版权所有。 欧文(Owen)的照片, 艾米·道格拉斯(Amy Douglas)摄影 BarkBud提供的40 + 281 Flash,可在“ 创用CC”下找到 Mike Baird进行的 Flash Fill实验,可在创用CC下获得 作者的其他图像,特此在“ 知识共享”下发布。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/71240/photography-with-how-to-geek-when-should-i-use-a-flash/

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