使用Media Center Studio自定义Windows Media Center开始菜单

Do you ever wish you could change the WMC start menu? Maybe move some of the tiles and strips around to different locations, add new ones, or eliminate some altogether? Today we look at how to do it using Media Center Studio.

您是否曾经想过可以更改WMC开始菜单? 也许将一些瓷砖和条带移动到不同的位置,添加新的瓷砖或完全消除一些? 今天,我们来看看如何使用Media Center Studio做到这一点。

Download and install Media Center Studio. (Download link below) You’ll also want to make sure you have Windows Media Center closed before running Media Center Studio. Many of the actions cannot be performed with Media Center open.

下载并安装Media Center Studio。 (下面的下载链接)您还需要确保在运行Media Center Studio之前已关闭Windows Media Center。 在Media Center打开的情况下,无法执行许多操作。


Once installed, you can open Media Center Studio from the Windows Start Menu. When you first open Media Center Studio you’ll be on the Themes tab. Click on the Start Menu tab.

安装后,您可以从Windows的“开始”菜单中打开Media Center Studio。 首次打开Media Center Studio时,您将在“主题”选项卡上。 单击开始菜单选项卡。


It should be noted that Media Center Studio is a Beta application, and it did crash on us a few times, so it’s a good idea to save your work frequently. You can save your changes by selecting Save on the Home tab, or by clicking the small disk icon at the top left.

应当指出,Media Center Studio是一个Beta应用程序,它确实使我们崩溃了几次,所以经常保存您的工作是个好主意。 您可以通过选择“主页”选项卡上的“保存”或单击左上方的小磁盘图标来保存更改。

We also found that that trying to launch Media Center from the Start Media Center button on the application ribbon typically didn’t work. Opening Windows Media Center from the Windows Start Menu is preferred.

我们还发现,尝试从应用程序功能区上的“启动Media Center”按钮启动Media Center通常不起作用。 首选从Windows“开始”菜单打开Windows Media Center。


When you’re on the Start Menu tab you will see the Windows Media Center menu strips and tiles. Click the arrows located at the right, left, top, and bottom of the screen to scroll through the various menu strips.

在“开始菜单”选项卡上,您将看到Windows Media Center菜单条和图块。 单击位于屏幕右,左,上和下的箭头,以滚动浏览各个菜单栏。


Hiding and Removing Tiles and Menu Strips.


If there is an entire menu strip that you never use and would like to remove from Media Center, simply uncheck the box to the left of the the title above that menu strip.

如果有一个您从未使用过的整个菜单栏,并且想要从Media Center中删除,则只需取消选中该菜单栏上方标题左侧的框即可。


If you’d like to hide individual tiles, uncheck the box next to the name of the individual tile.



Renaming Tiles and Strips


To rename a tile or menu strip, click on the small notepad icon next to the title.


Note: If you do not see a small notepad icon next to the title, then the title is not editable. This applies to many of the “Promo” tiles.

注意:如果在标题旁边看不到小记事本图标,则标题不可编辑。 这适用于许多“促销”图块。


The title will turn into a text input box so that you can edit the name. Click away from the text box when finished. Here we will change the title of the default Movie strip to “Flicks.”

标题将变成一个文本输入框,以便您可以编辑名称。 完成后,单击远离文本框。 在这里,我们将默认电影带的标题更改为“ Flicks”。


Change the Default Tile and Menu Strip


The Default menu strip is the strip that is highlighted, or on focus, when you open Media Center.

“默认”菜单栏是打开Media Center时突出显示或突出显示的菜单栏。


To change the default strip, simply click once on another strip to highlight it, and then save your work. In our example, I’m going to make our newly renamed “Flicks” strip the default.

要更改默认区域,只需在另一个区域上单击一次以使其突出显示,然后保存您的工作即可。 在我们的示例中,我将默认重命名为“ Flicks”的条带。


Each menu strip has a default tile. This is the tile that is active, or on focus, when you select the menu strip. To change the default tile on a strip, click once on the tile. You will see it outlined in light blue. Now just simply save your changes. In our example below, we’ve changed the default tile on the TV strip to “guide.”

每个菜单条都有一个默认磁贴。 当您选择菜单栏时,这是处于活动状态或聚焦的图块。 要更改条带上的默认图块,请在图块上单击一次。 您会看到它以浅蓝色勾勒出轮廓。 现在,只需保存您的更改。 在下面的示例中,我们将电视条上的默认图块更改为“指南”。


Moving Tiles and Menu Strips


You can move an entire Menu Strip up or down on the screen. When you hover your mouse over the a menu strip, you will see up and down arrows appear to the right and left of the title. Click on the arrows to move the strip up or down.

您可以在屏幕上向上或向下移动整个菜单条。 将鼠标悬停在菜单栏上时,您将看到标题左右两侧出现的向上和向下箭头。 单击箭头将条带上移或下移。


You will see the menu strip appear in it’s new position.



To move a tile to a new menu strip, click and drag the tile you’d like to move. When you begin to drag the tile, green plus (+) signs will appear in between the tiles. Drag and drop the tile onto to any of these green plus signs to move it to that location.

要将图块移至新的菜单栏,请单击并拖动您要移动的图块。 当您开始拖动图块时,图块之间会出现绿色的加号(+)。 将图块拖放到这些绿色加号中的任何一个上,即可将其移动到该位置。


When you’ve dragged the tile over an acceptable position, you’ll see the  red “Move” label next to your cursor turn to a blue “Move to” label. Now you can drop the tile into position.

将磁贴拖动到可接受的位置后,您会看到光标旁边的红色“移动”标签变为蓝色的“移动到”标签。 现在,您可以将图块放置到位。


You’ll see the tile located in it’s new position.



Adding a New Custom Menu Strip


Click on the Start Menu tab and then select the Menu Strip button.



You will see a new Custom Menu strip appear on your Start Menu with the default name of Custom menu. You can change the name by clicking on the notepad icon just as we did earlier. For our example, we’ll change the name of the new strip to Add-ins.

您将在“开始”菜单上看到一个新的“自定义菜单”栏,其默认名称为“自定义”菜单。 您可以像以前一样通过单击记事本图标来更改名称。 对于我们的示例,我们将新条的名称更改为“加载项”。


To add a new tile, click on Entry Points at the lower left of the application window.



This will reveal all of your available Entry Points that can be added to the Media Center Menu. You should see the built-in Media Center Games and any Media Center Plug-ins you have added to your system.

这将显示可以添加到Media Center菜单中的所有可用入口点。 您应该看到内置的Media Center游戏以及已添加到系统中的所有Media Center插件。


You can then drag and drop any of the Entry Points onto any of the Menu Strips. Below we’ve added Media Browser to our custom Add-ins menu strip.

然后,您可以将任何入口点拖放到任何菜单条上。 在下面,我们已将媒体浏览器添加到我们的自定义加载项菜单栏中。


You can also add additional applications to launch directly from Media Center. Click on the Application button on the Start Menu tab.

您还可以添加其他应用程序以直接从Media Center启动。 单击开始菜单选项卡上的应用程序按钮。

Note: Many applications may not work with your remote, but with keyboard and mouse only.



Type in a title which will appear under the tile in Media Center, and then type the path to the application. In our example, we will add Internet Explorer 8.

键入将出现在Media Center中磁贴下方的标题,然后键入应用程序的路径。 在我们的示例中,我们将添加Internet Explorer 8。

Note: Be sure to add the actual path to the application and not just a link on the desktop.



Click any of the check boxes to select any options under Required Capabilities. You can also browse to choose an image if you don’t care for the image that appears automatically.

单击任何复选框以选择“必需功能”下的任何选项。 如果您不喜欢自动显示的图像,也可以浏览以选择图像。


Next, you can select keyboard strokes to press to exit the application and return to Media Center. Click the green plus (+) button.

接下来,您可以选择键盘击键以按退出应用程序并返回Media Center。 单击绿色的加号(+)按钮。


When prompted, press a key you’ll use to close the program. Repeat the process if you’d also like to select a keystroke to kill the program.

出现提示时,请按一个键来关闭程序。 如果您还想选择一个击键来终止程序,请重复该过程。


You’ll see your button programs listed below. When you’re finished, save your work and close out of Media Center Studio.

您将在下面看到按钮程序。 完成后,保存您的工作并退出Media Center Studio。


Now your new program entry point will appear in the Entry Points section. Drag the icon to the desired position on the Start Menu and save again before exiting Media Center Studio.

现在,您的新程序入口点将出现在“入口点”部分。 将图标拖到“开始”菜单上的所需位置,然后再次保存,然后退出Media Center Studio。


When you open Media Center you will see your new application on the start menu. Click the tile to open the application just as you would any other tile.

当您打开Media Center时,您将在开始菜单上看到您的新应用程序。 单击磁贴以打开应用程序,就像打开其他磁贴一样。


The application will open and minimize Media Center.

该应用程序将打开并最小化Media Center。


When you press the key you choose to close the program, Windows Media Center will automatically be restored.

当您按选择关闭程序的键时,Windows Media Center将自动恢复。

Note: You can also exit the application through normal methods by clicking the red “X” or File > Exit.

注意:您也可以通过单击红色的“ X”或“文件”>“退出”,通过常规方法退出应用程序。




Media Center Studio is a Beta application which the developer freely admits still has some bugs. Despite it’s flaws Media Center Studio is a powerful tool, and when it comes to customizing your Media Center start menu, it’s pretty much the only game in town. It works with both Vista and Windows 7, and according to the developer, has not been officially tested with extenders.

Media Center Studio是一个Beta应用程序,开发人员免费承认它仍然存在一些错误。 尽管存在缺陷,Media Center Studio是一个功能强大的工具,并且在自定义Media Center开始菜单时,它几乎是该镇唯一的游戏。 它可以在Vista和Windows 7上运行,并且据开发人员称,尚未经过扩展器的正式测试。

Media Center Studio can also be used to add custom themes to Windows 7 Media Center and we’ll be covering that in a future article.

Media Center Studio也可以用于向Windows 7 Media Center添加自定义主题,我们将在以后的文章中介绍。

Looking for more ways to customize your Media Center experience? Be sure to check out our earlier posts on Media Browser, as well as how to add Hulu, Boxee, and weather conditions your Windows 7 Media Center.

是否在寻找更多定制Media Center体验的方法? 确保查看我们在Media Browser上的早期文章,以及如何在Windows 7 Media Center中添加HuluBoxee天气状况

Download Media Center Studio [via Softpedia]

下载Media Center Studio [通过Softpedia]

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/16973/customize-the-windows-media-center-start-menu-with-media-center-studio/

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