


Siri Shortcuts logo

Siri Shortcuts arrived alongside iOS 12 in September 2018, along with the Shortcuts app and all that it entailed. The two features upped the iOS automation game considerably, but not without causing confusion. Here’s what Siri Shortcuts are, and how to use them.

Siri Shortcuts于2018年9月与iOS 12一同发布,并附带了Shortcuts应用程序及其所有功能。 这两个功能极大地提升了iOS自动化游戏的水平,但并非没有引起混乱。 这是Siri快捷方式,以及如何使用它们。

If you’re unclear on the differences between Siri Shortcuts and Shortcuts, you’re not alone. Apple hasn’t done the best of jobs explaining the two features and how they differ, nor has the iPhone community as a whole. The two features are linked in many ways, and the similarity in the name doesn’t make it easier to differentiate between them, either.

如果您不清楚Siri快捷方式和快捷方式之间的区别,那么您并不孤单。 苹果并没有尽最大努力解释这两个功能以及它们的区别,iPhone社区也没有。 这两个功能以多种方式链接在一起,而且名称的相似性也不能使它们之间的区分变得容易。

It is, however, important to remember that Siri Shortcuts and Shortcuts are indeed different, and the former is the most user-friendly of the two.


快捷方式和Siri快捷方式有什么区别? (What’s the Difference between Shortcuts and Siri Shortcuts?)

In a nutshell, Shortcuts is the app that Apple built based on the Workflow app that it bought in 2017. Similar to Automator on a Mac, Shortcuts lets you create often-complex automation by using the building blocks on offer. Shortcuts can dip into compatible apps, too, allowing custom shortcuts that can drastically reduce the time it takes to complete a repetitive task.

简而言之,Shortcuts是Apple在2017年购买的Workflow应用程序的基础上构建的应用程序。与Mac上的Automator相似,Shortcuts允许您使用提供的构建基块创建通常很复杂的自动化。 快捷方式也可以渗透到兼容的应用程序中,从而允许使用自定义快捷方式,从而可以大大减少完成重复任务所需的时间。

Siri Shortcuts, however, are different. When developers build their apps, they can present features for use by Siri Shortcuts. These are predefined things like playing a playlist in a podcast app or opening a particular file in a note-taking app. In some cases, iOS will also notice some of the things you’ve done previously and recommend a Siri Shortcut for use. You can then set a custom voice command for invoking a Siri Shortcut via, you guessed it, Siri.

但是,Siri快捷方式有所不同。 当开发人员构建应用程序时,他们可以展示供Siri快捷方式使用的功能。 这些是预定义的操作,例如在播客应用程序中播放播放列表或在记笔记应用程序中打开特定文件。 在某些情况下,iOS还会注意到您之前所做的一些事情,并推荐使用Siri快捷方式。 然后,您可以设置一个自定义的语音命令来通过Siri调用Siri快捷方式。

Siri快捷方式在哪里以及如何使用它们? (Where are Siri Shortcuts and How Do I Use Them?)

You’ll find the Siri Shortcuts that your apps provide in a couple of different places. Good apps will make them visible within the app, perhaps beneath a menu option. If not, one great place to find Siri Shortcuts that you might not know to exist is to head into the Settings app.

您会在几个不同的地方找到应用程序提供的Siri快捷方式。 好的应用程序可以使它们在应用程序中可见,也许在菜单选项下。 如果没有,找到您可能不知道的Siri快捷方式的一个好地方就是进入“设置”应用程序。

Once inside Settings, tap “Siri & Search.”

在“设置”中,点击“ Siri&搜索”。

In the Settings app, click Siri & Search

You may see some suggested shortcuts here, but to see a full list tap “All Shortcuts.”


Tap All Shortcuts

Here, you will see a full list of the apps you have installed that also support Siri Shortcuts. If an app supports many Siri Shortcuts, the list will be truncated. You can tap one of them to enable it, or tap the “See All” button to see every Siri Shortcut available for a specific app.

在这里,您会看到已安装的还支持Siri快捷方式的应用程序的完整列表。 如果应用程序支持许多Siri快捷方式,则该列表将被截断。 您可以点击其中一个启用它,或者点击“查看全部”按钮以查看特定应用程序可用的每个Siri快捷方式。

Tap the See All link next to an app if the Shortcuts page doesn't show everything

Finally, tap the red record button to record the phrase you want to say to invoke the Siri Shortcut when needed.


Tap record and then say the phrase you want to use

Once this process is complete, activating a Siri Shortcut is as easy as invoking Siri and speaking the required phrase.








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