


Most of the steps in building your own desktop PC are fairly self-explanatory: thanks to the modular nature of PC parts, it’s actually hard to mess up. But there’s one exception, and it can get messy.

构建自己的台式PC的大多数步骤都是不言自明的:由于PC部件的模块化特性,实际上很难搞混。 但是有一个例外,它可能会变得凌乱。

When it comes to applying thermal paste, less is more: a small, pea-sized drop is all you need. Don’t spread it around, either—the heatsink will spread it out evenly as you screw it in.Thermal paste (also known as thermal grease, thermal interface material, or thermal gel) is the semi-fluid compound you apply to the metal housing of the CPU to allow efficient heat transfer to the cooler mounted directly above it. And if you’ve never used it before, it can be tough to know exactly how much you need—and the internet is full of bad advice on the subject.

涂导热膏时,少即是多:您只需要一个豌豆大小的小滴即可。 也不要散布它-散热器将在您拧入时将其均匀散布。导热膏(也称为导热油脂,导热界面材料或导热胶)是您应用于金属的半流体化合物CPU的外壳,可将热量有效地传递到直接安装在其上方的冷却器。 而且,如果您以前从未使用过它,可能很难确切知道您的需要量,并且互联网上充斥着关于该主题的错误建议。

Before we get started: thermal paste is applied to the top of the CPU, not the bottom. It should applied to the smooth metal plate (where the manufacturer and model information is printed), not to to the hundreds of squares or pins on the underside. Thermal paste does not go on the motherboard’s CPU socket directly. This point might seem obvious to the experienced system builder, but it’s a mistake often made by first-timers…that can unfortunately ruin an expensive CPU (and motherboard).

在开始之前:导热膏被应用到CPU的顶部,而不是底部。 它应该应用于光滑的金属板上(印有制造商和型号的信息), 而不要应用于下侧的数百个正方形或大头针。 导热膏不会直接粘贴在主板的CPU插槽上。 对于经验丰富的系统构建者而言,这一点似乎很明显,但这是初学者经常犯的错误……不幸的是,这可能会毁掉昂贵的CPU(和主板)。

Also note that if you’re using the cooler that was included with your CPU purchase, it might already have thermal paste applied from the factory. Check the copper-colored heat transfer plate beneath the fan and heatsink assembly: if it has even patches of grey material on it, the paste is already in place, and you don’t need to apply any yourself. If you’re swapping out for a new CPU, you will need to clean off any old, excess paste with isopropyl alcohol and apply fresh material.

另请注意,如果您使用的是购买的CPU附带的散热器,则它可能已经在出厂时涂上了导热膏。 检查风扇和散热器组合件下面的铜色导热板:如果上面有均匀的灰色材料,则说明粘贴已经到位,您不需要自己动手。 如果要换一个新的CPU,则需要用异丙醇清除所有多余的旧糊状物,并使用新的材料。

Worried about what kind of thermal paste to use? Don’t—it doesn’t make that big a difference in your temperatures. If your cooler came with a tube of thermal paste, it’s probably good enough.

担心使用哪种导热膏? 不需要-不会对您的温度造成太大影响 。 如果您的散热器附带一管导热膏,那可能就足够了。

The correct amount of applied paste is, bluntly, “not much.” Both Intel and AMD recommend squeezing a “pea-sized” glob of paste out of the tube (which is either included with the purchase of a CPU-and-cooler combo or sold separately) and onto the direct center of the CPU before placing the cooler on top and affixing it with the mounting hardware. To be perfectly clear, we’re talking about a single drop of material, no more than a centimeter (half an inch) wide at any point. (You may need a little more if you have a rather large CPU, like some of Intel’s six- or eight-core processors.)

坦率地说,正确的粘贴量是“不多”。 英特尔和AMD都建议将“豌豆大小”的糊状物从管中挤出(这是包含在购买CPU和冷却器组合件中或单独出售的),然后放到CPU的直接中央。顶部的冷却器,并用安装硬件固定。 完全清楚地说,我们所说的是一滴材料,在任何一点上宽度都不超过一厘米(半英寸)。 (如果您拥有相当大的CPU,例如Intel的六核或八核处理器,则可能需要多一点。)

Don’t worry if it’s not perfectly even, and don’t try to spread it out across the entire surface of the metal plate. You’re not making a peanut butter sandwich here. The cooler mounts directly onto the CPU itself, so the paste will spread out laterally as it’s compressed, making an ideal surface for heat transfer more or less on its own. Some users have more elaborate methods of covering the CPU, but it really isn’t necessary.

不要担心它是否不完美,也不要尝试将其散布在整个金属板上。 你不是在这里做花生酱三明治。 冷却器直接安装在CPU本身上,因此,糊状物在压缩时会横向扩散,从而成为一个理想的表面,可自行或多或少地进行热传递。 一些用户有更复杂的覆盖CPU的方法,但这实际上不是必需的。

Intel’s official instructional photos for thermal paste application.

If you’re worried about getting it wrong, well, don’t. But if you’re still worried, remember this: too little thermal paste is better than too much. Because the cooler plate and the CPU are so close, too much paste can expand out beyond the chip and the plate, filling into the space of the CPU socket itself and transferring undesirable heat to the CPU’s electrical contacts or the surrounding PCB. That’s bad. If you apply too little paste and your CPU runs too hot resulting in computer crashes, you can always clean it off and reapply, but cleaning paste out of the socket itself is much more problematic.

如果您担心弄错了,那就不要。 但是,如果您仍然担心,请记住以下几点:导热膏太少胜过太多。 由于冷却器板和CPU的距离太近,因此过多的锡膏可能会扩散到芯片和板之外,从而填充到CPU插槽本身的空间中,并将不希望的热量传递给CPU的电触点或周围的PCB。 那很糟。 如果涂抹的糊剂太少,并且CPU运行太热而导致计算机崩溃,则可以随时清除并重新涂抹,但是从插槽本身清除糊剂的问题要多得多。

Once you have the paste applied as above, simply set the cooler on top and screw it into place on the motherboard with its included mounting hardware.


Image credit: Intel

图片来源: 英特尔

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/301063/how-much-thermal-paste-should-i-apply-to-my-cpu/






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