


Would you like to give your Tumblr blog a distinct look with a premium theme?  Let’s look at how you can purchase and add a premium theme to your Tumblr blog in just seconds.

您想给您的Tumblr博客一个高级主题的独特外观吗? 让我们看看如何在几秒钟内购买和向您的Tumblr博客添加高级主题。

Tumblr includes hundreds of beautiful themes, and a wide majority of them are available for free.  Some of the best themes that include stylish touches and features, however, are available in the Premium Themes section.  Some of the premium themes can even make your blog a great portfolio or photography site, complete with transition animations and more.  Here’s how you can purchase a premium Tumblr theme and make your blog more stylish with very little effort.

Tumblr包含数百个精美的主题,并且其中大部分都是免费的。 但是,“高级主题”部分提供了一些包括时尚风格和功能的最佳主题。 一些高级主题甚至可以使您的博客成为一个不错的投资组合或摄影网站,并带有过渡动画等。 这是您可以购买高级Tumblr主题的方法,只需很少的精力即可使您的博客更加时尚。

Find a Premium Theme For Your Blog


Tumblr has a large number of beautiful premium themes available.  You can preview them directly from the Theme Garden (link below) even if you don’t have a Tumblr blog yet.

Tumblr有大量美丽的高级主题可用。 即使您还没有Tumblr博客,也可以直接从主题花园( 下面的链接 )预览它们。


Alternately, you can browse through the available Premium themes directly from your Tumblr customization page.  Login to your Tumblr dashboard, and click the Customize link on the right under your blog’s name.

或者,您可以直接从Tumblr定制页面浏览可用的Premium主题。 登录到您的Tumblr仪表板,然后单击博客名称下方右侧的“ 定制”链接。


Open the Theme tab to look at the available free and premium themes.  Notice that the Premium Themes are listed first, and the standard free themes are listed at the bottom.

打开主题选项卡以查看可用的免费和高级主题。 请注意,高级主题列在第一位,标准免费主题列在底部。


There are a wide variety of premium themes available, and many of them can add unique features to your Tumblr blog.  Whether you’re looking for a theme that’s cute, designed for photography, typography, or just something unique, you’re likely to find one that matches your blog.  Premium themes currently range from $9 to $49, and there’s a wide selection in each price range.

有许多高级主题可用,其中许多主题可以为您的Tumblr博客添加独特的功能。 无论您是要寻找一个可爱的主题,专为摄影,版式设计的主题,还是只是一个独特的主题,您都可能会找到与您的博客匹配的主题。 目前,高级主题的价格从9美元到49美元不等,每个价格范围内都有很多选择。


Once you’ve found a theme you like, click on it to preview it in the main Customize window.  You’ll notice the price of the theme listed directly below it.

找到喜欢的主题后,请在“自定义”主窗口中单击该主题以进行预览。 您会注意到在其正下方列出的主题的价格。


Make sure to look all around the theme in the preview before you purchase it.  The posts displayed will be the default ones from the theme’s sample site, but the header and description will be the unique ones from your blog.  You can even check out the Appearance tab to see what tweaking options you have before you purchase the theme.

在购买之前,请确保在预览中浏览主题周围的所有内容。 显示的帖子将是主题示例站点中的默认帖子,但标题和描述将是您博客中的唯一帖子。 您甚至可以在购买主题之前查看“ 外观”选项卡以查看具有哪些调整选项。


You cannot try customizing the HTML of a Premium theme before you purchase it, however.  Don’t worry; if you do purchase the theme, you can customize the HTML however you want.

但是,您不能在购买前定制高级主题HTML。 不用担心 如果您确实购买了主题,则可以根据需要自定义HTML。


Purchasing a Theme


Once you’re decided on the theme you want, select it in the Theme tab and then click Purchase Theme on the top right.

确定所需主题后,在“ 主题”选项卡中将其选中,然后单击右上角的“ 购买主题 ”。


Your blog customization page will darken, and a popup will open for you to enter your credit card info.  You’ll be reminded of the theme’s price with the stamp on the corner.  Enter you’re payment info, or if you’d prefer to checkout with PayPal click the Use PayPal link at the bottom of the popup.  Once you’re done, click Next to continue.

您的博客自定义页面将变暗,并且将打开一个弹出窗口供您输入信用卡信息。 拐角处的邮票会提醒您主题的价格。 输入您的付款信息,或者如果您想使用PayPal结帐,请点击弹出式窗口底部的Use PayPal链接。 完成后,单击“ 下一步”继续。


Now you’ll see the last four digits of your card listed on the popup.  Click Confirm to purchase the theme with this card, or if the card is incorrect click the change card link at the bottom.

现在,您将在弹出窗口中看到卡的最后四位数字。 单击“ 确认”以使用此卡购买主题,或者,如果卡不正确,请单击底部的“ 更改卡”链接。


Tumblr will take a few moments to process your payment.



Once it’s done, you’ll see the customize dashboard as normal, with the standard Save buttons.  Click Save + Close to apply your brand new premium theme to your blog.

完成后,您将正常看到带有标准“保存”按钮的自定义信息中心。 单击保存+关闭 ,将全新的高级主题应用于您的博客。


Now open your blog in a new tab or window to see your new theme in action. 



Customize Your ThemeAs nice as your new premium theme is, you’ll still likely want to tweak how it looks and works.  The good news is, you can customize your Pro theme just like you would standard free theme.  Your theme may have more or less options in the Appearance tab, depending on the theme.

自定义主题与新的高级主题一样好,您仍然可能需要调整其外观和工作方式。 好消息是,您可以像设置标准免费主题一样自定义Pro主题。 您的主题可能在“ 外观”选项卡中具有或多或少的选项,具体取决于主题。


If you like to tweak your code, feel free to tweak anything in your Pro theme just as you would in a free theme.  Just click the Edit HTML button in the bottom of the Theme tab and tweak to your heart’s content.  Check out some of our Tumblr articles for tips on how to add Disqus comments, Google Analytics, Adsense, and more from the Custom HTML.

如果您想调整代码,请随意调整Pro主题中的任何内容,就像调整免费主题一样。 只需单击“ 主题”选项卡底部的“ 编辑HTML”按钮,然后调整您的内心内容即可。 请查看我们的一些Tumblr文章,以获取有关如何从自定义HTML中添加Disqus评论Google AnalyticsAdsense等的提示。


Or, if you get bored with your theme, feel free to switch to another free or pro theme as before.  Just select the theme to preview it, and click Save in the top right corner.

或者,如果您对主题感到厌倦,请像以前一样随意切换到另一个免费或专业主题。 只需选择主题进行预览,然后单击右上角的保存


Your purchased Pro theme will always stay with this blog account, even if you change your theme in the future.  You should be able to easily locate it, as it will appear in the Premium Themes section as before but will now not show a price.  Simply select the theme to re-apply it.

您购买的Pro主题将始终保留在此博客帐户中,即使您将来更改主题也是如此。 您应该可以轻松找到它,因为它会像以前一样出现在“ 高级主题”部分中,但现在不会显示价格。 只需选择主题以重新应用即可。


Note that you can only use the premium theme on the blog you used to purchase it.  If you have multiple blogs on the same account, you would need to purchase the theme for each blog if you want to use it on both.  Though, as mentioned above, you can keep any premium themes you purchase on the same blog account forever, so you won’t need to worry about losing your purchased themes.

请注意,您只能在用于购买的博客上使用高级主题。 如果同一帐户上有多个博客,则要在两个博客上都使用该主题,则需要为每个博客购买主题。 但是,如上所述,您可以将购买的所有高级主题永久保留在同一博客帐户中,因此您不必担心丢失所购买的主题。



The Premium Tumblr Themes give you a great selection of designs to extend your blog and make it more personalized and unique.  Many of the best free themes are used on thousands of blogs across the net, but a premium theme can give your blog a more unique and beautiful design.  Plus, many of the pro themes have more features that can help you create new types of sites on Tumblr, such as company or showcase sites.  Look through the themes, and see if you find one that can make your blog look more amazing or useful than before!

高级Tumblr主题为您提供了多种设计选择,以扩展您的博客并使其更加个性化和独特。 网络上成千上万的博客使用了许多最好的免​​费主题,但是高级主题可以为您的博客提供更加独特和美观的设计。 另外,许多专业主题具有更多功能,可帮助您在Tumblr上创建新型网站,例如公司或展示网站。 浏览主题,看看是否找到可以使您的博客比以前更令人惊奇或有用的主题!

Or, if you can’t find a theme in the Tumblr gallery that suites your blog, there are many more themes available online directly from other designers




Browse the Premium Theme gallery on Tumblr

浏览Tumblr上的Premium Theme画廊

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/24541/add-a-premium-theme-to-your-tumblr-blog/


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