


Blogging is not much fun without an audience, but how can you get people to visit your new Tumblr blog?  Many of us already use social networks like Facebook and Twitter, so here’s how you can integrate your Tumblr blog with other networks.

没有受众群体,博客的乐趣并不多,但是如何使人们访问您的新Tumblr博客? 我们中的许多人已经使用了Facebook和Twitter等社交网络,因此这是将Tumblr博客与其他网络集成的方式。

Share Your Tumblr Posts on Facebook


Would you like all of your family and friends on Facebook to know all the witty things you post on Tumblr?  It can automatically post to your Facebook wall whenever you publish something on your Tumblr blog.  To activate this, go to your Customize page at tumblr.com/customize and select the Services tab.  Click Setup in the Facebook box to start adding it to your Facebook account.

您希望您在Facebook上的所有家人和朋友都知道您在Tumblr上发布的所有机智内容吗? 每当您在Tumblr博客上发布内容时,它就会自动发布到Facebook墙上。 要激活此功能,请转到tumblr.com/customize的“自定义”页面,然后选择“服务”选项卡。 单击“ Facebook”框中的“ 设置 ”以开始将其添加到您的Facebook帐户。


Sign into your Facebook account if you’re not already signed in, and click the Allow button to grant accesses to the Tumblr application on your account.



Enter your Tumblr blog’s address, and then click Start importing this blog.  If you’re using the default free address, enter your_blog’s_name.tumblr.com; alternately, if you’re using your own custom domain, enter your domain as normal.

输入您的Tumblr博客地址,然后点击开始导入此博客 。 如果您使用默认的免费地址,请输入your_blog's_name .tumblr.com; 或者,如果您使用自己的自定义域 ,请照常输入域。


Click Allow Publishing to approve Tumblr posting on your Facebook wall.

单击“ 允许发布”以批准在您的Facebook墙上发布Tumblr。


Tumblr will ask to access your news feed and wall also; click Allow Access so it can use Facebook services directly in your Tumblr dashboard.

Tumblr还将要求访问您的新闻提要和墙; 单击允许访问,以便它可以直接在您的Tumblr仪表板中使用Facebook服务。


Finally, click Allow to let the Tumblr Facebook app remember you so you won’t have to re-approve it every time.

最后,单击允许让Tumblr Facebook应用记住您,这样您就不必每次都重新批准它。


Once you’re done, you’ll be informed that your Tumblr posts will automatically be imported to Facebook.  If you need to change one of the configurations, click Disable and reconfigure; otherwise, you’re good to go!

完成后,您将被告知您的Tumblr帖子将自动导入到Facebook。 如果需要更改其中一种配置,请单击“ 禁用并重新配置” 。 否则,你很好!


Now, whenever you post something on Tumblr, it’ll be posted on your Facebook wall also for all of your friends to see.  Short posts such as link and quote posts usually show the entire post on Facebook, but longer posts will only show the title and opening sentences, and then you’ll have to click View post to see the rest.

现在,每当您在Tumblr上发布内容时,该内容也将发布在您的Facebook墙上,以供您的所有朋友查看。 诸如链接和引用帖子之类的简短帖子通常会在Facebook上显示整个帖子,而较长的帖子只会显示标题和开头的句子,然后您必须单击“ 查看帖子”才能查看其余内容。


The update will change depending on your post style.  Here we’ve posted an mp3 on Tumblr, and it showed up with a play button on Facebook.  The “button” is actually just a link to our Tumblr post, so your friends will still have to head over to your Tumblr blog to listen to audio or view other multimedia content you may post.

更新将根据您的帖子样式而变化。 在这里,我们在Tumblr上发布了mp3,并在Facebook上显示了播放按钮。 “按钮”实际上只是指向我们Tumblr帖子的链接,因此您的朋友仍将不得不转到您的Tumblr博客来收听音频或查看您可能发布的其他多媒体内容。


Unfortunately, Tumblr cannot automatically post to fan pages; it can only post to your personal wall.  If you’re using Tumblr for a company or publicity blog and want to put your posts on your Fan page, you’ll need to post them manually or use an alternative service such as twitterfeed which can also post to Facebook.

不幸的是,Tumblr无法自动发布到粉丝页面。 它只能发布到您的个人墙上。 如果您将Tumblr用于公司或宣传博客,并且希望将自己的帖子放在“粉丝”页面上,则需要手动将其发布或使用替代服务(例如twitterfeed)也可以发布到Facebook。

Add Twitter to Tumblr


While Facebook is great for communicating with family and friends, you might want to spread your posts to a bit broader audience.  Twitter’s openness makes it a great way for others to discover your posts, and we increasingly find Twitter our social network of choice.  Tumblr works great with Twitter; to add it to your Tumblr, open the Customize page and select Services as above.  This time, check the Send my Tumblr posts to Twitter box and click the Sign in with Twitter button.

尽管Facebook非常适合与家人和朋友交流,但您可能希望将您的帖子传播给更广泛的受众。 Twitter的开放性使其成为其他人发现您的帖子的好方法,而且我们越来越多地选择Twitter作为我们的首选社交网络。 Tumblr在Twitter上表现出色。 要将其添加到您的Tumblr中,请打开“ 自定义”页面,然后选择上述服务 。 这次,选中“ 将我的Tumblr帖子发送到Twitter”框,然后单击“ 使用Twitter登录”按钮。


Sign in to you Twitter account if you’re not already, and then click Allow to add the Tumblr application to your Twitter account.  Now Tumblr will automatically post a tweet whenever you publish a new post.

如果尚未登录,请登录到您的Twitter帐户,然后单击“ 允许”将Tumblr应用程序添加到您的Twitter帐户。 现在,Tumblr会在您发布新帖子时自动发布一条推文。


Here’s how one of our articles showed up on Twitter.  Note that it says it was tweeted from Tumblr, and also uses a special Tumblr.com short URL.

这是我们的一篇文章在Twitter上的显示方式。 请注意,它说是从Tumblr发的推文,并且还使用了特殊的Tumblr.com短URL。


Sometimes you might like to write something on Tumblr but not share it on Twitter.  If so, just uncheck the Send to Twitter box when composing a new post.

有时您可能想在Tumblr上写一些东西,但不希望在Twitter上分享。 如果是这样,在撰写新帖子时只需取消选中“ 发送到Twitter”框。


Or, if you’d rather just change Tumblr tweets when your post goes live, click the Edit link and add your own text.  Leave the [URL] in, as this will be replaced with the link to your post.

或者,如果您只想在发布帖子时更改Tumblr鸣叫,请单击“ 编辑”链接并添加您自己的文本。 保留[URL] ,因为它将替换为您帖子的链接。


Use Twitter From Your Tumblr Dashboard


Once you’ve added a Twitter account to Tumblr as above, you can integrate Twitter with Tumblr very nicely.  From your Preferences page at tumblr.com/preferences, you can select to show Twitter updates in your main dashboard feed.  Do note that if you follow many people on Twitter, it may be hard to keep up with on the Dashboard.

如上所述将一个Twitter帐户添加到Tumblr后,就可以很好地将Twitter与Tumblr集成。 在tumblr.com/preferences的“首选项”页面上,您可以选择在主仪表板源中显示Twitter更新。 请注意,如果您在Twitter上关注许多人,则可能很难跟上Dashboard的关注。


Or, you can just access your twitter feed from the drop-down menu on your Dashboard.  Click the arrow beside your blog’s name, and then select your Twitter name.

或者,您可以仅从仪表板上的下拉菜单访问Twitter提要。 单击您的博客名称旁边的箭头,然后选择您的Twitter名称。


Now you can view use Tumblr as a Twitter app.  You can view and post tweets, or even reblog a tweet on your Tumblr blog.

现在您可以查看将Tumblr用作Twitter应用程序。 您可以查看和发布推文,甚至可以在Tumblr博客上重新发布推文。




Although social networks have taken the place of blogs for many people, Tumblr makes it easy to bring the best of both worlds together.  This is a great way to post a picture, quote, or more, and immediately share it with your Tumblr and Twitter followers and Facebook friends in one click.  We especially liked the way we could customize the Twitter post, and wish you could customize what was posted on Facebook the same way.  If you need to share your Tumblr posts with more friends, you can often use your Tumblr’s RSS feed to post to other networks such as Google Buzz.  Let us know what networks you share your Tumblr posts on, or if the Tumblr ecosystem has replaced other social networks for you!

尽管社交网络已取代了许多人的博客,但Tumblr可以轻松地将两全其美的内容融合在一起。 这是发布图片,报价或更多内容并立即与您的Tumblr和Twitter关注者以及Facebook朋友分享的好方法。 我们特别喜欢我们可以自定义Twitter帖子的方式,希望您可以以相同的方式自定义Facebook上发布的内容。 如果您需要与更多朋友共享Tumblr帖子,则通常可以使用Tumblr的RSS feed来发布到其他网络,例如Google Buzz。 让我们知道您分享您的Tumblr帖子的网络,或者Tumblr生态系统是否为您替代了其他社交网络!

If you’re just getting started with Tumblr, don’t forget to check our other Tumblr tutorials, including:


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/23640/integrate-your-tumblr-blog-with-social-networks/


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