


Backups and redundancy schemes are both data protection methods, but they are not interchangeable. Join us as we explore what makes them different, and why that’s important to you.

备份和冗余方案都是数据保护方法,但是它们不可互换。 与我们一起探索我们与众不同的原因,以及为什么这对您很重要。

Redundancy is a data protection method intended as a real-time fail-safe measure against hard drive failure. A common redundancy feature found in servers and NAS boxes to prevent data loss is RAID (which stands for Redundant Array of Independent Disks), which creates multiple copies of files across several hard drives. If one hard drive in the array fails, the other hard drives pick up the slack with (usually) no interruption. A backup, on the other hand, doesn’t provide real-time protection, but it does provide protection against a greater set of problems, including failed drives, device theft, fire, or even just accidentally deleting files.

冗余是一种数据保护方法,旨在作为针对硬盘驱动器故障的实时故障保护措施。 服务器和NAS盒中用于防止数据丢失的常见冗余功能是RAID (代表独立磁盘冗余阵列),它可在多个硬盘驱动器上创建文件的多个副本。 如果阵列中的一个硬盘驱动器发生故障,则其他硬盘驱动器会(通常)不间断地吸收松弛。 另一方面,备份不能提供实时保护,但可以提供保护以防止出现更多问题,包括驱动器故障,设备失窃,失火甚至是意外删除文件。

冗余实际上是为了什么 (What Redundancy Is Actually For)

In a nutshell, redundant data storage provides a real-time fail-safe against hard drive failure rather than an actual backup of your data. The idea is that the other hard drives in the array can immediately kick in and save the day without any downtime. This type of redundancy is typically used on servers or NAS boxes where the downtime of recovering from a failed hard drive is not an option.

简而言之,冗余数据存储提供了针对硬盘驱动器故障的实时故障保护,而不是数据的实际备份。 这个想法是阵列中的其他硬盘驱动器可以立即启动并节省一天的时间,而无需任何停机时间。 这种类型的冗余通常用在服务器或NAS盒上,这些服务器或NAS盒无法从故障硬盘中恢复。

And that right there is really the main purpose of redundant storage: reliability and uptime. If a hard drive fails and there’s no data redundancy in place, it can temporarily take out all of the data until the failed hard drive can get replaced and a backup can be restored.

正确的做法实际上就是冗余存储的主要目的:可靠性和正常运行时间。 如果硬盘驱动器发生故障并且没有数据冗余,它可以暂时取出所有数据,直到可以更换发生故障的硬盘驱动器并可以恢复备份为止。

Redundancy isn’t as important for regular consumers like you and me, but it’s critical for businesses that rely on data storage. This is especially true for companies that offer cloud storage or file hosting—any kind of downtime is bad for business.

冗余对于像您和我这样的普通消费者而言并不那么重要,但是对于依赖数据存储的企业而言,它至关重要。 对于提供云存储或文件托管的公司来说尤其如此,任何类型的停机都对业务不利。

备份可防止所有类型的数据丢失 (Backups Protect Against All Types of Data Loss)

There are a lot of ways you can lose data: accidental deletion, file corruption, drive failure, malware, software bugs, theft, damage, and more. Redundancy only protects against drive failure, whereas a true backup protects against every one of these factors (or at least most of them).

丢失数据的方式有很多:意外删除,文件损坏,驱动器故障,恶意软件,软件错误,盗窃,损坏等。 冗余只能防止驱动器发生故障,而真正的备份可以防止这些因素中的每一个(或至少其中大多数)。

Let’s take accidental file deletion as an example. If you accidentally delete a file, redundancy won’t save you, since the redundant copy of the file in the RAID setup also gets deleted.

让我们以意外删除文件为例。 如果您不小心删除了文件,冗余将无法保存您,因为RAID设置中文件的冗余副本也会被删除。

The backup, though, would have that accidentally-deleted file still intact on a completely separate, independent storage medium. This is why you should always back up even your NAS, even if it’s already set up for RAID.

但是,备份将在完全独立的独立存储介质上保留意外删除的文件的完整性。 因此,即使已为RAID设置NAS ,也应始终备份

您应该如何备份数据 (How You Should Back Up Your Data)

If you regularly back up all the files on your computer to a separate hard drive and call it a day, that’s great, but it’s only a start. The truth is, you may not be doing as good of a job as you could be when it comes to backing up your data.

如果您有规律地将计算机上的所有文件备份到单独的硬盘驱动器上,并且每天都将其命名,那很好,但这只是一个开始。 事实是,在备份数据时,您可能做得不尽如人意。

Ideally, you want to have both a local backup of your data and a backup stored at an offsite location. The local backup is there to keep you protected against things like accidental file deletion and hard drive failure. Having an immediately accessible backup means restoring is that much faster.

理想情况下,您既要对数据进行本地备份,又要在异地存储备份。 本地备份可确保您免受意外文件删除和硬盘驱动器故障的伤害。 拥有可立即访问的备份意味着还原要快得多。

But, what if your computer and your local backup drive are stolen? What if your home is hit by natural disaster? That offsite backup means that after you replace your computer, you can still restore all your data. Having that second copy of your backup also means you’re better protected in case one of those backups fails.

但是,如果您的计算机和本地备份驱动器被盗怎么办? 如果您的家遭受自然灾害怎么办? 异地备份意味着更换计算机后,您仍然可以还原所有数据。 拥有备份的第二个副本还意味着在其中一个备份失败的情况下,可以更好地保护您。

On top of having multiple backups, it’s important that you store them not only in completely separate locations, but that you store them in safe locations. For example, you could store one in a safe deposit box at your local bank and the second one in your own safe at home. Or you could even have one of your backup methods be to the cloud, which instantly takes care of the separate and safe location.

除了具有多个备份外,重要的是不仅将它们存储在完全独立的位置,而且还要将它们存储在安全的位置。 例如,您可以将一个存放在本地银行的保险箱中,将另一个存放在自己家里的保险箱中。 或者,您甚至可以将其中一种备份方法存储到云中,从而立即处理单独且安全的位置。

In the end, if all you do is plug in an external hard drive and sync files to it whenever you remember to do so, that’s better than nothing. Hell, if they’re not super important files or anything, then sure, what’s the problem, right? But you likely have some data on your computer that you’d be devastated over if you completely lost it. So do yourself a favor and do your backup due diligence!

最后,如果您要做的就是插入外部硬盘驱动器,并在您记得这样做时将文件同步到它,那总比没有好。 地狱,如果它们不是超重要的文件或其他任何东西,那么可以肯定,这是什么问题,对吗? 但是,如果您完全丢失了计算机上的某些数据,则可能会遭受破坏。 因此,请您帮个忙,并做好备份尽职调查!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/346907/backups-vs.-redundancy-what’s-the-difference/






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