
You’re browsing the processes on your Mac using Activity Monitor when you notice something you don’t recognize: configd. What is this, and should you be worried?

当您发现不认识的东西:已配置时,您正在使用活动监视器在Mac上浏览进程。 这是什么,您应该担心吗?

This article is part of our ongoing series explaining various processes found in Activity Monitor, like kernel_task, hidd, mdsworker, installd, WindowServer, blued, launchd, backup, opendirectoryd, powerd, coreauthd, and many others. Don’t know what those services are? Better start reading!

这篇文章是一部分我们正在进行一系列解释各种进程在活动监视器中发现,像kernel_taskhiddmdsworkerINSTALLDWindowServer发蓝launchd会备份opendirectoryd的powerdcoreauthd ,和其他许多人 。 不知道这些服务是什么? 最好开始阅读!

You shouldn’t worry about configd—this is a core part of macOS. This particular process is a daemon, which means it runs in the background and handles critical system tasks. This particular daemon is the System Configuration Server, which means it monitors and reports on your Mac’s settings and status. To quote the configd man page:

您不必担心configd-这是macOS的核心部分。 这个特定的过程是一个守护进程,这意味着它在后台运行并处理关键的系统任务。 这个特定的守护程序是系统配置服务器,这意味着它监视并报告Mac的设置和状态。 引用configd手册页

The configd daemon is responsible for many configuration aspects of the local system. configd maintains data reflecting the desired and current state of the system, provides notifications to applications when this data changes, and hosts a number of configuration agents in the form of loadable bundles.

configd守护程序负责本地系统的许多配置方面。 configd维护反映系统所需状态和当前状态的数据,在此数据更改时向应用程序提供通知,并以可装入捆绑包的形式托管许多配置代理。

That’s a lot to break down, but it all becomes more clear when you take a look at the mentioned bundles. According to O’Reilly’s Safari, these are found in /System/Library/SystemConfiguration.

要分解的东西很多,但是当您查看所提到的捆绑软件时,一切都会变得更加清楚。 根据O'Reilly的Safari的介绍 ,这些文件位于/ System / Library / SystemConfiguration中。

A quick glance shoes that most of these bundles are related to networking. There’s one for IP configuration, for example, and others for the macOS firewall and PPP. But it’s not all network related: these bundles also monitor things like printers and user preferences.

快速浏览一下,这些捆绑包中的大多数都与网络相关。 例如,有一个用于IP配置,另一个用于macOS防火墙和PPP。 但这并不是所有与网络相关的:这些捆绑软件还监视打印机和用户偏好设置。

Basically, when something changes on your system, it’s usually configd that notices first, and it’s configd that sends notifications to your other programs. This allows them to adapt to the new setup.

基本上,当系统上发生某些更改时,通常先进行配置,然后再将通知发送到其他程序。 这使他们能够适应新的设置。

What does this look like? Well, if an application has an offline mode, configd is what tells that application when your internet isn’t connected. If you’re trying to print a document, configd lets applications know whether the printer is connected or not. If you change a setting of some sort, configd lets all of your applications know about that. It’s a simple job, but it needs to be done in order for your system to function.

看起来像什么? 好吧,如果应用程序具有脱机模式,则在未连接Internet时,configd会告诉该应用程序。 如果您要打印文档,则configd可使应用程序知道打印机是否已连接。 如果您更改某种设置,则configd会让所有应用程序都知道这一点。 这是一项简单的工作,但是需要完成它才能使系统正常运行。

If you use a third party firewall, you might see a lot of configd-related pop ups. This is normal, because a huge part of configd’s job is monitoring your current network status. In fact, Apple specifically tells users not to block configd with a firewall for this reason.

如果使用第三方防火墙,则可能会看到许多与配置相关的弹出窗口。 这是正常现象,因为configd的大部分工作是监视您当前的网络状态。 实际上, Apple明确告诉用户,出于这个原因, 不要使用防火墙阻止配置

You shouldn’t really see configd taking up a lot of system resources, but if it does restarting your Mac should usually solve the problem. You could also try kill the process in Activity Monitor; it will start back up immediately.

您应该不会真正看到configd占用了大量系统资源,但是如果确实重新配置Mac,通常可以解决该问题。 您也可以尝试在“活动监视器”中终止该进程; 它将立即开始备份。

Photo credit: guteksk7/Shutterstock.com

图片来源: guteksk7 / Shutterstock.com

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/338196/what-is-configd-and-why-is-it-running-on-my-mac/





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