

So you got a shiny new Android phone. You changed the wallpaper, bought a case that you like, arranged your home screens…you know, made it yours. Then someone calls. Why on earth are you still using a stock ringtone? Get that out of here—it’s time to not only make it look like yours, but sound like it too.

因此,您有了一部闪亮的新Android手机。 您更换了墙纸,买了一个喜欢的盒子,整理了主屏幕……知道了,把它做成了。 然后有人打电话。 到底为什么您仍在使用普通铃声? 摆脱困境–是时候不仅使它看起来像您的了,而且听起来也是如此。

Making ringtones for your Android phone is actually pretty easy, and there are a few different ways to do it: on the desktop, on the web, and directly from the phone. And once you have the perfect tone, all you have to do is drop it into the correct folder (or, in the case of Android Oreo, just add it to the list).

为您的Android手机制作铃声实际上非常容易,并且有几种不同的制作方式:在台式机,网络上以及直接从手机上进行。 一旦有了完美的音调,您所要做的就是将其放入正确的文件夹中(或者,对于Android Oreo,只需将其添加到列表中即可)。

Before we get started, it’s worth noting that you can only do this with files you actually have—streaming music won’t work. Even music downloaded for offline playback from Google Play Music (or similar) can’t be edited, so you must have access to a tried and true MP3 file for this.

在我们开始之前,值得注意的是,您只能对实际拥有的文件执行此操作-流音乐将不起作用。 即使是从Google Play音乐(或类似产品)下载用于离线播放的音乐,也无法进行编辑,因此您必须有权使用经过尝试且真实的MP3文件。

Got one? Alright, let’s continue.

拿到一个? 好吧,让我们继续。

最简单的方法:在网络上使用MP3 Cut (The Easiest Method: Using MP3 Cut on the Web)

Doing things that require software downloads, encoders, and all that other stuff sin’t your flavor? Fret not, dear friend, because like with virtually everything else, there’s a way to do this on the web. It’s arguably easier, so if you’re not a total glutton for punishment, this may be the way to go for you.

需要软件下载,编码器以及所有其他东西的东西不是您的口味吗? 亲爱的朋友,不要担心,因为几乎和其他所有东西一样,有一种方法可以在网上进行。 可以说这比较容易,因此,如果您不是一个嘴的惩罚者,这也许是您的理想选择。

While there are undoubtedly several different ways to do this on the web, we’re going to be using mp3cut.net’s online audio cutter for the job, because it lets you open files from your computer, but also sync with Drive, Dropbox, or use a custom URL. Basically, it’s stupid-versatile. Let’s get to it.

毫无疑问,在网络上有几种不同的方法可以执行此操作,但我们将使用mp3cut.net的在线音频剪切程序 ,因为它可以让您从计算机中打开文件,还可以与Drive,Dropbox或使用自定义网址。 基本上,它是愚蠢的。 让我们开始吧。

Once you’ve opened mp3cut.net, click the “Open File” link. It’s a huge blue box that’s kind of hard to miss. Select the file you want to cut. It’ll upload with a nice pretty animation, and you’ll be ready to go.

打开mp3cut.net后 ,单击“打开文件”链接。 这是一个很难错过的巨大蓝框。 选择要剪切的文件。 它将以漂亮的漂亮动画上载,您可以开始使用。


The first thing you’ll notice is that MP3 Cut only uses sliders for the selection area—there’s no way to fine-tune it like with Audacity. This can make the process a bit more tedious, but it probably won’t be too bad if you’re not a perfectionist. You’ll also notice that it has options for “Fade in” and “Fade out.” That’s nice if you want the tone to be a bit more subtle.

您会注意到的第一件事是MP3 Cut仅将滑块用于选择区域,无法像Audacity那样对其进行微调。 这可能会使过程变得更加乏味,但是如果您不是完美主义者,它可能不会糟糕。 您还会注意到,它具有“淡入”和“淡出”选项。 如果您希望音调更微妙,那就太好了。


Go ahead and start moving the sliders till you get your exact selection. If you want, slide the “Fade in” and “Fade out” toggles accordingly.

继续并开始移动滑块,直到获得准确的选择。 如果需要,请相应地滑动“淡入”和“淡出”切换。

If, for some reason, you’d rather save this file as something other than an MP3, you can do that at the bottom. Keep in mind, though, MP3s work best for Android ringtones.

如果出于某种原因,您希望将此文件另存为MP3以外的其他文件,则可以在底部进行操作。 不过请记住,MP3最适合Android铃声。


When you’ve finalized both the selection and file type, go ahead and click the “Cut” button. It’ll quickly process the file, then give you the download link. It’s all pretty simple.

完成选择和文件类型的确定后,继续并单击“剪切”按钮。 它会快速处理文件,然后为您提供下载链接。 这一切都非常简单。


And that’s pretty much it. Your new tone is now ready for transfer—you can check the last section of this guide on how to transfer it over USB or in the cloud.

就是这样。 现在可以准备传输新的音调了-您可以查看本指南的最后部分,了解如何通过USB或在云端传输音色。

对于完美主义者:在计算机上使用Audacity (For the Perfectionist: Use Audacity on Your Computer)

Since we want to keep this as cheap as possible, we’ll be using Audacity—a free, open source, cross-platform audio editor—to edit the MP3 file. If you already have some sort of audio editor that you’re comfortable with, you can use that—the instructions probably won’t be exactly the same, but it should at least give you the idea.

由于我们希望使它尽可能便宜,因此我们将使用Audacity(一种免费的开放源代码,跨平台音频编辑器)来编辑MP3文件。 如果您已经熟悉某种音频编辑器,则可以使用它—说明可能不会完全相同,但至少应该可以给您带来启发。

Once you have Audacity installed on your computer, you’ll need to install the LAME encoder, which will allow you to export MP3 files in Audacity. Grab the one from here and install it. Audacity will automatically find it when it comes time to export your finished ringtone. Make sure you have your MP3 ready to go as well, because you can’t very well create a ringtone without a file to create a tone from, right? Right.

一旦在计算机上安装了Audacity,就需要安装LAME编码器,这将使您能够导出Audacity中的MP3文件。 从这里拿起一个并安装。 当需要导出完成的铃声时,Audacity会自动找到它。 确保您还准备好了MP3,因为如果没有文件来创建铃声,就无法很好地创建铃声,对吗? 对。

Now that you have all that out of the way, launch Audacity and go to File > Open, then navigate to where your MP3 is saved.



Once opened, Audacity will scan the file and open it in the editor. If you’re not sure which part of the song you want to use as your tone, go ahead and give it a listen. Make sure to pay attention to the “Audio Position” bar at the bottom, which will tell you exactly where you are in the song you are. That way you’ll know just where you want the tone to start.

打开后,Audacity将扫描文件并在编辑器中将其打开。 如果不确定要用作乐曲的哪一部分,请继续收听。 确保注意底部的“音频位置”栏,该栏会准确告诉您您在歌曲中的位置。 这样一来,您就知道要从哪里开始发声。


If you’re having a hard time pinning the exact time down, you can use the “Zoom In” tool in the toolbar. This is invaluable when trying to make the exact selection.

如果您很难确定确切的时间,可以使用工具栏中的“放大”工具。 尝试进行精确选择时,这是无价的。


Once you’ve got the perfect starting point, just repeat the process for the end. I find that it’s much easier to just manually type in the “Selection Start” and “End” times than it is to click the perfect spot. Thirty seconds is generally a good amount of time for a ringtone, but you can make it as short or long as you want. If it’s shorter than the average ring time, it’ll just loop. If it’s longer, it won’t play the entire thing.

一旦有了完美的起点,只需重复此过程即可结束。 我发现,手动输入“选择开始”和“结束”时间比单击完美位置要容易得多。 铃声通常需要30秒,但是您可以根据需要将其设置为短或长。 如果比平均响铃时间短,它将循环播放。 如果更长,它将无法播放全部内容。


When you think you’ve got it just right, go ahead and give it a listen. Tweak as needed here to get it exactly right. Be as precise as you can be for the best tone possible.

如果您认为自己做对了,请继续听一听。 在此处根据需要进行调整以使其完全正确。 尽可能精确,以获得最佳音调。

Now that you have your selection highlighted, it’s time to export it. Head up to File, then choose the “Export Selection” option. Name the file something other than the original, that way you don’t accidentally overwrite the full song with your ringtone, then select “MP3” as the file type. Click “Save.”

现在突出显示了您的选择,是时候导出它了。 转到“文件”,然后选择“导出选择”选项。 为文件命名而不是原始文件,以免意外用铃声覆盖完整的歌曲,然后选择“ MP3”作为文件类型。 点击“保存”。


If for some reason you want to edit the track’s metadata, you can do that here. I generally just leave it alone though. Click “OK” when you’re finished.

如果出于某种原因要编辑曲目的元数据,则可以在此处进行。 我通常只是不理会它。 完成后,单击“确定”。


The track will save, and you’re finished. You can close Audacity now—it will probably ask if you want to save changes before closing, but since you’ve already exported your ringtone as a new file, you don’t have to do this. Just click “No.”

曲目将保存,您完成了。 您现在可以关闭Audacity,它可能会询问您是否要在关闭之前保存更改,但是由于您已经将铃声导出为新文件,因此不必这样做。 只需单击“否”。

Your ringtone is finished—you can jump down to the “Where to Save Ringtone Files” section at the bottom of this guide.


方便起见:在手机上使用Ringtone Creator (For Convenience: Using Ringtone Creator on Your Phone)

Look at you, mobile warrior. You’re not the type to go running towards a computer for every little thing you need, are you? “Nah, I can do this from my phone” you tell yourself. I like your style.

看着你,机动战士。 您不是那种需要每样小东西奔向计算机的人吗? 你告诉自己:“不,我可以用手机做到这一点。” 我喜欢你的风格。

And fortunately for you, creating ringtones on your phone is something that’s super easy to do, thanks to an app called Ringtone Maker. While uniquely named or well designed it is not, it’s functional and easy to use, which is really what we want here.

对您来说幸运的是,借助名为Ringtone Maker的应用,在手机上创建铃声非常容易。 虽然不是唯一的名称或设计合理的名称,但它功能强大且易于使用,这正是我们在此想要的。

When you open the app, it should detect all MP3 files on your phone. Opening the file for editing is a little bit counter-intuitive in Ringtone Maker—tapping the song name will simply play it. In order to open it for editing, you’ll need to tap the down arrow on the right side of the file name, then select “Edit.”

当您打开应用程序,它可以检测你的手机上的所有MP3文件。 在Ringtone Maker中打开文件进行编辑有点违反直觉,只需轻按歌曲名称即可播放。 为了打开它进行编辑,您需要点击文件名右侧的向下箭头,然后选择“编辑”。


Once the editor is open, you can start selecting the section you’d like to save as a ringtone. This is a lot like the above methods, though Ringtone Maker is a bit more like Audacity than MP3 Cut since it allows you to not only use the sliders, but also key in exact beginning and end times.

打开编辑器后,您可以开始选择要另存为铃声的部分。 这与上述方法非常相似,尽管Ringtone Maker比MP3 Cut更像Audacity,因为它不仅使您可以使用滑块,而且可以键入确切的开始和结束时间。


With the perfect section highlighted, hit the icon that looks like an old-school floppy disc at the top.



That will open the “Save as” dialog, where you can name your tone and specify whether you want it to be saved as a ringtone, alarm, notification, or music. Since we’re doing ringtones here, just use that.

这将打开“另存为”对话框,您可以在其中命名您的声音并指定是否要将其保存为铃声,警报,通知或音乐。 由于我们在这里制作铃声,因此只需使用它即可。


After the file is saved, you can choose to make it the default ringtone, assign it to a contact, or share it right from within the app. Ringtone Maker will automatically save the file in the correct location so you’ll see it in Android’s Settings > Sounds menu, which will make it easy to access later if you decide not to assign it as the tone right now.

保存文件后,您可以选择将其设置为默认铃声,将其分配给联系人或在应用程序内直接共享。 Ringtone Maker会自动将文件保存在正确的位置,因此您会在Android的“设置”>“声音”菜单中看到该文件,如果您决定现在不将其指定为铃声,则以后可以轻松访问该文件。


That’s it, you’re finished. Wasn’t that easy?

就是这样,您完成了。 那不是那么容易吗?

如何在Android Oreo中添加铃声 (How to Add Ringtones in Android Oreo)

In Oreo, you can add your newly-created ringtone directly from the Sounds menu. Thanks for that, Google.

在Oreo中,您可以直接从“声音”菜单添加新创建的铃声。 谢谢你,谷歌。

First, pull down the notification shade and tap the gear icon. From there, scroll down to “Sound” and tap it.

首先,下拉通知栏,然后点击齿轮图标。 从那里向下滚动到“声音”并点按它。

Tap on the “Phone Ringtone” entry.


Scroll all the way to the bottom of the list, then choose the “Add ringtone” option. This will open the file picker, where you can navigate to a newly transferred or downloaded tone.

一直滚动到列表底部,然后选择“添加铃声”选项。 这将打开文件选择器,您可以在其中导航到新传输或下载的声音。

The new ringtone will then show up in the list—keep in mind that it’s alphebetized, so it won’t be added directly to the bottom. So easy.

然后,新的铃声将显示在列表中-请记住,它已按字母顺序进行了排序,因此不会直接添加到底部。 太简单。

在Android Nougat和旧版本中在哪里保存铃声 (Where to Save Ringtones in Android Nougat and Older)

If you didn’t use Ringtone Maker, there’s one final step in older versions of Android. Android doesn’t scan the whole system for usable ringtones—instead, it just checks one or two locations. So you have to put your MP3 in the right place on your phone.

如果您不使用Ringtone Maker,则旧版本的Android要迈出最后一步。 Android不会扫描整个系统中是否有可用的铃声,而是仅检查一个或两个位置。 因此,您必须将MP3放在手机上的正确位置。

There are a few ways you can transfer the file to your phone: you can do it from the computer over USB, or just save it to a cloud storage service like Google Drive or Dropbox. It really doesn’t matter which one you choose, though it’s probably a little quicker to just do it over USB.

有几种方法可以将文件传输到手机:您可以通过USB通过计算机完成文件传输,也可以将其保存到Google云端硬盘或Dropbox等云存储服务中。 选择哪一个都不重要,尽管通过USB进行连接可能会更快一些。

If transferring over USB, just create a new folder on the root of your device’s storage partition (this is the default location when you open the phone with a file explorer) called “Ringtones,” then copy/paste the file there. No, really, it’s that easy. That’s it.

如果通过USB传输,只需在设备存储分区的根目录(使用文件资源管理器打开手机的默认位置)上创建一个名为“铃声”的新文件夹,然后将文件复制/粘贴到该文件夹​​中即可。 不,真的,就是这么简单。 而已。


If you decide to transfer the file using a cloud storage service, just save the file to the Ringtones folder on the root of the storage partition. If that folder doesn’t already exist, just create it.

如果您决定使用云存储服务传输文件,只需将文件保存到存储分区根目录下的Ringtones文件夹中即可。 如果该文件夹尚不存在,只需创建它。


Android should instantly see your new ringtone in Settings > Sounds > Phone ringtone, but in some cases it may require the phone to reboot before it shows up. You can also assign your custom ringtones to specific contacts, so you always know who’s calling.

Android应该会立即在“设置”>“声音”>“手机铃声”中看到您的新铃声,但是在某些情况下,它可能需要重新启动手机才能显示。 您还可以将自定义铃声分配给特定的联系人 ,以便您始终知道谁在打电话。


While creating the perfect ringtone may seem like a slightly tedious process, it’s actually quite simple and gets easier every time you do it. A couple of snips here and there, save the file, and viola! you’ve got yourself a shiny new sound file so you can easily tell your phone apart from everyone else’s. Good for you and your free-thinking self.

虽然创建完美的铃声似乎有些繁琐,但实际上非常简单,每次操作都会变得更加简单。 在这里和那里剪几下,保存文件,然后中提琴! 您将拥有一个崭新的声音文件,因此可以轻松地将手机与其他所有人区分开。 对您和您自由思考的自我都有好处。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/252565/how-to-create-custom-ringtones-for-your-android-phone/





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